Securing Your Online Blog Site from Cyber Attacks

About 30,000 cyberattacks take place every day globally, according to IT Chronicles. This means that hackers attempt unauthorized access to at least one website every 39 seconds. 

Website hacks can be expensive to recover. A 2021 data breach report shows that companies used more than $4 million to cater to the costs of cyberattacks. 

Whether you are a tech guru or still learning about how to start a blog, preventing your online blog from hackers should be one of your top priorities. A variety of bloggers choose to create their blog via coding on platforms such as WordPress and therefore protect it on their own. But one of the most common and preferred choices amongst bloggers is the Wix website building platform. Wix not only has an in depth guide about how to start a blog, the platform makes sure all of its sites abide by the NIST security standards, therefore assisting bloggers by providing them a high quality, all inclusive cyber security package, rather than having to create plug-ins on an open source site. This article will take you through how to check if your blog site is secure in terms of cyber security. 

5 Ways to Protect Your Website from Hackers

“How to make my website secure” is one of the top searches new web owners start with on Google. If you want to enhance the security of your online profile, follow these five tips. 

Keep Everything Up-to-Date

Hackers will look for known exploits or holes in software or browsers that they can use to access your website. Keeping everything up-to-date gives you a higher chance of spotting an exploit and closing it before it gets out of hand. 

While you might think that software and driver updates may be unnecessary, they always contain significant patches that may help you contain viruses. Moreover, be sure to avoid any counterfeit software. 

Use Strong Passwords

Passwords are an essential part of any security plan, but many have weak or easy-to-guess passwords. Use a password manager to create a long and complicated password for each account on your site.

If a hacker is able to gain access, they’ll have a hard time cracking your passwords. Additionally, set up a two-factor authentication that might serve as a backup to your password when logging in from an unfamiliar device. 


HTTPS is an additional security layer that encrypts information traveling between your visitor’s computer and your web server. It makes it hard for hackers to see what you’re sending, complicating their hacking efforts. Google also ranks websites using HTTPS higher since they are known to be safer for users. Today if you build your website on a managed platform via a website builder such as Wix it will most likely be served over HTTPS by default, making it more intuitive for first time business owners attempting to advance their site.   

Avoid Downloading Junk

Malware is a real threat, especially when browsing on a public computer or using a USB drive. To keep malware out of your PC, stay away from junk files or sites that promise you software that’s too good to be true. Before downloading any software or files, start by checking reviews online or installing anti-virus software. 

Make Your Domain Name Private

Before you set up your site, or as soon as you have it up and running, get a private domain name. A private domain ensures that hackers can’t buy or otherwise access it. It could cost you a few dollars but it’s nothing compared to losing your website. 

How to Check if a Website is Safe

Once you secure your site, take various steps regularly to test the security of your site. Here are some ways  to check if a website is safe:

Scan Your Site for Malware and Vulnerabilities

Malware comes in many different sizes that can harm your device or steal your website data. Make sure the gadgets you use to manage your site are safe by using reputable antivirus software. Moreover, perform regular scans with your antivirus on your computer or smartphone. 

Monitor Site Performance

There are dozens of web monitoring tools that can help you see the activities happening on your site. The most common tool for web monitoring is Google Analytics, through which you can assimilate your code for free and start tracking your site’s ranking and traffic levels on Google. Being alert to your site’s performance rates can help you identify and solve problems before they cause serious damage. A web host with dedicated servers and DDoS protection will automatically handle many of these issues for you if you report them early. 

Check Whois Data

When a website is registered, there’s some information left behind in a database called a whois. The whois shows details like who owns a particular site and the country it’s located in. If your website is being used for spammy purposes, checking domain registration info can shed light on those responsible for trolling around cyberspace making life miserable for others.

Visit Google Search Console

Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, allows you to monitor a wide range of information about your website. It helps you see your page indexing status, crawl errors, and even keywords that lead people to your site. 

To use it, first set up an account with Google Search Console. Once logged in, head to Crawl Errors and search for 403 Forbidden under Status Codes. If you find any instances of 403 Forbidden errors with no referrer information, try to fix them. 


No one knows where or when a cyberattack or a serious security breach will happen, but it’s important to keep in mind that you are never 100% protected. However, you can reduce risks by being cautious with what you do online and learning about what to do during a cyber attack, as well as to choose an appropriate website builder like Wix that can manage and maintain optimized security for your site. Do not type in sensitive information like passwords and social security numbers. Update all your devices and avoid clicking on links that look suspicious. Most importantly, scan your website and gadgets regularly to detect malware and vulnerabilities on time. Hopefully by being more aware of the implications of weak website security, you will be more equipped to respond to cyber attacks quickly and efficiently.  

What is a social media design and what does it involve?

