These are the ways hackers use to hack your Facebook account

You might be one of those people who like to know how to hack a Facebook account for any reason in your mind, so let me tell you that you are not alone, and there are thousands of people seeking ways to hack into a Facebook account.

In the first place, I think of these actions as illegal and unethical behavior, but you might have a good reason for attempting to hack someone else’s account.

Anyways, I am here to mention all the ways you can hack into a Facebook account.

Top 15 ways others use to hack your Facebook

I have searched the internet and got to know how the Facebook algorithm and privacy work, and as a result, I could gather the main 15 ways to hack a Facebook account in this article.

Before you continue reading, I recommend only decide to hack an account only if you have logical and critical reasons for doing it.

1. Using the primary email address

If you know and guess the email address of the Facebook account you are about to hack, then there would be no worries. All you need is to have access to the connected email and then proceed with the “forget password” on Facebook to get into the account. 

2. Facebook Password phishing

One of the most popular methods of hacking into any kind of social media accounts is “Password Phishing.” Phishing has different ways, and in simple phishing attacks, a hacker creates a fake login page, which exactly looks like the real Facebook page, and then asks the victim to log in.

After the victim tried to login by entering his/her Facebook password and email, this information is stored in a text file and is sent to the hacker. As easy as that.

3.      Password keylogging

This one is the best way to get someone’s Facebook information and hack into their accounts; meanwhile, it can be very hard, and even professional hackers might fail to do it. 

A keylogger is a small program that needs to be installed on the victim’s device, and after that, it will record everything the person types. 

The interesting part is when the logs are then sent back to the attacker by either FTP or directly to the hacker’s email address.

By the way in: “how to recover facebook password without confirmation reset code” learn to easily recover your account.

  • The browser’s saved password history

You surely know that when you add your username, password, or email in any text fields in any social media platform or website, your browser asks you to save those passwords and if you’ve allowed that, there are lots of saved credentials in your browser’s history.

By accessing these saved passwords in someone’s browser using a browser password manager, you can hack their Facebook account easily.

  • Facebook Session Hijacking 

If someone uses LAN and Wi-Fi to connect to Facebook, hacking their password and other credentials would be easy using Session Hijacking, especially on an HTTP connection.

By a Session Hijacking attack, you can see the victim’s browser cookie, which is used to authenticate the user on a website and use it to access the victim’s account.

  • A Sidejacking attack

Side jacking is another form of HTTP session hijacking with only one difference. It’s more targeted towards Wi-FiWi-Fi users. To hack a Facebook account with Sidejacking, you need Firesheep. Firesheep is widely used to carry out sidejacking attacks. 

  • Hacking via mobile phone

These days, most Facebook users have their accounts on their phones and usually use their mobiles to access Facebook from the official application.

By accessing the victim’s phone, you can most probably hack into their Facebook using a Mobile Spying software such as Mobile Spy and Spy Phone Gold.

  • Using DNS Spoofing

DNS Spoofing can be used in a specific condition. To hack a Facebook account using this method, you and the victim need to be on the same network. If this is your case, then use a DNS spoofing attack and change the original Facebook page to his own fake page and hence can get access to the victim’s Facebook account.

  • Using a USB for hacking

This one is my favorite hacking method, but it needs physical access to the victim’s device. If you can get your hands on the victim’s device, then all you have to do is to insert a USB programmed with a function to automatically extract saved passwords in the Internet browser.

  • Man in the Middle attacks

You, as a hacker, can place yourself between the client and the server or act as a default gateway to capture all the traffic going on between the client and the server, but that has one condition.

To hack a Facebook account using this way, you and the victim both need to be on the same LAN and on a switch based network. 

  • Staying logged in

It is very obvious that if your victim leaves his/her device while still logged in to their account, you can easily access their Facebook with no effort. So anyone can access a Facebook account if the victims leave their device while staying logged in.

