In Minecraft, there are several sources of light to choose from. You can use a block of glowstone or a customary torch to illuminate your environment (especially when mobs are going to spawn around you).
In this detailed guide, I will show you how to make lanterns in Minecraft, how to make jack o lanterns in Minecraft, and how to make sea lanterns in Minecraft.
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Required materials to make a Minecraft lantern (Minecraft lantern recipe)
To provide the Minecraft lantern recipe, you need eight iron nuggets and one torch in a 3Ă—3 grid. How to place them to make a Minecraft lantern? Just put the torch in the center of the grid, and fill the rest of the grid with eight iron nuggets. In the following sections below, we will ultimately discuss how to make a lantern in Minecraft.
how to make a lantern in Minecraft
To make a lantern in Minecraft as a player, you need to follow these steps:
- First, you need to collect eight iron nuggets. In the beginning, it seems like a lot of work to do, but all you need is iron ore to produce eight iron nuggets. Once you have got the iron ore, you need to put it in a furnace to smelt into an ingot. Then put the ingot in your crafting grid, and you will get nine nuggets.
- Next, you need to provide a torch. This item is one of the things that most players create when they start playing Minecraft. But if you don’t have any torch in your inventory, pick a piece of coal or charcoal and then put it above a stick in the crafting menu. As a result, you will get several torches, and we need only one for making a Minecraft lantern.
- After these steps, you need to place the torch in the center of the crafting grid and put the eight iron nuggets all around it.
- Congratulations! You have created a new lantern in Minecraft. This is the Minecraft lantern recipe of the “Regular” version. Note that a single lantern is not going to shine as the sun, and you need many of them to lighten your house in the game.

What are the Minecraft lantern designs?
You can use many types of blocks and decorations to create several lantern designs in Minecraft. If you search for new designs on the internet, you can see plenty of videos that describe how to make a new Minecraft lantern design. Here, we have collected some of these YouTube video links;
- Link:
- Link:
- Link:
- Link:
These videos can create many inspirations to make their own Minecraft lantern design.
How to make sea lanterns in Minecraft
If you are working in underwater ruins, you need a sea lantern Minecraft for sure. These versions of Minecraft lanterns are pretty different from the regular light sources and can be an excellent addition to the inventory of a Minecraft user. Sea lantern Minecraft can also be used as a decorative block in many structures.
As an underwater light source, players can find this lantern in ocean monuments and underwater ruins, and it produces white light. You can place a sea lantern Minecraft under a Noteblock to make a “Clicks and Sticks” sound. Follow these steps to create a sea lantern Minecraft for yourself;
- First, you need to collect four Prismarine Shards and five Prismarine Crystals. You can find these items from killing Guardian and Elder Guardian in Ocean Monuments.
- Now, open your crafting grid, and place Prismarine Shards in the four corners and Prismarine Crystals in the rest of the grid.
- As a result, you will get a beautiful sea lantern Minecraft.
How to make a jack o lantern in Minecraft?
Do you love Halloween and pumpkins? Then why not create a jack o lantern in Minecraft? In the real world, a jack o lantern is a festive carved pumpkin lantern that is most connected with the Halloween season.
Jack o lanterns generally function as a torch in the game, but the big difference is that the torch’s light radius is relatively larger, and you can use it to craft underwater. Another significant advantage is that jack o lanterns can keep Hostile Mobs away. These lanterns can have light when they are immersed underwater and have a luminance of 15. They don’t need any block under them to stand, and once they are set, they will automatically face the Minecraft player.
How to make jack o lantern in Minecraft? To provide the jack o lantern Minecraft recipe, you need one torch and a block of Carved Pumpkin. Carved Pumpkin is not an item you can make on the crafting table, and you should find it in the game environment. To get a pumpkin, you need to find a pumpkin plant growing in your Minecraft world, which is usually found in the Extreme Hills or Plains biomes. Make sure you dig up the pumpkin before it disappears.
After providing the pumpkin, you need to make shears using two iron ingots. Now just place the pumpkin near you on the ground, equip the shears using the Hotbar, and finally use the shears on the pumpkin by left-clicking on it while having the shears equipped.
Now, as the ingredients of the jack o lantern recipe are collected, let’s see how to make a jack o lantern in Minecraft using the crafting grid;
- First, open your crafting grid, as you will see a 3Ă—3 table.
- Now, place the carved pumpkin block from your inventory in the second cell in the first row.
- Next, place the torch exactly below the carved pumpkin in the second cell in the second row.
- Finally, you have made a jack o lantern.
How to make soul lantern Minecraft
This is another version of lanterns in the game, which we called the “Minecraft soul lantern.” This version works the same way as the regular one, except it is blue and scares off “Piglins,” as they scare from soul lanterns. The color of the emitting light from this blue lantern Minecraft is “blue,” respectively.
The recipe for the Minecraft soul lantern is the same as the Minecraft lantern recipe we explained above, except that you need a soul torch instead of a normal type to create it. To create a Minecraft soul lantern, follow these steps:
- First, you need to collect eight iron nuggets. As the same as the regular Minecraft lantern, you need one iron ore to produce eight iron nuggets. Once you have got the iron ore, you need to put it in a furnace to smelt into an ingot. Then put the ingot in your crafting grid, and you will get nine nuggets.
- To craft a soul torch in the game, you need a block of coal or charcoal, a stick, and also a piece of soul sand or soul soil. Both of the soul blocks are in the “Nether.”
- After you get all of the required ingredients, put them in a vertical line in the center cell of the crafting grid, with the coal at the top and the soul item at the bottom of the grid. As a result, you will get a soul torch. Now just place the soul torch in the middle of the crafting grid, and fill the rest with iron nuggets.
- You have successfully created a soul lantern Minecraft in your inventory.

Thank you for reading this guide. We have answered these questions in the text:
- How to make a lantern in Minecraft (the regular version)
- How to make sea lanterns in Minecraft
- What kind of Minecraft lantern design we can make
- How to make jack o lantern Minecraft
- How to make a Minecraft soul lantern (the blue lantern Minecraft)
In general, any Minecraft lantern has its advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the type of lantern according to your purpose. If you need any additional information about lanterns, you can visit the Minecraft help center on the internet or just ask your questions.