As a player of the sandbox game “Minecraft,” you may need to increase your career speed; the main route is to use a horse, and of course, breed them. In Minecraft, breeding horses is not too complicated unless you have no idea how to do it properly. This brief guide will show you how to breed horses in Minecraft and what you need as material.
Everything about horses is here.
What are the Required Materials to Breed Horses in Minecraft?

Before you start breeding horses, you need two Golden Apples or Golden Carrots. Note that either of them will work, but you have to craft them or buy some from Villagers.
If you want to craft Golden Apples, just follow these steps;
- First, break some oak or dark oak leaves until you have at least two apples.
- Now mine some gold, no matter which method you are using.
- Next, smelt the Gold Nuggets into Gold Ingots.
- Step four: Go to your crafting table, and place the apple in the middle slot.
- Now surround the apple with your Gold Ingots.
- Finally, you can obtain a Golden Apple. You can repeat the process for more Golden Apples as you will need at least two.
To achieve Golden Carrots, you need to use a different method. Follow these steps;
- First, harvest some carrots from a Village or your home.
- Now mine some gold, no matter which method you are using.
- Next, smelt the Gold Nuggets into Gold Ingots.
- Go to your crafting table, and place the carrot in the middle slot.
- After that, surround the carrot with Gold Ingots to get a Golden Carrot.
- You can repeat the process for more Golden Carrots as you will need at least two.
As you prepare the ingredients, it is time to answer the question “How do I breed horses in Minecraft?” in the next section.
How do you breed horses in Minecraft?
You need to find a horse in the game at the next level, and you have to be patient and lucky. Horses can usually be found in plains and savannas, and they typically don’t escape from you.
To start taming horses, you need to follow these steps:
- First, search for a horse in Minecraft.
- Next, press the right-click or left trigger button on the horse. Note that the horse, in most cases, will buck you off, but you don’t need to be scared.
- Repeat the process until the heart starts pumping.
- Now, you can saddle the horse or breed it. You can feed the horse with wheat, Golden Apples, Golden Carrots, or apples.
Note that horses in Minecraft have a “temper” stat, which ranges from zero to 99. The first time you catch a wild horse, a random temper number is assigned to it, and if you are lucky, you can use the horse if you have a number above 95.
If you don’t tame the horse just after you mount it, you will be bucked off, but the tempered value will rise by five. You can also replace your horse with a donkey, which can be found in herds of two to seven numbers like horses. In fact, both horses and donkeys also have a 20% chance of spawning as a foal.
To breed horses in Minecraft, you just need three seconds, and you will get a foal as a gift after breeding (never forget that you have to mount at least two horses if you are planning for a colt). To start breeding, follow these steps;
- First, prepare your breeding food.
- Feed your both horses and wait until they meet each other.
- Once they meet, they will start mating.
- As a result, a foal will appear just after two and half seconds.
- Repeat the process if it is necessary.
If you want to breed some horses again, you will need to wait five minutes. During this duration, horses still belong to you, but if you hold the breeding food, they won’t eat it.
More after, any Animal in Minecraft has a “Love Mode”; they will be turned off after 30 seconds of breeding and not find another horse to breed with. You have to feed your horses again to enter love mode, but there is no need for the five-minute wait.

Thank you for reading. Breeding horses is not a problematic issue to worry about, but you need to learn some tips to do it properly. To breed horses in Minecraft, you just need to mount some wild horses from the plain, give them enough food, and keep them continuously in the “Love Mode” status. So, let’s go and breed some horses for yourself!!!