How to find birthday on Facebook

Facebook is a website and social networking service where users can send comments, photos, and links to news or other interesting content on the web, games, live chat, and live video streaming. You can even order food with Facebook if that’s what you want to do. Shared content can be publicly accessible or can only be shared with a select group of friends or family or with an individual.
Privacy: Teenagers can sometimes forget that what is posted on Facebook is basically a form of posting, and unless profiles are set privately, anyone can view the information. Most teens post personal information online, such as photos and phone numbers.

Hunters: While rare, there have been cases where hunters and other illiterate people have targeted young people on Facebook. Due to its nature, the site is easily accessible and full of personal information.
Key features of Facebook:

  • Facebook lets you keep a list of your friends and choose privacy settings so you can see personal content in your profile.
  • Facebook lets you upload photos and save photo albums you can share with your friends
  • Facebook supports interactive online chat, and the ability to display your friend’s profile pages, sometimes referred to as “walls”, to communicate, share information, or just say “hello.”
  • Facebook supports group pages, fan pages, and business pages that allow companies to use Facebook as a tool for social media marketing.
  • Facebook Developer Network offers advanced features and monetization options.
  • Facebook Connecting to websites allows you to interact with Facebook and allows Facebook to be used as a global inbound authentication service.
  • You can stream the video using Facebook Live.

Some users sometimes show the wrong date of birth or want to hide their real age. To change these parameters, you just need to do a few simple steps.

Facebook’s date of birth changes

The process of change is very simple, it can be divided into several stages. But before you start setting up, keep in mind that if you have already specified an age older than 18, you may not be able to change to a younger age, and also keep in mind that only people who are 13 years old and can use the social network
To change your personal information

1.Log in to your personal page where you want to change the date of birth settings. Enter your username and password on the Facebook homepage to enter the profile.

2.Now, on your personal page, you have to click on “Information” to go to this section

3.Next, select “Contact Information and Basic” among all the sections.

4.Scroll down the page to see a section with general information, where is the date of birth.

5.You can now start changing the settings. To do this, move the mouse over the desired parameter, a button will appear on the right side of it to edit. You can change the date, month and year of birth

6.You can also select information about your date of birth. To do this, click on the appropriate icon on the right and select the desired one. This can be done both by month and day and separately by year.

7.Now you just need to save the settings for the changes to take effect. Completes these settings.
When changing personal information, pay attention to Facebook’s warning that you can change this parameter over and over again, so do not abuse this setting.

How to view birthdays on Facebook

Remembering dates and anniversaries is not one of your strengths, and you often forget to send your wishes to your friends and family on their birthdays. However, he recently discovered that there are also Facebook features that let you remember the birthdays of users added to a friend: You really like to use it, but unfortunately You do not know how to use it. So right? So let me tell you that you have arrived at the right place at the right time!
In fact, using this guide, I will tell you how to see birthdays on Facebook, showing you the exact way to see the birthdays of your loved ones and send your wishes through the function related to the social network.
How to see birthdays on Facebook You should know that it is possible to see the birthdays of both the people you have added to your friends and the users who are not members. In both cases, it is essential that loved ones do not “hide” their date of birth in their profile privacy settings.

How to view a birthday on a computer on Facebook

View birthdays via PC on Facebook, connect to the social network homepage, and if you have not already done so, access your account by entering the data in the fields Email or phone es Password, top the right side.
When done, find the section Explore the left sidebar, click the Events entry, and in the new page that appears
On the other hand, you can also view a specific person’s date of birth by accessing that user’s profile information. To do this, write the name of the person you are interested in. Search at the top of the page and click on the magnifying glass icon. To view the search results, then press the name of your birthday you want to know.
On the new page that appears, select the Info tab, touch the item Basic information and contact us and find the Basic information section. When doing this, you should see a symbol of the birthday cake with the date of birth of your loved one
It will be useful for you to know that depending on the privacy settings set by the user that you want to know your birthday, they may see the full date of birth, only the day and month of birth or not display this information.

Author: Dyka Smith

Dyka Smith is a content marketing professional at Inosocial, an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Dyka worked as a marketing manager for a tech software startup. She graduated with honors from Columbia University with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.

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