  • Hack their Wi-FiWi-Fi connection

Another method to get your victim’s traffic and access their information is to gain access to the Wi-Fi they are using. If the victim uses a weak password to setup router security, then any hacker can hack your Wi-Fi network and hijack all the internet traffic, which can let you hack their Facebook account. By the way, if you are facing slow downs on Facebook read:”Why is Facebook so slow?” and get it fixed.

  • Masked passwords

If the victim’s PC or device is left on Facebook’s sign up page, they can easily find Facebook login credentials by only altering some changes from “inspect element.”

  • Social Engineering

There might be a very high possibility that the Facebook account you are trying to hack has a very easy-to-guess password. Social Engineering is a simple method used by the hacker in order to collect information about victims as much as he can get from all possible methods. If any victim uses simple passwords like mobile number, DOB, etc., then any good hacker can effortlessly guess the password and hack into your account.

  • Using “BotNets” for hacking

A Botnet is basically a collection of compromised computers. The process has lots of similarities with “Key Logging”; however, a Botnet gives you additional options for carrying out attacks on the compromised computer.

Botnets are not commonly used for hacking Facebook account due to the very high cost they have, and they are used in more important and advanced attacks, but they can be an option for Facebook account hacking as well.

To wrap up:

I’ve gathered all the basic and possible answers on how to hack a Facebook account In this guide, but I still want to recommend you not to try any of these methods to get into some one’s privacy for any reason since this is not a moral thing to do at all.

There are always better ways than snooping on others and trying to steal their information.  

How to turn off comments on Facebook (and fix its errors)

To turn off the comments for public posts: Setting & privacy>Setting> public posts> “who can comment…”> Edit

Facebook is the most popular social media app worldwide, and its ever-increasing users cause some problems for it. When social media like Facebook has more than 3 billion active users monthly, it is common to face different inquiries. One of the most requested inquiries is to customize the Facebook posts comments. Here is the story of turning off the Facebook comments in different spaces.

As Facebook has stated in their community, it is not possible to hide comments on Facebook posts.

“Unfortunately, the functionality to disable comments on your posts is not currently available. Anyone included in your post’s privacy setting will be able to view, like, and comment on your post. We’ll keep your suggestion in mind as we continue to improve Facebook.”

How to turn off Facebook comments?

This is the Facebook rule for personal accounts or normal Facebook posts. Those who can see the posts can also see the comments and insert the comments.

Here I would explain how you can change the setting if you are using the app, those Facebook groups, and customizing who can see the posts.

How to turn off comments on a Facebook post?

The only way you can hide the comments on Facebook posts is to limit the audiences.

To turn off the comments for public posts:

Open Facebook app and Login to your account

  1. From the home click on small triangular icon on top right
  2. Click setting & privacy
  3. Click Setting
  4. Find public posts on the left menu
  5. Find “who can comment…”
  6. Click Edit and change it as you want

Done! now, public can only see the posts and they cannot see the comments or insert any comments. Though, there is no “Only me” option for this, and at least your friends should see the comments.

To change the privacy setting for each posts on Facebook app:

  1. Open Facebook app
  2. Login to your account
  3. From the home tap profile picture to see the profile
  4. From the profile, find the post you are going to change its setting
  5. Tap three-dot icon
  6. Tap edit privacy
  7. Tap friends, or a customized list

know, only those who can see the posts can see and insert comments

How to turn off Facebook comments on desktop?

Recently, the Facebook desktop version has changed a little bit, and it might be hard for some Facebook users to find and change the settings they are looking for. But don’t worry, the changes are not that huge and confusing. Just follow the steps below and learn how to turn off Facebook comments on the desktop version:

  • Select the post you’d like to edit its settings and privacy.
  • Tap the three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner of that post
  • Click on “Edit Audience”
  • Choose from ‘Public,’ ‘Friends,’ ‘Friends except…’, “Specific friends,” “Only Me,” or “Acquaintances.”

How to turn off comments on Facebook groups?

  1. Open Facebook app
  2. Login to your account
  3. From home, tap the three-line icon
  4. Find groups
  5. find the post
  6. Go to the post you want to turn off comments for.
  7. Click … icon and then select Turn off commenting.

How to turn off comments on new Facebook desktop?

