How to Repurpose Content on Social Media

Repurposing content is a great way to provide your readers with up-to-date information when you run out of new original content ideas. Incredible content pieces sometimes do not get the expected attraction. Instead of counting them among poor pieces, consider repurposing them and giving them another chance to engage readers.

Now the question is, where to start?

Choose content that you find relevant and recyclable. An evergreen content piece can be your best bet when it comes to choosing content for repurposing. To make sure you are sharing content on trending topics, consider re-uploading your previous content pieces keeping the information in them up-to-date.

Let’s look at a few more effective ways of repurposing content and bringing life back into your old content:

1. List Expansion

You can recreate a previous content piece that covered a list of sorts with details improved for each topic. Breaking down the list to create a series of content pieces can be a great idea as it allows you to recycle the subtopics into standalone articles.

By adding more details, you make the content piece more valuable and unlock opportunities to include other internal links in it. This link network system is followed by search engine algorithms to index the associated web pages.

Linking your old articles to newer and improved ones with better value helps increase your rankings. It also greatly improves the article’s visibility in the related search results.

2. Screenshot Tweets for Reupload

Tweets that perform well are good content sources that can be screenshotted and shared again on different platforms. There are cases where the screenshots performed better than the original tweet. That’s why tweet screenshots are becoming popular on image platforms like Instagram or Pinterest.

Tweets can be self-made or shared by other users. Repurposing tweet content on Instagram can turn out to be an effective way to deliver the context to your followers. This way, you can also deliver tweets to people who aren’t following your Twitter channel.

Make use of information, quotes, and statistics to provide meaningful content on image platforms. When doing so, do with links toward the source to increase the traffic on your older posts. Image content is likely to generate bigger traffic and thus is one of the promising techniques to boost your previous posts.

The beauty of it is how well the screenshot format works. There is no need to modify the tweet with any custom backgrounds. In case your campaign isn’t on Twitter, you can start by using the older content as new tweets.

3. Repost on Quora

Similar to reposting the content on social media, content teams can utilize the quora platform. Quora is a good platform for sharing repurposed content. The principle of the platform lies in its simple question-and-answer format.

The format of the site is convenient and allows for making use of your acquired knowledge. You will come across numerous people with their questions. If a content piece of yours answers a question well, you can share that on this platform.

Quora can be used to post other relevant blogs. After providing answers or solutions, you can piece it together with a link to your web page promising an in-depth answer. Quora replies can also be used for designing your next blog post. Again, you can reshare your quora answers on your social media channels to reach a broad swath of people.

4. Interviews

Who knew interviews could also be used as a form of content? They are popular due to the credibility of third-party involvement. Interviews are relatively easy to conduct and can be done with the help of questionnaires.

Interviews have good potential to gain traction as the involved people promote and share articles they’ve been part of. You can further recycle interviews to create an expert advice ebook. You’ve essentially created two content pieces by just changing the format.

The availability of interviews and expert advice ebooks can attract a wider audience. People can use either of the content assets according to their preferences. Ebooks are also a backup solution to help people who missed your interviews.

5. Blogs and Podcasts

Every blog post in your arsenal can be optimized into an audio format known as podcasts. Podcasts are growing in popularity due to the convenience they offer. People can digest your audio content even while doing their daily tasks.

With platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcast becoming accessible, many content creators have started to branch their content into these platforms. Hire quality speakers to read out your blog posts; don’t forget to modify them to suit the conversational tone of a podcast.

Podcasts are authentic content that never fails to captivate your audience. This is also an opportunity to update your existing content to give the listeners a fresher content piece.

If your team already has been publishing podcasts, the reverse of this approach is also applicable. To get the most out of the podcast episodes, you will need to boost its shares for the best possible ROI. Conversion of the audio content into text could benefit that pursuit.

Providing text format for podcast episodes will help you engage your audience that prefers text over voice content. The biggest benefit, however, is the SEO boost as the search engine algorithm won’t be analyzing audio content to rank you and thus, needs text.

6. Infographics

People can process images faster than text. Hence, the use of infographics is always encouraged. Much of the statistics that appear boring can be optimized into attractive images which are better understood. Images can also be used on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram.

With the help of images, you can make your readers better understand the complex aspects of your content. It might even clear out the confusions that could’ve occurred by the original post.

Images have been proved to have better engagement statistics than text content. If your team has no resources to spend on creating images, they can temporarily use stock images.