What is social media design? This is a question that many people have, but don’t know how to answer. social media design is the process of creating visuals for social media platforms. This can include anything from creating graphics for posts to designing covers and profile pictures. In this blog post, we will discuss what social media design is, and everything you need to know about it!

What is a social media design and what does it involve?

social media design is the process of creating visuals for social media platforms. This can include anything from creating graphics for posts to designing covers and profile pictures.

Creating visuals for social media platforms requires a few different skills. First, you need to be able to understand the dimensions and requirements of each social media platform. For example, Facebook cover photos are 820 x 312 pixels, whereas Twitter header images are 1500 x 500 pixels. If you try to upload an image that is the wrong size, it will be stretched or cropped, which will make it look low quality.

The different types of social media platforms and the design elements that are used on each

There are many social media platforms out there, and each one has different design elements. For example, on Facebook, you have the cover photo, profile picture, and post image. On Twitter, you have the header image and profile picture. Each social media platform also has its own specific size requirements for these images.

 How to create a social media campaign that will be successful

Creating a social media campaign is not as easy as it sounds. There are many things that you need to take into consideration, such as the platform that you’re using, the type of content that you’re sharing, and the design of your visuals. If you want to create a social media campaign that will be successful, make sure to keep these three things in mind!

Tips for designing graphics for social media posts

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re designing graphics for social media posts. First, make sure that the text is legible and easy to read. Second, use bright and eye-catching colors. And lastly, don’t forget to include your branding!

social media design is a process that requires many different skills and considerations. However, if you keep these four things in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating successful social media campaigns! Thanks for reading! we hope this article has helped answer your question: what is social media design?

If you need social media design services or anything else related to social media marketing, contact

The importance of branding in social media design

As we mentioned before, branding is one of the most important aspects of social media design. Your visuals should always include your brand’s colors, logo, and font. This will help people to recognize your brand and remember it in the future.

How to measure the success of your social media campaign

There are a few different metrics that you can use to measure the success of your social media campaign. First, take a look at the engagement rate of your posts. This includes things like the number of likes, comments, and shares. Second, look at the reach of your campaign. This is the number of people who have seen your content. And lastly, look at the conversion rate. This is the number of people who have taken action after seeing your content (such as clicking on a link or buying a product).

social media design is an important aspect of social media marketing. If you want to create successful social media campaigns, make sure to keep these six things in mind! Thanks for reading!

How to make a playlist on YouTube?

f you are using YouTube in your everyday life, you might need to know more about its features. For example, you can make a playlist on YouTube and add what you like there. There are some other options on YouTube that are useful. In this blog, I would explain how to make a playlist, adding, or removing videos to it.

YouTube is the biggest video sharing platform, and of course, it has lots of benefits for its users. If you are working on your website or online store traffic, YouTube is of great help to get more leads and traffic.

How to make a YouTube playlist?

You can create a playlist on YouTube and make it unlisted, public, or private. If you make your playlist unlisted, no one will be able to see it unless you share the link. The private YouTube playlist is visible only for you.

To make a YouTube playlist on mobile:

  1. Open YouTube app
  2. Login to your account
  3. On the home page tap on the search icon
  4. Open the video you are going to add it to the playlist
  5. Tap on save (it should show a saved blue icon)
  6. Tap youon change (if you have not got the playlist already)
  7. Tap on create
  8. Type in the name of the playlist and set the privacy

You should see that your video is added to that playlist. Please notice you can create a playlist separately from the library section.

To create the new playlist:

  • Open YouTube app
  • Tap on library
  • Select New playlist
  • Find the video and tap on three dots icon on the right side of the video
  • Select Remove from “name.”

To remove a video from a YouTube playlist:

  • Open YouTube app
  • Tap on library
  • You should see the name of playlist your videos are in it
  • Find the video and tap on three dots icon on the right side of the video
  • Select Remove from “the playlist name”.


How to delete a playlist?

If you delete a playlist, you cannot undo the action. So, make sure you have a backup from the list, or you no longer the list.

To delete a playlist on YouTube:

  1. Open YouTube app
  2. Tap on library
  3. Scroll down to find the playlist you are going to delete
  4. Open the playlist
  5. Tap on the recycle bin icon just under the playlist thumbnail
  6. Confirm the deletion

You can edit the playlist by tapping the three-dot icons beside each video listed under the playlist name. If you tap on the pen icon beside the playlist thumbnail, you can change the name and privacy.

Also Read: ” How to Play YouTube in Background?

All in all

Making a playlist on YouTube can help your channel visitors find the videos better and faster. This action will remarkably enhance the videos’ views. So, I would highly recommend you categorise your videos and put them all in their related playlist.