The new version is almost the same as the old one. Only the appearance has changed, not the place of buttons. So, follow the above instructions.

Why can’t I turn off commenting on a post as an admin to a group?

I can no longer turn off commenting on posts in my private group. I am the admin. It is no longer a listed option. I can only turn off notifications.”

or this is another one:

“I can’t seem to turn off commenting on member’s posts. Is this just a blip in the system, or is it going away? I am having to delete posts instead of just turning off the comments.”

How to fix can’t turn off Facebook commenting on a post as admin:

  • Check your network connection. It would help if you witched it off and on
  • Log out of the Facebook account and log in again
  • Clear the cache on android app or pc
  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app
  • Try Facebook for PC if you are using the app and vice versa
  • Use another device, perhaps your friend’s device, to see if the problem still exists
  • Wait for a couple of hours. It might be a bug.


Facebook was the most popular social media since 2004, though, it is confusing and complicated for its users. Specifically, those who are new to Facebook. With its new appearance, many users ask for help to find their basic needs on the app.

Hope this article can help you fix your issue. If not, you can write in the comment what exactly your problem is, our experts would reply to you ASAP.

How can I see my sent requests on Facebook?

If you want to become a successful content marketer you must have some basic knowledge and strategies to get started. You need to be the informational expert the company you work for, or the business you are offering.

Since the day Facebook entered our life, everything has changed. Facebook is an inevitable part of everyone’s life, and we sometimes check it even hourly. Though its environment is changing, and it doesn’t seem very easy sometimes. This makes the story a bit complicated for those who are familiar with Facebook.

How to see sent requests on Facebook?

Here is the instruction for both desktop and app version. Scroll down to see how you can find it on Facebook app.

To find the previous requests on the Facebook app:

  1. Open the Facebook app and log in to your account
  2. Tap the profile picture to go to your profile
  3. Scroll down to find the Friends section
  4. Tap Friends
  5. You should see the friend Request on the top of the list
  6. Tap Requests
  7. Tap the three-dot icon on the top right
  8. Tap view sent requests
  9. Now, you should see the sent requests. You can cancel by tapping the Cancel button

To find the previous requests on Facebook desktop:

  1. Open Facebook on desktop or app and log in to your account
  2. Click on the profile picture to go to your profile
  3. Find the friends section and click on it
  4. You should see the friend request on the top of the list, click on it
  5. On the left side, you will see the view sent requests, click
  6. Now, you will see all the sent requests. You can cancel if you want by clicking on the cancel button.

Why I can’t send friend request on Facebook?

Almost all of you know that you can have up to 5000 friends on Facebook. Though, sometimes not all the people we send the request would accept it. In this case, there are three scenarios:

  • They decline the request, and it goes back to the normal add friend.
  • They report it as spam, and we cannot add friends anymore.
  • They do no action. The request will be requested.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see who has reported you unless you search for them, and you could not find them. So, it is likely that they have reported you, not to add them anymore.

If you send the request and check again and see it in add friend, they have declined it. You can still send the message and introduce yourself or respect their privacy.

If you want to know how many people you have sent your requests, it is easily possible from Facebook data. Fortunately, Facebook is big enough to store all of your data in the account, and you find them where you need it.


Facebook is of great help for those who want to expand their connections, or find new friends. it is also one of the main platforms for all kind of businesses especially small and medium sized.

How to wave at someone on Facebook in 2021

To wave on Facebook, the feature should be on top of the conversation, when you open a new thread on Facebook Messenger. if you don’t see the option, it might be removed by Facebook itself, and you cannot take it back. instead, you can use wave sticker available on Facebook Messenger.

The ever-increasing growth of Facebook made it a popular social network both for desktop and mobile users. Though, what makes Facebook popular is its amazing features on the app and also Messenger. Facebook Messenger is a favorite app for those who are getting connected through Facebook.

The Facebook company builds technologies that give people the power to connect with friends and family, find communities, and grow businesses. Since the day Messenger was launched, it was changing every day. for some days, Facebook added an option on Messenger, like handshaking.

