How to make Discord bots? (On PC and mobile)

Do you love Discord? So many other people are. As a beautiful streaming platform, this is a place to amaze your audience, and there are many patches you can add to your server and make it more bright.

We will show what a Discord bot, a Discord bots creator is, and how to make Discord bots both with your phone and PC.

Also, read about “How to make a discord poll?“.

What are Discord bots, and how do they work?

If you are a Discord user, you should know bots are valuable artificial intelligence that automatically performs several valuable tasks on your server. With this patch, you can welcome new members, add music to your server, and moderate discussion.

What is a Discord bots maker?

Developing a new Discord bot needs expertise and a lot of money. An alternative way is to hire a Discord bots maker. There are many Discord bots makers which you can use for your server, and we have introduced the three most popular Discord bots maker here:

Discord Bot Maker on Steam

Steam is a powerful bot development tool that can boost your audience’s experience on your server. You can use Steam on your PC, and with this software, you will have the power and control to create bots that can do almost anything you want. Steam costs only 10 dollars.

Discord Bot creator on BotGhost

BotGhost is another tool that you can rely on it. As statistics say, around 280 thousand bots have been developed using BotGhost, and this definitely means that the platform is decent and has all the features that you need. You can use BotGhost’s additional modules to create more advanced Discord bots.

Bot Designer Discord

If you are a newbie in Discord bot development, you can use Bot Designer Discord. However, this doesn’t mean that it has no new features for professionals. You can use Javascript for custom coding your Discord bot. Furthermore, Bot Designer Discord has the ability to host your server, too.

How to make Discord bots on PC?

How to create a Discord bot on a PC? You just need to follow these steps;

  • First, download Node.js and Discord on your computer, and create a Discord account. Once both applications have been installed on your device, restart your PC and move on to the next step.
  • Now, create your bot. To do it, you need to access the applications tab in Discord in order to get an authorization token for the bot. with this token, Discord recognizes your code and adds it to the bot when in servers.
  • Get your authorization token. Note that this token is unique to your bot; thus, don’t give the code to strangers. Not unless you have decided to let them change the bot’s settings.
  • Next, send your bot to the servers. You can start the process by finding the applications “General Information” tab and copying your “Client ID” to the blank space.
  • The next step is to create a new folder for your bot on your computer. You need to open a notepad and type;


“token”:” YOUR BOT’S TOKEN.”


After that, save the file as “Auth.json.” It must contain a. JSON file and not a .TXT file. Your bot will not work if you use it. JSON. Now, open a new file and type in the following information;


“name”: “Legendary bot”,

“version”: “1.0.0”,

“description”: “Jeffrey the Bot”,

“main”: “bot.js”,

“author”: “Your Name”,

“dependencies”: {}


You can replace any information you feel fits in this section; the BOT’s name should be.

  • Open your text editor and make your bot’s file. To get the most out of your bot at this level, you will need to have an understanding of JavaScript. Now open your notepad and define your bot’s code.
  • Next, open your computer’s “command prompt” and navigate to your Discord bot folder. The easiest way of doing this process is by right-clicking a blank area within the bot’s folder while holding the shift. After that, click on the “open” button in the command prompt. You can also press the Windows key + R, type CMD in the field, and click enter alternatively.
  • Use the command prompt to install your bot’s dependencies. In the command prompt, which is next to the discord bot folder pathway, type in “npm install Winston – save.” As a result, the necessary files will be automatically installed.
  • Finally, run your bot on the command prompt. If everything is okay, you can enjoy your Discord bot on your server.

How to make Discord bots on mobile?

You can also use your phone device to make Discord bots or add them to your server.

To add a Discord bot via mobile device, follow these steps:

  • First, open the website on your browser.
  • As you enter the website, you can find the lists of top-rated and top-trending bots and also search for specific bots.
  • After choosing your desired bot on the lists, click on the “View” option on the screen and click on the “Invite” button.
  • Now go to your Discord account. If prompted, enter your credentials and log into your account. On the next move, continue the process of selecting the server and granting permission in the browser.
  • Open your Discord app, select the server in the left side panel of your screen, and tap on the server name at the top section.
  • Next, click on the “Settings” option to open the server settings and then select the “Roles” option.
  • Click on the “+” button below to create a new role for your bots. You need to give the function a name and turn on all the permissions you want the bot to access except administrator and manage server ones.
  • Finally, go back and select the “Members” option to open the Member’s list. As a result, select your bot and choose the role to assign the bot to that role.

How to make Discord bots online?

