Do you love Discord? So many other people are. As a beautiful streaming platform, this is a place to amaze your audience, and there are many patches you can add to your server and make it more bright.
We will show what a Discord bot, a Discord bots creator is, and how to make Discord bots both with your phone and PC.
Also, read about “How to make a discord poll?“.
What are Discord bots, and how do they work?
If you are a Discord user, you should know bots are valuable artificial intelligence that automatically performs several valuable tasks on your server. With this patch, you can welcome new members, add music to your server, and moderate discussion.

What is a Discord bots maker?
Developing a new Discord bot needs expertise and a lot of money. An alternative way is to hire a Discord bots maker. There are many Discord bots makers which you can use for your server, and we have introduced the three most popular Discord bots maker here:
Discord Bot Maker on Steam
Steam is a powerful bot development tool that can boost your audience’s experience on your server. You can use Steam on your PC, and with this software, you will have the power and control to create bots that can do almost anything you want. Steam costs only 10 dollars.
Discord Bot creator on BotGhost
BotGhost is another tool that you can rely on it. As statistics say, around 280 thousand bots have been developed using BotGhost, and this definitely means that the platform is decent and has all the features that you need. You can use BotGhost’s additional modules to create more advanced Discord bots.
Bot Designer Discord
If you are a newbie in Discord bot development, you can use Bot Designer Discord. However, this doesn’t mean that it has no new features for professionals. You can use Javascript for custom coding your Discord bot. Furthermore, Bot Designer Discord has the ability to host your server, too.
How to make Discord bots on PC?
How to create a Discord bot on a PC? You just need to follow these steps;
- First, download Node.js and Discord on your computer, and create a Discord account. Once both applications have been installed on your device, restart your PC and move on to the next step.
- Now, create your bot. To do it, you need to access the applications tab in Discord in order to get an authorization token for the bot. with this token, Discord recognizes your code and adds it to the bot when in servers.
- Get your authorization token. Note that this token is unique to your bot; thus, don’t give the code to strangers. Not unless you have decided to let them change the bot’s settings.
- Next, send your bot to the servers. You can start the process by finding the applications “General Information” tab and copying your “Client ID” to the blank space.
- The next step is to create a new folder for your bot on your computer. You need to open a notepad and type;
“token”:” YOUR BOT’S TOKEN.”
After that, save the file as “Auth.json.” It must contain a. JSON file and not a .TXT file. Your bot will not work if you use it. JSON. Now, open a new file and type in the following information;
“name”: “Legendary bot”,
“version”: “1.0.0”,
“description”: “Jeffrey the Bot”,
“main”: “bot.js”,
“author”: “Your Name”,
“dependencies”: {}
You can replace any information you feel fits in this section; the BOT’s name should be.
- Open your text editor and make your bot’s file. To get the most out of your bot at this level, you will need to have an understanding of JavaScript. Now open your notepad and define your bot’s code.
- Next, open your computer’s “command prompt” and navigate to your Discord bot folder. The easiest way of doing this process is by right-clicking a blank area within the bot’s folder while holding the shift. After that, click on the “open” button in the command prompt. You can also press the Windows key + R, type CMD in the field, and click enter alternatively.
- Use the command prompt to install your bot’s dependencies. In the command prompt, which is next to the discord bot folder pathway, type in “npm install Winston – save.” As a result, the necessary files will be automatically installed.
- Finally, run your bot on the command prompt. If everything is okay, you can enjoy your Discord bot on your server.

How to make Discord bots on mobile?
You can also use your phone device to make Discord bots or add them to your server.
To add a Discord bot via mobile device, follow these steps:
- First, open the website on your browser.
- As you enter the website, you can find the lists of top-rated and top-trending bots and also search for specific bots.
- After choosing your desired bot on the lists, click on the “View” option on the screen and click on the “Invite” button.
- Now go to your Discord account. If prompted, enter your credentials and log into your account. On the next move, continue the process of selecting the server and granting permission in the browser.
- Open your Discord app, select the server in the left side panel of your screen, and tap on the server name at the top section.
- Next, click on the “Settings” option to open the server settings and then select the “Roles” option.
- Click on the “+” button below to create a new role for your bots. You need to give the function a name and turn on all the permissions you want the bot to access except administrator and manage server ones.
- Finally, go back and select the “Members” option to open the Member’s list. As a result, select your bot and choose the role to assign the bot to that role.
How to make Discord bots online?
If you are somehow obsessed with coding and trying to find an easier way, you can make your Discord bots online and without exertion. As mentioned before, you can try Discord bots development tools like BotGhost; and here, we will teach you how to use another great website to create your bots, which is Zapier.
Follow these steps to use Zapier’s tools to make your Discord bot, based on its official website;
- Let’s imagine you want to inform everybody about today’s weather. You can start by building a Zap and then choose the “Weather by Zapier” option as the trigger app.
- Now select the “Will It Rain Today?” option as the trigger, then click on the “Save and Continue” button.
- In this case, you will be asked for your longitude and latitude and whether you would like to use Celsius or Fahrenheit.
- Next, click on the “Continue” button, and go to your Discord.
- Choose the “Send Channel Message” button and click on “Save + Continue.”
- You need to connect your Discord server with Zapier now.
- To set up your template, select which channel the post should go to, then customize your message.
- You can pull in information from the trigger step by clicking the fields button. By clicking on the button, a dropdown menu will appear. You are also allowed to enable text to speech, change the bot’s name, and give the bot a custom icon. Click on the “Continue” button.
- Now, you can test your bot on your Discord server. To do that, click on the “Send Test to Discord” icon, and you should see a success message on your screen.
- If you see the message, then you have successfully created your bot!!!
This is an example of creating a simple Discord bot using Zapier on the internet, and of course, there are so many other platforms that can help you develop unique bots for your channel.

Thank you for reading this text. As you see, we explained why we need Discord bots, what is a Discord bots creator, and how to make Discord bots on your phone or PC. In general, it seems like duck soup, and I hope you will learn quickly to do it. So, let’s go and make some bots!!!