The psychology behind this icon and feature is still complicated. The sense gives to new friends if you shake hands. It is a sign of “I want to know you” or “I want to be your friend.”

What does a wave on Facebook mean?

As you might know, Facebook has changed a lot recently. Previously, it had an option called “Poke,” which was a sign of showing interest to anyone.

Then, they could start chatting, and anyone could poke back.

This was an option from everyone’s profile, but soon Facebook moved the feature to the Messenger only.

When you have a new friend on Facebook, and using Messenger, the wave option automatically appears on top of the conversation.

How to wave at someone on Facebook?

It is believed that Facebook says it is a casual way of introducing yourself to someone. If they say hello back, it then gives you the option to form an online friendship. This guide teaches you how to wave on Facebook and Facebook Messenger. The guide covers steps to wave on Facebook from a PC ( or the Facebook Messenger App.

  1. Open and login to your account.
  2. On the right side of your Facebook page, you will see your chat tab with a list of your online friends
  3. If your chat tab is minimized, click on it to maximize it.
  4. To wave a friend in the chat list, hover over the friend’s name. When you hover over a friend in the chat tab list, a hand will be displayed beside the friend’s name.
  5. To wave to the friend, click the hand icon. A chat window will pop up with a yellow hand icon and the message ” You waved at <your friend’s name>.”

Why can’t I wave in Messenger? (No wave icon in messenger)

There are many reasons why you can’t wave on Facebook Messenger. Here are some of them:

  • Facebook has removed the feature (it can be still available for some account)
  • If friends have blocked you, you wouldn’t be able to wave or send messages anymore.
  • If they unfriend, the feature wouldn’t show up to you.
  • Your account is reported.
  • The person does NOT use Messenger

How to fix it if there is no wave option?

The easiest way is to use the wave sticker instead of the wave feature. If you open the chat on Messenger, you can see the sticker icon beside the typing bar.

Click or tap the icon and search in the menu bar for “Wave.” it will show you the option to wave someone.

The closest one to the wave feature is handshaking with a yellow color.

Can I take back a Facebook wave?

Yes, you can remove the wave if you do it before the minutes of sending the wave. To undo a wave on Facebook:

  1. Login to your Facebook on app or desktop
  2. Open the chat you want to undo it from
  3. Click the three-dot icon beside the message (if you are using the desktop version) or tap the written message that you have waved at someone
  4. Find the remove option and click or tap it

How to Turn off a wave in Messenger?

We’ve all sent an unintentional ‘Wave’ or a giant blue thumbs up on Facebook Messenger and immediately wanted the ground would swallow us up. To delete a message, tap on the post you want to remove and select the option to ‘Remove for Everyone.’

By tapping the ‘wave’ button again, you will get the option of undoing the wave. Press confirm to remove it. If they haven’t seen the notification yet, it will quietly go away on their page, and they’ll never know.

If you don’t want to see the wave feature on your Facebook, you should simply click or tap the X on the top right of the wave option. It will be removed permanently.

How do you like a message on Facebook?

if you press and hold any messages on Facebook, you can see some reactions above the message. Choose the heart icon and leave it. the heart will stick under the message.

This is a quick reaction to any message on Facebook Messenger which shows good or bad feelings very fast. showing a reaction to any messages on Facebook is now very common. Recently Facebook has added a new reaction which is care and they have introduced it after COVID 19 pandemic.


Facebook is one of the best resources to stay updated with the latest news and information. Though, using Facebook Messenger and its wave feature may become confusing for new users. Here we would explain how to use it, find it, and fix it if it does not work properly.

Knowing how Facebook or Messenger works is sometimes confusing, specifically for beginners. Though, if you read more, you can perform better and get the best of these apps.

Facebook is testing shopping from Reels

It’s not long since Instagram launched its TikTok competitor, Reels, in August this year, and it is looking for ways to make it better and much more fun day by day.

For that purpose, Facebook is looking to add some shopping features on both IGTV and Reels as soon as possible. The first cool upcoming feature would be shopping within Reels later this year and will also start making shoppable IGTV videos global starting today. Eventually, these IGTV videos will also be available through Instagram Shop.

