Why did Tik Tok delete my account?

So many TikTok users recently reported that their account got deleted without any notifications and any reason. TikToKers are now looking for methods to get their deleted accounts back and to know why this happened to them.

After lots of research, I came to know the reasons why TikTok randomly deleted accounts, and I have brought them to you.

Reasons why TikTok deleted your account

There are two main answers to why TikTok deleted your account, which I’ve brought for you below:

  • TikTok Is Deleting Accounts after Its $5.7M Compliance Violation

Tiktok was punished by FTC and was forced to pay $5.7M due to violating child privacy laws, and that is why it is randomly deleting lots of accounts which do not qualify with its new restrictions.

After the recent FTC settlement, which has forced TikTok to change their terms in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA, users who fall under the minimum age requirement will now have to get parental approval for creating an account on TikTok.

So if TikTok suddenly deleted your account, you might be under 13 years old, or you might have entered the wrong birthdate.

  • You have violated TikTok’s terms of services.

Another reason for an account to get deleted is the violation of terms. That can include things like posting copyrighted content, spam, hate speech, or pornographic videos. I cannot say for sure what was the reason you got your account deleted, but you should see some explanation when you try to log back into the account.

How to get my deleted TikTok account back?

If your TikTok was deleted due to violating TikTok terms of service or misusing the platform, there is no way to get your account back but to check your chance; you can contact TikTok support.

In case your TikTok was deleted because of being underage matter, you will have to verify your true age with a copy of their government ID, and there is a chance that you can get your deleted TikTok account back.

How do I delete my TikTok account?

There might be many reasons why you are looking to delete your TikTok account, and I am going to explain how to exactly do that. You can get it done quite quickly and easily via the app through your account settings. 

Before deleting a TikTok account, be aware that you will not be able to recover your account once you’ve deleted it. Anyways, if you have made the decision to delete your account, here is how:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your device.
  2. Log into your account if needed.
  3. Go to your profile or the “Me” section.
  4. Tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen.
  5. Search to find the “Manage my account.”
  6. Click on “Delete account” at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Follow the guides on the screen to confirm your choice to delete.

How to leave a group on Facebook?

To leave the Facebook group, from home tap Groups>select the group you are going to leave>Tap three-dot icon on top right>Leave group.

Facebook is now a great platform for all users. the number of Facebook active users is increasing daily. the more Facebook gets users, the more the users get problems with different parts of Facebook. On the first day, Facebook was more simple than what it is now. Facebook now seems very complicated and sometimes without a tutorial you may not find how to fix your issues.

Groups are one of the most significant parts of Instagram, in which users share their ideas. Facebook Groups can be public or private. They can have their own privacy setting. It depends on the admin of the page. People can add you to the groups that can be like a headache. If you are tired of getting notifications that others added you to the groups, you can also change the privacy in which people cannot add you to the different groups.

If you have already been added to the groups, you can also leave the page. Here in this blog I will explain the way you can leave the Facebook groups. Meanwhile, you can read more about the social media tips and tricks on InoSocial.

Also read more about how to view Facebook

How to leave a group on Facebook

To leave a group on Facebook on desktop:

Open Facebook and log in to your account.

  1. From the left menu find the “groups”. If you can’t see that, click see more
  2. Select the group you are going to leave
  3. Click the three dot icon on top right
  4. Select leave group

Confirm the action by clicking on leave group. Done!

To leave a group on Facebook on mobile:

Almost you have the same way to leave any groups on Facebook using mobile phones. Open Facebook and log in to your account

  1. From the left menu find the “groups”. If you can’t see that, click see more
  2. Select the group you are going to leave
  3. Click the three-dot icon on the top right
  4. Select leave group

Confirm the action by clicking on leave group. Done!

How to leave a Facebook group on mobile

How does Facebook suggest groups?

In general, Facebook receives the signals from your interaction, what you like, and what you might be interested in.

  • Pages that you had interacted with
  • Groups that your friends are their members
  • Based on the groups fields that you have recently joined
  • Groups that most of their activity is based on your friends or your location.
  • All your interactions with posts, videos, events, and groups in general.

So, if you are getting some suggestions that you are not really interested in, it is better to control your Facebook actions.


Facebook is getting more complicated these days. with its never-ending updates including the sponsored posts option for Facebook groups, or group analytics, turning off Facebook group comments, and all other options, users may find it confusing to work. though, these are the Facebook updates that make it attractive for users, in which they can meet all their marketing needs.

These are the ways hackers use to hack your Facebook account

You might be one of those people who like to know how to hack a Facebook account for any reason in your mind, so let me tell you that you are not alone, and there are thousands of people seeking ways to hack into a Facebook account.