If you are somehow obsessed with coding and trying to find an easier way, you can make your Discord bots online and without exertion. As mentioned before, you can try Discord bots development tools like BotGhost; and here, we will teach you how to use another great website to create your bots, which is Zapier.

Follow these steps to use Zapier’s tools to make your Discord bot, based on its official website;

  • Let’s imagine you want to inform everybody about today’s weather. You can start by building a Zap and then choose the “Weather by Zapier” option as the trigger app.
  • Now select the “Will It Rain Today?” option as the trigger, then click on the “Save and Continue” button.
  • In this case, you will be asked for your longitude and latitude and whether you would like to use Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  • Next, click on the “Continue” button, and go to your Discord.
  • Choose the “Send Channel Message” button and click on “Save + Continue.”
  • You need to connect your Discord server with Zapier now.
  • To set up your template, select which channel the post should go to, then customize your message.
  • You can pull in information from the trigger step by clicking the fields button. By clicking on the button, a dropdown menu will appear. You are also allowed to enable text to speech, change the bot’s name, and give the bot a custom icon. Click on the “Continue” button.
  • Now, you can test your bot on your Discord server. To do that, click on the “Send Test to Discord” icon, and you should see a success message on your screen.
  • If you see the message, then you have successfully created your bot!!!

This is an example of creating a simple Discord bot using Zapier on the internet, and of course, there are so many other platforms that can help you develop unique bots for your channel.



Thank you for reading this text. As you see, we explained why we need Discord bots, what is a Discord bots creator, and how to make Discord bots on your phone or PC. In general, it seems like duck soup, and I hope you will learn quickly to do it. So, let’s go and make some bots!!!

How to change the Minecraft skin?

Any kid will love to play the Sandbox game Minecraft, as it is fantastic and thoroughly educational. Sometimes, we need to redesign our screen and bring more excitement to our game. You may ask, “How do I change my skin in Minecraft?”

The post you already are reading will show you how to change skins on Minecraft, whether your device is a PC, a console, or a mobile device.

You may like to know “How to find diamonds in Minecraft?“.

Is changing skin Minecraft possible?

Most people are wondering if it is possible to edit Minecraft online. The answer is yes. You are able to change the skin on both Minecraft versions of “Java” and “Bedrock,” and to change your “Minecraft” skin; you will need to upload a compatible PNG image that you have either made or downloaded.

The following sections will show how to edit Minecraft skins online on your console, PC, or phone device very easily.

Change the Minecraft skin on the console

Now, if you or your kid are playing Minecraft on a console, we will show you how to change Minecraft’s skin on it. Follow these steps:

  • First, open your Minecraft. Choose the “Minecraft” game from your console’s library. If you bought Minecraft on a disk, you have to insert the disk into your console.
  • Now, click on the “Help & Options” button in the middle of the Minecraft main page.
  • Next, click on the “Change Skin” tab at top of the page. This action will open the Skin Packs page for you.
  • You can scroll up and down to view different packs. Please choose one of them.
  • As you choose your desired pack, scroll left or right to find a skin you want to use. Note that some skins are part of premium packs, and they are not free. You can see a padlock icon near them.
  • Finally, press A (Xbox) or X (PlayStation) on your joystick. With this action, the selected skin will be set as the default. You will see a green checkmark appear in the bottom-right box. If you have chosen the wrong skin or the premium one, you can press B (Xbox) or O (PlayStation) to exit the pop-up.

How to change the Minecraft skin on PC

If you are using your PC or laptop for playing Minecraft, this guide will show you how to change skins on Minecraft:

  • Before anything, go to to open the Skin Index library.
  • Now, choose a skin that you want to use for your Minecraft characters. You can also search for a specific skin from the search bar at the top of your page. You can make your custom skin on this page if you are creative.
  • Click on the “Download” button on the right side of the skin’s page. As a result, you will have the file immediately on your computer.
  • Now, you have to open the Minecraft website. To do this, go to
  • Step five: Click on the three horizontal lines “Menu” icon on the top-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Step six: After that, click on the “Profile” button at the top of the drop-down menu. Before going to the skins page, make sure you have logged into your Minecraft account.
  • Step seven: Now, you can browse the skin file with a white button near the bottom of the screen.
  • Step eight: Go to your “Downloads” section on your computer, and click on the skin file that you downloaded just a few minutes before.
  • Step nine: There is an “Open” button in the window’s bottom-right corner. Your skin file will be uploaded to the profile page.
  • Step ten: Finally, click on the “Save” button near the bottom of the page to upload and save your new skin.