The Instagram Reels is still not a big deal, and TikTok is not yet even threatened by Reels, and so many Influencers say that they will not choose Reels over TikTok. That’s the reason why Instagram is trying its best to add beneficial options to the feature to make more users start using it and even prefer it over TikTok.

It’s unsurprising to see Instagram try to make shopping a thing on Reels, although the rollout timeline seems fast. Still, Facebook has prioritized commerce over the past few years, which could lead to it taking a bigger role in online transactions. The company would normally take a cut from these purchases, but it’s holding off on charging these fees through the end of 2020. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in 2019 that he expected commerce and payments to be the future of the company, and given the quick rollout of back-to-back shopping updates, he seems to be making good on that promise.

the Instagram “Shop” Tab

Earlier this year, Instagram announced it is releasing its shopping tab, and these new shoppable features I mentioned above are other steps towards making Instagram a better and more efficient platform for shopping.

The new Instagram “Shop” tab will allow Instagram users to shop from top brands and creators via a new tab in the app’s navigation bar with just one tap.

Since the option is not yet completed and fully rolled out, it does not function at its best now, but you can test it a bit by tapping on the Shops tab.

As mentioned a bit earlier, the new Instagram “Shop” tab will be added to one of the icons at the bottom of your Instagram app.

The Shop icon will replace the current ‘Activity’ tab for the ones which got the beta mode, with users still able to access their activity feed either via an additional icon in the top right (beside the ‘Direct’ paper plane) or from their profile.

After you click the Shop Tab, it will take you to the existing shopping experience in the app, with a listing of posts that have Shopping Tags added via approved merchants. But soon, the tab will highlight even more purchase options, as parent company Facebook expands its new on-platform selling options to more businesses.

Also Read: “How to Make a Reel on Facebook?”

How to create a Facebook page?

Facebook is the best platform to promote your brands or products and services. So, if you are running a business, you should not miss having a business Facebook page.

To create a Facebook business page:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the type of page: business/brand or community/public figure
  3. Click the Get Started
  4. Enter your business information
  5. For category, type a word, and Facebook will suggest some options
  6. Click Upload Profile Picture
  7. Click Upload a Cover Photo
  8. Click Create Page @Username in the left menu to set up your vanity URL
  9. Your Username can be up to 50 characters long
  10. Click Create Username when you’re done
  11. Click Edit Page Info in the top menu
  12. Add your business details
  13. Click See more in the left menu
  14. Click About
  15. Click Our Story on the right-hand side
  16. Click Publish
  17. Click the big green Publish Page button in the left-hand menu.

How to make a Facebook post shareable?

Facebook is one of the most favorable social media platforms in the globe. It has almost billions of active users. It is a lively, used platform. Facebook provides many things, such as posting content to various places. Therefore, some users may think about how to make a Facebook post shareable.

Facebook altered the perspective of blogs and websites. People can easily communicate and interact with each other. Since users are admins of their Facebook profile pages, they can add their content. It is similar to have a website.

Sharing post is one of the most fundamental things on Facebook. In the last update of Facebook, it is possible to post texts with backgrounds. Thus, adding more visibility to your posts is possible. It makes more people getting noticed.

If you believe that your post has usable content and it has the potential to be spread out in your communities, therefore it is time to make your Facebook post shareable. For making your posts shareable, some adjustments are necessary. In other words, once you want to share a post on Facebook, but the sharing button is not available as usual is, there are several potential causes why such a button might not exist on your Facebook posts. Most potential issues can be fixed.

How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on mobile?

Facebook posts can be shareable on mobile too. Executing the same steps as before to share a post on mobile.

  1. When you opened the Facebook application on your mobile, then there is a section ‘What is on your mind’, enter your content in this section.
  2. Now, you can see two buttons under your username include ‘Friends or Public’ and ‘Album.’
  3. If you see the first button contains the ‘Public’ text, it means that your post is shareable. Otherwise, switching it to ‘Public make it shareable.