Using stock images, you will be able to captivate users better and guide them toward your core content.

7. Testimonials

Readers are extremely keen to listen to what your ex-clients have to say about your brand’s products/ services. They want an overall idea about the services you provide before taking the effort to do detailed research.

This is where good testimonials come to play. Use testimonials from your existing customers as part of your marketing strategy. Testimonials help in providing reassurance to your potential customers.

The other plus point of using testimonials is that they are signs that your firm holds the opinions of your customers with utmost importance. Showing how you respect your target audience’s views goes a long way in building your relationship with them.

8. Memes

Hear us out. Memes at first glance can seem unprofessional but you cannot deny how captivating it is to the current generation. We can find memes almost everywhere as a large number of people enjoy viewing memes.

Memes are known to have higher share rates and can be utilized to obtain a bigger reach at low investments. You will have to keep it up to mark using witty humor or timing the meme post in the right circumstances.

Using captivating memes can greatly improve the engagements and people will be appreciative of this human side of the campaign. Consider your brand personality when choosing the type of memes to use during content repurposing.

When providing your readers with information in a fun way try to do so while maintaining your brand consistency. The other thing to vary of is forced memes. Forced humor or poorly timed memes will backfire as they will be seen as a poor attempt to jump on the meme culture.

9. Video Content

The video format is one of the crowd favorites when absorbing content. Many of the content pieces can be derived to create videos. Video content is very popular in social media and is a good choice for content repurposing.

Many social media platforms support users to create video content as it drives more engagement toward the platform. The content you are deriving from the foundation content might be able to produce hours of video content.

Ideally, this length for a video is not suited to capture the attention of a wider audience. Leaving a few exceptions for a few interested viewers, the majority of the viewers prefer bite-sized video content.

If the video content is compressed and still seems long, you can split it into parts to maintain a steady flow of micro-content. Make use of all the popular video platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook.

Next, customize the videos to cater to the respective platform. For example, you cannot use the videos that were successful on YouTube for Instagram’s IGTV. The Instagram audience is fast-paced and will not be captivated by long videos.

10.  Ebooks

When you notice a pattern in the info you share from time to time, you should consider developing an ebook instead that can be a complete guide on a particular topic. Content pieces shared in abundance may leave your readers confused, but a neat and structured ebook will make them read through the content.

Repurposing content should improve the convenience of the users. Providing your users an informative and downloadable ebook in social media channels is always a plus point. You can provide them with How-to guides for the topics you cover.

How-to’s need to follow a simple tone for the best re-reading value. Stick to a basic language instead of an advanced tone to cater to beginners or for creating a simple reference material.

11. Webinars

Webinars are a good way to get a high number of attendees. If any webinar ended up being a major success you needn’t stop at that and pursue it again for content repurposing. Not all the interested people might’ve attended the webinars due to unforeseen circumstances.

Instead of having the webinar go as a one-time content piece, you could bring it back as video content. This not only gives the successful webinar a second chance to shine but also can be put to display on the platform for easy viewing.

The life of the webinar improves and it attracts new visitors. Thus, your audience pool for future webinars increases.

12. Quotes As Content

Quotes sometimes have a way to strike the reader’s mind and can drive them to contribute engagements towards your posts. This works even better if you are able to recruit the experts associated with the topic of your content.

They can provide valuable insights and their testimonials can be highly influential to the readers. Use quality quotes from industry leaders for repurposing content on social media. This can create a great impact on social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram.

Keep in mind that quotes might not always hold extreme promotional value for your content. This is not essentially a bad thing. People will not appreciate your method of approach if it is always promotional content.

Providing your readers with occasional entertainment content will be beneficial in the long run. Maintain a healthy balance of promotional content along with entertainment content for a positive outlook by the readers.

In order to maintain your audience numbers and prevent its decline, you will need occasional doses of inspirational, humoristic, and captivating content.


Repurposing content acts as an alternative to creating original content. Your marketing team might not always be able to come up with captivating content ideas. Repurposing is essentially a solution to give them the breathing space to come up with new ideas in the meantime.

Needless to say, repurposing content requires less effort and brings fresh traffic to your existing content pieces. Breathe life into your content pieces that have good potential with expert help.

Author: Dyka Smith

Dyka Smith is a content marketing professional at Inosocial, an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Dyka worked as a marketing manager for a tech software startup. She graduated with honors from Columbia University with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.

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