What about Minecraft PE?

If you have a mobile device and want to try Minecraft on your phone, you can also change skins on Minecraft. To alter them, just follow these steps:

  • Open a web browser on your phone, either Google Chrome or Firefox.
  • Next, view the Skindex website. Go to in your mobile browser.
  • Now, select a skin you want to have on your Minecraft. You should download it.
  • To download the skin, click on the “Download” button on the upper-right side of the skin’s page. The skin’s image will be opened in a new browser tab.
  • Tap and hold the skin’s image and click on the “Save Image” button to save the skin.
  • Now, come back to your phone’s screen and open your Minecraft PE app.
  • There is a coat hanger icon on the lower-right side of the screen. Click on it.
  • Go to the “Default” section in the top-left corner of the screen, where you can see a blank skin icon on the right side. Please click on it.
  • Click on the “Choose New Skin” button at the top of the “Custom” window, which is on the right side of the screen.
  • Click on the image of the skin that you downloaded. This action will save your selected skin.
  • Tap on one of the skin models in the pop-up window. If you are not sure which one is better, the right-side model is recommended.
  • Finally, click on the “Confirm” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. You will see your selected skin will be set as the default.


Thank you for reading this text. Minecraft is so lovely to play; thus, users want to add multiple skins and bring more brightness to the game. You can download your wanted skin on the websites or design a new one if your perfect skin is not available on the internet.

If you have any problem with uploading skins on Minecraft, you can send a request message to Minecraft servers and ask for help.

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How to find diamonds in Minecraft? (Easy Guide)


As a Minecraft player, you need to know which things are your friends in the game. You can benefit from many items in Minecraft, but none of them can reach diamonds.

Once you find one of these shiny jewelry pieces, they can be crafted into some of the best items in the game. You can also craft diamonds into enchanting tables and jukeboxes. If you don’t know where to find a diamond in Minecraft, continue reading this text.

This brief guide will explain how to find diamonds in Minecraft easily.

Also, you can find out about changing the Minecraft skin, here.


How to find a diamond in Minecraft

Before starting to answer the question “where can I find diamonds in Minecraft?” let’s see “what do I need to find them?”. View the list below;

  • An iron pickaxe or better

Never forget that diamond ores can only be mined with an iron pickaxe or better (such as gold, diamond, or nephrite). If you want to try mining diamonds with a stone or wooden pickaxe, you can see the block will break, but you will get no diamond as a result.

  • Torches

The following items are torches. They will light your way while you are mining, making it more difficult for enemies to get on you. You can also craft torches by placing a piece of coal on top of a stick.

  • Food

When working, never wait to be hungry!!! Although any edible item can be helpful to us, chicken nuggets or steps are the best options. You cannot expect when you will need the extra health.

There are many layers in Minecraft based on altitude, and diamonds can only be found in layer 15 or lower. As a comparison, the sea level in “Minecraft” roughly layers 64. Layer 15 seems too deep as you reach the bottom of the world in the game.

You can use the debug menu if you don’t know which layer you are on. To open the debug menu, press F3 on a PC or Fn + F3 on a Mac. Your current layer is the Y coordinate.

If you reach layer 15 in Minecraft, start digging. Layer 12 is the layer where diamonds are beginning to appear, indicated by blue dots. There is also minor lava on layers 11 and 12, and the best place to find diamonds. Most diamond comes in linear “veins,” meaning that there will be multiple diamond ore blocks connected to each other.

Tips and Tricks to finding a diamond in Minecraft

You may ask now, “Where can I find a diamond in Minecraft?” well, there are always some tips and tricks for that.

First, it is better to find a cave in the game. Note that never dig straight down; if you accidentally search dig the cave’s ceiling, you will find yourself falling into lava or a massive ravine. To not lose your route track, you should use torches.

Second, always be alert to keep yourself far from enemies like spiders, skeletons, zombies, and witches. You can also hear them as they are getting near you.

Third, use your blocks to build a tower and escape to higher ground if you need to run. Suppose you encounter a dead-end in your route, quickly mine into a wall, and place blocks to seal the exit.

Is there any alternative way to mine diamonds in Minecraft? Although the best way to find diamonds in Minecraft is to dig and mine, there are some alternative methods to find diamonds. You have a chance to find your diamonds in village treasure chests. Furthermore, desert temples and mineshafts might also hold diamonds in their treasure chests. Remember that the most common place for finding these chests is underground.


Thank you for reading this post. Never forget the rule; you will drop everything in your inventory if you die. And once an item has been dropped, you will only have a few minutes to retrieve it before it disappears. If you have bad luck and fall into lava, all your items will be immediately destroyed as they hit the lava.

