How To Easily Protect Your Mac From Spoofing?

Cyber attacks have increased over the years, and everyone is a target, whether you’re an  individual, a large corporation, or a government entity. The attackers usually have different  goals, including ruining your reputation and stealing your data for ransom or black market  sale. 

One way they can attack you is through spoofing, which has allowed attackers to breach  networks covertly. Once in your network, criminals collect personal information like  passwords, banking details, and other credentials. 

Here is what you need to know and how to protect Mac from spoofing. 

What Is Spoofing? 

Spoofing is a kind of cyber-attack where the attacker pretends to be your friend, bank, or  employer. The criminals aim to make the attack look as legitimate as possible for targets to  fall for it without suspecting anything. 

In most cases, attackers use the names of trusted organizations and big businesses like  PayPal, Amazon, Apple, and Walmart to fool you. They send you emails from fake  addresses or links to fake websites. If you fall for them, you can unknowingly share  information with criminals. 

There are also sophisticated types of spoofing attacks that involve targeting your GPS, IP,  and network. Hackers will likely use these on you if you’re a high-value target. But still, it’s  always helpful to stay vigilant to avoid being a victim of any form of spoofing. 

As technology grows, there’s also the increased risk of facial spoofing. Today, facial ID is  becoming a thing in unlocking phones and authorizing transactions. As Deep Fake grows,  criminals can explore ways to use it to hack through facial spoofing.

How to protect your Mac from spoofing

How to Protect Your Mac? 

Whenever you’re using your computer, it’s vital to be careful to avoid becoming a victim of  such attacks. Here is what you need to do to protect Mac from spoofing

1. Use VPN 

Use a Virtual Private Network to mask your IP and MAC addresses, especially when using  public networks. Note that computers use IP packets to communicate. When browsing,  your computer receives the packets to load information. 

Without encryption, hackers can intercept the communication of your Mac to target you  with spoofed websites. VPN encrypts your data by creating a secure tunnel for data  transfer to prevent hackers from intercepting and changing the source IP address

You can pick from free or paid VPN tools; you can also use browser extensions.  Alternatively, you can configure VPN on your Mac’s System Settings once you get a VPN  subscription. 

2. Install Anti-Malware Software 

It’s wise to have a real-time anti-malware program running on your Mac just to be safe, and  remember to keep it up to date. You’ll likely click a spoofed or infected link at some point,  and the program will help prevent potential infection and protect you. 

Anti-malware programs work by stopping downloads and cleaning infected files on your  Mac. You can opt for free or paid solutions. A paid solution is better since it can protect you  from DNS attacks, whereby hackers hijack your DNS settings and direct you to spoofed  websites. 

3. Use Two-Factor Authentication 

Placement: While strong passwords help secure your accounts, it’s advisable to use two-factor authentication (2FA) to reinforce the protection. 2FA makes it impossible for attackers to access your accounts, even if they manage to secure your password. Besides using strong passwords, incorporating 2FA adds an extra layer of security to safeguard your digital assets and sensitive information.

Today, hackers can easily get your passwords, especially when they hack other websites  like social media and dating apps. If you use the same password for all online accounts,  criminals can log into your accounts once they get the password, hence the importance of  using 2FA. 

When you implement 2FA, your online accounts will request a special code or permission  to authorize access. The verification code is automatically sent to your phone as a text  message, or you can use an app on your phone to confirm access. Without these two, it’s  difficult for hackers to get into your account. 

4. Avoid Clicking Unknown Links or Attachments 

You must be careful whenever you receive new emails, especially those with a sense of  urgency or importance. Before clicking any links or downloading attachments, verify the  sender’s details, like email address, contact details, etc. 

If you believe the email is from a legitimate sender, it’s wise to contact the sender using  other channels to verify the contents of the email. This is particularly important if the email  has an attachment or requests certain personal details. 

In the event of clicking a link or downloading a file, you’re likely to install malicious software  on your Mac. Hackers can use the software covertly to collect your information, including  name, bank accounts, passwords, emails, card details, etc. 

5. Never Share Personal Information Online 

Most organizations won’t ask you to send important information via email. So, be wary  when you receive an email requesting your bank account details, SSN, or home address.  Note that criminals can still use call spoofing to get your data — you should always be  careful. 

Email spoofing is the most prevalent method, with hackers sending about 3.1 billion  spoofed emails daily. Most of these emails contain links which direct you to a spoofed  website to fill out a form. But also don’t overlook social media — attackers can target you  anywhere online.

This is particularly important as social media becomes widespread. Criminals will target  you on social media with fake job offers, gift cards, etc. So, avoid engaging with strangers  online and don’t share anything you’ll regret, even if it is your full name, home address, pet  name, etc. 

Keep Your Mac Secure 

Using the internet makes you a potential target for online scammers and attackers.  Criminals will use different approaches to get to you and steal your data. They can use the  data to create fake IDs, access your financials or sell it on the black market. 

Spoofing can be challenging to spot, and hackers are getting smarter every day; even  experienced users have been victims. So, it’s vital to be careful and confirm email  addresses before engaging with anyone online or sharing any information. 

Regardless, the best protection combines caution and Mac security tools. Avoid clicking  links and downloading files that look suspicious. If you download software online, only use  trusted sources. Also, avoid using free movie sites, which mostly feature infected links that  can initiate file downloads.

Author: Dyka Smith

Dyka Smith is a content marketing professional at Inosocial, an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Dyka worked as a marketing manager for a tech software startup. She graduated with honors from Columbia University with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.

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