Tips to Make Your Posts More Visible: Increasing your post visibility after learning how to make your posts shareable is a critical issue. If you want your posts to be shared, you probably want them to be seen by as many people as possible. That is why we give you some tips to make your posts more visible.

How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable on the desktop?

When your friends on Facebook notify you that they have attempted to share one of your posts, however, it is not possible. You most likely require to adjust your privacy setting to make it possible. Controlling every aspect of your profile is possible in the privacy setting of Facebook. For example, it is possible to adjust the setting to see your pictures and posts. Changing privacy settings to make it sharable on each of your posts on Facebook is possible. If you click the privacy icon that is located next to the post time stamp and chooses Friends, then only your friends can share your post. However, selecting the “Public” permits anyone to see your posts.

Steps to Make Your Post Shareable

  1. On the top of your profile page, there is a section of ‘What’s on your mind. You need to click on this section.
  2. Prepare sharing content.
  3. Before clicking on the Share button, selecting privacy must be done.
  4. Next to the News Feed is the privacy settings of your post. You can see a box that offers Public or Friends status.
  5. Clicking on the box to decide who can view your post.
  6. Selecting ‘Public’ changes your post to be shareable. Therefore, showing ‘Public in advance means your posts must already be shareable.

Choosing the Public enables users to share your post. However, it is possible to change privacy from setting for your future posts. Following the below steps to do so

  1. There is a drop-down arrow that is in the header. Click on it
  2. Then you need to click on ‘Settings.’
  3. Now you should click on ‘Privacy’. It is in the menu on the left.
  4. In the ‘Your Activity’ section, there is an option ‘Who can see your future posts’
  5. If you want that everyone can share your post, you need to click on Edit next to the “who can see your future post” option and adjust it to Public.

Tips to get more shares on Facebook

Once your posts have seen more, the possibility of sharing them increases hugely. Here we highlight some tips to make your posts more visible.

Post-on-peak hours

Posting at the proper time is one of the essential considerations. Reaching to many people requires the time when your audience most likely be on Facebook.

People usually check their Facebook platform every day, after 6 or 7 pm. Since at this time, most people would be at home, and it is probably the best time to visit Facebook.

Another time with a high chance is noon. Once individuals eat their lunch at work, they attempt to enjoy their time and relax a little before continuing their work.

Posting on Saturday night at weekends is not a proper time. Since typically, at this time, almost all people have a plan. Also, Sunday morning is not the right time. But, all day time on Sunday except morning time would be proper for posting.

Increase the visibility

Looking at interesting content that catches the eyes of people through scrolling, Facebook is a priority of them. Therefore, adding visual content makes your post more noticeable. For example, posting a text and background due to the last update of Facebook effectively increases your post visibility.

Using photos related to your post would catch everyone’s eyes rapidly, more particularly once it is an exciting and favorable subject for them.

Keep it Simple

Writing a short and straightforward text attracts more people. Therefore, avoid utilizing complicated sentences. If your sentences are short and understandable, people encourage to read it most probably compared to complicated text like academic ones.


If you alter the privacy adjustments, it is possible to share it for your friends or share it for the Public. Increasing your post visibility results in sharing your post more and more. Posting short, attractive, and simple text in proper time effectively increases your post visibility.

Facebook’s Newest TikTok Clone Is A Bummer

These days, almost every social media platform is considered as a rival to TikTok, and Facebook is no exception. Facebook has started testing its TikTok clone app Collab, which is Developed by Facebook’s new product experimentation group.

Keep up with me to find out more about this brand new TikTok rival and how it works.

What is Collab, and how does it work?  

Facebook’s new ‘Collab’ app is heavily inspired by the popular short video app TikTok. With Collab, users can mix and match original videos and music. The app is in beta and is currently invite-only on iOS.

Collab allows users to record three separate short-form videos of them playing various instruments like drums or guitar or singing vocals. Facebook says users don’t need any experience in music to add their own recordings.