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Minecraft versus Roblox (Which one is better?)

Without a doubt, most kids love video games, and their parents want to find a video game that is not boring, educational, and, of course, appropriate.

Nowadays, technology has reached a position that has enabled the creation of online worlds and communities for kids to explore, design and share. Especially when we are talking about “Sandbox” games, they help children think more critically, use their creativity, and improve their brain storage abilities. In general, Roblox and Minecraft are the most popular Sandbox games in the world.

As a parent or just deciding to have a child in the future, you may want to know which video game is better and who wins the Roblox versus Minecraft competition. This article will help you to think better.

What is Minecraft?

Let’s start to describe the games better for ourselves. Minecraft is a Sandbox computer video game where players explore a 3D world made from blocks. Although it is called a “3D game,”, honestly the graphics are basic and easily adjustable.

As a Sandbox game, children are not going to see a specific storyline, and they should build, explore and destruct freely using everything in the game from the beginning. Minecraft lets players reconstruct the world by manipulating blocks. Any player can travel between environments, explore new things, and add or remove blocks on the situation.

What is Roblox?

As a newer version of the Sandbox games, Roblox itself isn’t the game; it is just the system that facilitates the other games. The elements of Roblox are somehow LEGO-associated, and graphics quality can be set to high or low by the player. Roblox allows players to travel and interact with things in the world, creating communities and developing their ideas.

Minecraft versus Roblox (Differences Between Minecraft and Roblox)

Well, now what do we have here as differences in Minecraft versus. Roblox competition? We can arrange them into three separate items;

  • Structure

The most significant difference between Roblox and Minecraft is their structure. Minecraft is a self-built system in which worlds are made of blocks and children can manipulate them. In contrast, Roblox is just a platform to let other games run on it.

  •  Origins

The origins of mods are too different in these two games. Minecraft is updated with modules made by the core development team. However, Roblox mods are made by another player.

  •  Price

Never forget the cost of a product when you want to buy it. As one of the best-selling video games, you can buy Minecraft for $30 for the basic package or get the advanced pack with more add-on features for $50. On the other side, Roblox is free to start playing, and anyone at any age spectrum can register on their own. Remember that each game has extra plugins that you have to pay for if you want.

Read about finding diamonds in Minecraft.

Advantages in Minecraft versus Roblox

When we are talking about Minecraft vs. Roblox, each video game must be reviewed based on its pros and cons. As a result, we have brought some positive points from each candidate below;

Advantages of Minecraft

  • The most significant advantage of Minecraft is its quality control. As you see, the game is continuously developed by a team of professional developers and content creators. So all updates and mods must be checked by the company’s criteria, and parents can be relieved of any concerns about inappropriate content in the game.
  • Minecraft is totally unlimited. This means that your child can explore, manipulate, and experiment with the world Without thinking about the video game world’s dimensions and rigid storyline.
  • From a parent’s perspective, they want to buy a solo game in which the child is not going to interact with online people. Although Minecraft has some tools to communicate with other players, it is not necessary for the game process.

Advantages of Roblox

  • Maybe the most valuable advantage of Roblox is being free. Anyone, from a bit of child to a senior adult, can start playing and try the game without an additional cost.
  • Another good news is that you can create new content continuously. As a result, new game modules are being added every day, thanks to the game community of builders. Thus, it can be a unique experience if you play a new game every week.
  • In some cases, users create new content to practice coding rather than just playing games. This is happening because Roblox uses a more complicated coding system that actually involves creating code for the game. Some people even are earning thousands of dollars from Roblox as a career.

Read about recovering a deleted Roblox account, too.

Frequently asked questions:

Can users play cross-device with both Minecraft and Roblox?

This subject is another difference between Minecraft versus Roblox. With Roblox, you are allowed to play on your Android mobile or with your Windows PC in your house. On the other side, you can play with Roblox both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition with others, but you can’t mix the editions.

Child account setup in Minecraft versus Roblox; which one is easier?

Based on reviews, Roblox is more straightforward to set up when it comes to accounts for children. In contrast, you must follow a complicated process in Minecraft to set up an account there.


Thank you for reading this text. In general, if you don’t want to spend much money upfront for your child to try the game, Roblox is your best choice. But if you don’t mind investing upfront for a single-player game, Minecraft is the better option. Besides your decision, both Minecraft and Roblox can boost your child’s creativity and critical thinking, and they can benefit from these abilities in the real world.

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