In the first place, I think of these actions as illegal and unethical behavior, but you might have a good reason for attempting to hack someone else’s account.

Anyways, I am here to mention all the ways you can hack into a Facebook account.

Top 15 ways others use to hack your Facebook

I have searched the internet and got to know how the Facebook algorithm and privacy work, and as a result, I could gather the main 15 ways to hack a Facebook account in this article.

Before you continue reading, I recommend only decide to hack an account only if you have logical and critical reasons for doing it.

1. Using the primary email address

If you know and guess the email address of the Facebook account you are about to hack, then there would be no worries. All you need is to have access to the connected email and then proceed with the “forget password” on Facebook to get into the account. 

2. Facebook Password phishing

One of the most popular methods of hacking into any kind of social media accounts is “Password Phishing.” Phishing has different ways, and in simple phishing attacks, a hacker creates a fake login page, which exactly looks like the real Facebook page, and then asks the victim to log in.

After the victim tried to login by entering his/her Facebook password and email, this information is stored in a text file and is sent to the hacker. As easy as that.

3.      Password keylogging

This one is the best way to get someone’s Facebook information and hack into their accounts; meanwhile, it can be very hard, and even professional hackers might fail to do it. 

A keylogger is a small program that needs to be installed on the victim’s device, and after that, it will record everything the person types. 

The interesting part is when the logs are then sent back to the attacker by either FTP or directly to the hacker’s email address.

By the way in: “how to recover facebook password without confirmation reset code” learn to easily recover your account.

  • The browser’s saved password history

You surely know that when you add your username, password, or email in any text fields in any social media platform or website, your browser asks you to save those passwords and if you’ve allowed that, there are lots of saved credentials in your browser’s history.

By accessing these saved passwords in someone’s browser using a browser password manager, you can hack their Facebook account easily.

  • Facebook Session Hijacking 

If someone uses LAN and Wi-Fi to connect to Facebook, hacking their password and other credentials would be easy using Session Hijacking, especially on an HTTP connection.

By a Session Hijacking attack, you can see the victim’s browser cookie, which is used to authenticate the user on a website and use it to access the victim’s account.

  • A Sidejacking attack

Side jacking is another form of HTTP session hijacking with only one difference. It’s more targeted towards Wi-FiWi-Fi users. To hack a Facebook account with Sidejacking, you need Firesheep. Firesheep is widely used to carry out sidejacking attacks. 

  • Hacking via mobile phone

These days, most Facebook users have their accounts on their phones and usually use their mobiles to access Facebook from the official application.

By accessing the victim’s phone, you can most probably hack into their Facebook using a Mobile Spying software such as Mobile Spy and Spy Phone Gold.

  • Using DNS Spoofing

DNS Spoofing can be used in a specific condition. To hack a Facebook account using this method, you and the victim need to be on the same network. If this is your case, then use a DNS spoofing attack and change the original Facebook page to his own fake page and hence can get access to the victim’s Facebook account.

  • Using a USB for hacking

This one is my favorite hacking method, but it needs physical access to the victim’s device. If you can get your hands on the victim’s device, then all you have to do is to insert a USB programmed with a function to automatically extract saved passwords in the Internet browser.

  • Man in the Middle attacks

You, as a hacker, can place yourself between the client and the server or act as a default gateway to capture all the traffic going on between the client and the server, but that has one condition.

To hack a Facebook account using this way, you and the victim both need to be on the same LAN and on a switch based network. 

  • Staying logged in

It is very obvious that if your victim leaves his/her device while still logged in to their account, you can easily access their Facebook with no effort. So anyone can access a Facebook account if the victims leave their device while staying logged in.

  • Hack their Wi-FiWi-Fi connection

Another method to get your victim’s traffic and access their information is to gain access to the Wi-Fi they are using. If the victim uses a weak password to setup router security, then any hacker can hack your Wi-Fi network and hijack all the internet traffic, which can let you hack their Facebook account. By the way, if you are facing slow downs on Facebook read:”Why is Facebook so slow?” and get it fixed.

  • Masked passwords

If the victim’s PC or device is left on Facebook’s sign up page, they can easily find Facebook login credentials by only altering some changes from “inspect element.”

  • Social Engineering

There might be a very high possibility that the Facebook account you are trying to hack has a very easy-to-guess password. Social Engineering is a simple method used by the hacker in order to collect information about victims as much as he can get from all possible methods. If any victim uses simple passwords like mobile number, DOB, etc., then any good hacker can effortlessly guess the password and hack into your account.

  • Using “BotNets” for hacking

A Botnet is basically a collection of compromised computers. The process has lots of similarities with “Key Logging”; however, a Botnet gives you additional options for carrying out attacks on the compromised computer.