According to NPE product manager Jason Toff—who teased a few clips of the product in action through a series of Twitter posts—Collab connects instrumentalists, vocalists, and other musician-adjacent peeps, letting them sync their sounds together and create their own unique renditions on the pop hits of today.

“Alongside new creators, new curators will arise based on their ability to curate the right combo of clips,” Toff wrote. “The world’s sounds are the new piano keys. The process of curating and remixing— neither of which require any musical training— is so fulfilling.”

When you open the app, you feel like you have entered TikTok, no differences, right down to the curated, “For You.” Only instead of being full of the absolute debauchery of your average TikTok feed, Collab’s clips all mirror the same format: three panels, with three different clips of someone playing an instrument—or singing along—to the beat of a given song.

According to Gizmodo, while there aren’t too many clips just yet (the app’s in beta, after all), the few currently populating the app’s feed are… interesting. The first that greeted me had one-panel housing, a grown man singing an off-key rendition of Earth, Wind and Fire’s “September,” while the two panels below showed the exact same guy playing piano and shaking maracas in time to the song.

Folks can “curate” these performances by swapping out each panel for a different piece of vocals or music that someone submitted to the app for this particular song.

Facebook Threatens to Leave Europe Due to Proposed New Data-Sharing Regulations

Although TikTok is safe for now and is not getting banned in the United States after some negotiations, there are still concerns that it may be sharing data on U.S. citizens with the Chinese Government; the case may have also highlighted rising global concerns over data sovereignty, and the risks associated with sharing user data between nations.

Now it’s Facebook’s turn. The E.U. officials are concerned about their data privacy, and they think their information is being sent and exposed to the U.S by Facebook.

The European Union privacy regulator sent a preliminary order to Facebook, which called for it to suspend data transfers about its E.U. users back to the U.S. According to the order, E.U. officials are increasingly concerned about potential surveillance practices by the U.S. Government and are now looking to limit such by restricting the flow of user information.

Facebook is now forced to keep the E.U. user data only in Europe. And now Facebook has issued an official response, saying that, if such rules are implemented, it may be forced to stop operating both Facebook and Instagram in Europe entirely.

These issues made Facebook threaten Europe that it might have to soon leave the E.U. If European regulators don’t back down and let the social network get its own way.

Regarding Vice‘s statement, Facebook has announced that:

“If the decision is upheld, “it is not clear to [Facebook] how, in those circumstances, it could continue to provide the Facebook and Instagram services in the E.U.,” said Yvonne Cunnane, who is Facebook Ireland’s head of data protection and associate general counsel.”

Facebook and Instagram have more than 410 million combined users in the E.U. region, and all of them, theoretically, would lose access to both platforms if Facebook were to follow through with this threat.

I personally do not think that Facebook would take such a huge step only as a response to data privacy measures since it will lose lots of money and market shares if it cuts off Europe. A more likely scenario would eventually see Facebook forced to establish EU-only data centers, which may be the eventual outcome.

Facebook Messenger adds Watch Together to let you watch videos with friends

Facebook Messenger has added a cool new feature to its platform. People will soon be able to select content from Facebook Watch, the social network’s video hub.

According to CNET, Facebook said Monday that people who make video calls on Messenger or use its videoconferencing tool Messenger Rooms would be able to watch videos together with their friends and family on their smartphones in real-time.

Another great option of this new feature is that Facebook users can select videos and shows to view through the social network’s video hub, known as Facebook Watch. The feature, called Watch Together, will be rolling out globally on Android and Apple mobile devices, Facebook said.

How to Watch Videos Together on Facebook?

When on a video call on any of Facebook’s messaging apps (Facebook, Messenger Room, or hangout), any participant can choose a clip from Facebook’s video catalog — the shows and other content you’d normally find in the “Watch” tab —, and it will play for everyone in the call. It doesn’t, however, support YouTube or videos from other streaming sites, so your viewing options will be somewhat limited (though Facebook says it’s adding some new content to coincide with the feature’s launch).

The Facebook Watch video hub includes long and short videos, and they don’t require a subscription to view. Still, the company faces competition from other popular video apps, such as YouTube and TikTok.

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