Botnets are not commonly used for hacking Facebook account due to the very high cost they have, and they are used in more important and advanced attacks, but they can be an option for Facebook account hacking as well.

To wrap up:

I’ve gathered all the basic and possible answers on how to hack a Facebook account In this guide, but I still want to recommend you not to try any of these methods to get into some one’s privacy for any reason since this is not a moral thing to do at all.

There are always better ways than snooping on others and trying to steal their information.  

Will TikTok send notifications if someone screenshots or screen records?

TikTok is a very popular and well-known video-sharing platform and a very crowded social media network these days. TikTok users, mostly known as TikTokers, have a very common question in their mind which is Does TikTok notify if someone rakes the screenshot of your post, and will an original poster get any kind of notifications when someone screen records their posts?

If you are one of those people who are willingly looking for answers to these questions, then all you have to do to find your answers is to keep reading. Meanwhile, you can read about the TikTok block too.

Does TikTok notify when someone screenshots or screen records?

TikTok does not notify when someone screenshot or screen record your videos. Unlike some other social media platforms such as Snapchat, which clearly send notifications if anybody takes screenshots of your posts, TikTok does not do that. This means that you can easily screen record other users’ videos and vice versa.

Does TikTok notify when you save someone’s video

TikTok doesn’t notify screenshots to anyone when you save a video. When you save someone else’s video it is just simply put as a share. Creators can’t see who shared people’s posts or how they shared them. You can save a video if the account owner makes it public, without notifying the account owners.

This might be one of the reasons why sensible people avoid using platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook which do not send notifications if someone screenshots or screen recorder personal TikTok videos, and they prefer platforms such as Snapchat which provides more privacy options for them.

TikTok will only show the number of people and the gender, but will never tell the user your username. Due to the privacy policy that both user and company agreed with, your personal information is entirely safe.

When you save someone’s video on TikTok, it is shown as shared, and you can make sure that there is no such thing as notifications when you save a video, and that makes it easy for you to anonymously save any TikTok video you want.

Does tiktok notify when you share someone’s video

No, not all. TikTok does not notify when you share someone’s video. Although this option is a very wanted one, there is no such thing on the platform yet. Meanwhile let me tell you that it is actually possible to see who viewed your tiktok account.

However, if you switch to a Pro Account (if you haven’t already done so, DO it, it’s right on TikTok’s setting within-app and allows you to see analytics), then you can see the number of shares your TikToks receive, as well as a lot of other useful metrics! You might now be wondering how it is possible to get tiktok followers or to share someone’s tiktok video. I have to announce that it is actually very easy. All you have to do is to give them their video’s credit and repost it. You can tag their username in the video description.

How to Screen Record on Tik Tok?

The good news is that you can easily screen record a video on TikTok. If you have a smartphone such as iPhone 8, X, 11, you can simply swipe up the screen, turn the screen recorder on, and start recording every video you want. Now that you know there is no notification for screen recording on TikTok, you might be willing to learn how to record your favorites TikTok videos. There are two main ways to screen record on TikTok.

AceThinker Free Online Screen Recorder is the best screen recorder you can use on your computer. It lets users record/capture any of your screen activities. Since this is an online application, it can be easily accessed, and it’s compatible with all web browsers so you can record TikTok as much as you want. This TikTok screen recorder allows users to capture the screen and audio from the microphone or system simultaneously. Besides, users can easily customize the recording area by selecting the entire screen or a specific region to record. The tool grants you to insert annotations on real-time recordings such as shapes, lines, arrows, and more to make your TikTok even more appealing.

Method # 1. Screen Record using your phone’s recorder

Most of the smartphones these days, whether Android or ios, have the option to screen record and there is no need to install an app for that purpose. To use the screen recorder, all you have to do is open up TikTok, enable the screen recorder from the swipe menu, and start making the videos. You record the videos as you normally do. You only press on the record button, and that’s it. You can later edit that video, make it however you want it to look like. It is that easy.

Method #2. Screen Record using an external app

If your device did not have an option to screen record, you will have to download and install an external application to be able to screen record on TikTok. There are plenty of good apps for recording the screen out there such as ApowerRec, that you can use to make yourself able to record anything from your screen on any platform.

To wrap up:

There are a lot of features and options that TikTok provides for its users, but there are no notifications for when someone screen record TikTok videos which is a bad thing for the people who love privacy and a good thing for stalkers and people who like to keep their favorite TikTok videos saved in their devices. Anyways you now have your answers about TikTok screenshots and scree records, and you also know how to screen record anything you like on TikTok which you might find handy sometime in the future.

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