How to delete Spotify playlist? (Desktop and Mobile)

Spotify is one of the most popular streaming platforms worldwide, and this is happening because of its unlimited playlists. You can find plenty of music libraries based on your mood, occasion, and so on. You are also allowed to share playlists with your friends.

In some cases, you might think your account has been crowded by lots of playlists and need to be cleaned. In this text, we are going to show you how to delete a playlist on Spotify both on phone and PC devices.

Deleting Spotify playlist

Now let’s start the guide to how to delete your playlists from your Spotify account. However, never forget that when you delete a playlist that others have subscribed to, it will only be deleted from your Library, and your subscribers will still have it. 

How to delete Spotify playlist on Mobile

It doesn’t make a difference if you have iPhone or Android phone; You can delete a playlist on Spotify on both of them. Follow these steps;

  • iOS users
  1. Open your Spotify on your phone
  2. Next, click on the “Library” tab
  3. After that, open the playlist and click on the three dots option below the playlist’s title to open the menu.
  4. Finally, click on the “Delete” button. A pop-up will appear, which you need to click on the delete button again to confirm.
  • Android users
  1. Open your Spotify on your phone
  2. Next, click on the “Library” tab
  3. After that, open the playlist and click on the three dots option on the top-right corner of the screen to open the menu.
  4. Finally, click on the “Delete” button. A pop-up message will have appeared on the screen, and you need to click on the delete button again to confirm.

How to delete Spotify playlist on a computer

You are able to delete a playlist on Spotify on both PC and Mac devices. Follow the steps;

  1. First, open your Spotify on your PC or Mac
  2. Next, click on the playlist you want to delete in the left sidebar on the screen.
  3. After that, click on the three dots button under the playlist’s title. By clicking on it, an options menu will be open.
  4. Finally, click on the “Delete” button. After clicking, a pop-up will appear, which you need to click on the delete button again to confirm.

How to unfollow a playlist on Spotify

Sometimes you decide to unfollow a playlist on Spotify, especially when you can’t delete Spotify playlists you haven’t created. You can remove playlists that you have followed from your Library very quickly. Note that the primary process is the same on all devices, including iPhone, Android, PC, and Mac. Follow these steps;

  1. Open your Spotify
  2. Now go to the “Library” section
  3. Once you enter, find the playlist you want to unfollow on the screen
  4. Finally, click on the green icon below the playlist’s title to unfollow it.


Thank you so much for reading this text. As you see, you can delete your target playlist on any device with no problem. If you have any issue deleting the playlist, visit theSpotify website and ask for help.

Why Does Page Speed Matter For SEO?

Websites are the backbone of any modern-day business. Of the 5.6 million UK businesses, you can expect most of them to have a website. Websites display key information about their services, sell products and provide extra information about the brand. 

Having a good website from a design and user perspective is no doubt important, but getting people onto that website in the first place often comes down to how good your search engine optimisation is (SEO). This refers to how high up the “natural” Google search rankings your website appears. The higher it is, the more visits to your website you’re likely to have. This will improve your overall sales and profitability. 

Many factors contribute to SEO and businesses will spend an average of £394.75 a day paying a digital marketing agency to clean up their website. These factors include keyword optimisation, mobile-friendliness, backlinks to your website and many others. 

One of the factors Google has placed more emphasis on over the last few years, however, is page speed. Within this article, we will aim to inform and educate you on the importance of page speed and how it can be improved. 

What is page speed? 

When testing the quality of a website, it’s important to review the existing webpages. This should include key technical elements of the page, including the speed of it. Page speed is all about how quickly a web page loads and if it isn’t fast, problems may arise from both a user and search engine optimisation perspective. 

Page speed is a result of many contributing factors. These include the website’s server, page file size and image compression, all of which can be improved by a team of experts. 

Why does it matter? 

Page speed is a contributing factor to a webpage’s overall SEO. If it is slow then it can have a negative effect which can result in a lower ranking on Google. When this happens, your website can receive fewer clicks. This can in turn, reduce the number of purchases made on the website. 

From a user perspective, slow websites can be frustrating to use which may mean people click off the website and look at one of your competitors instead. A good target to aim for is a load time of one to two seconds. 

How can you speed your website up?

When you take the following steps, you’ll potentially be able to speed up your website rapidly – which should be great for user experience and SEO:

  • Run a technical SEO audit
  • Enable file compression 
  • Reduce redirects 
  • Improve server response time 
  • Optimise images 
  • Focus on really slow-loading pages 

How to track iPhone location by phone number for free? (100% working)

Whether being suspicious about your spouse or just your phone has been stolen by burglars, you may need to know the location of the iPhone smartphone and make decisions. Fortunately, iPhone has a feature that it could declare its location to the network while it is on and working with the user.

In this great tutorial, we are going to see how to track an iPhone by phone number and how we can use the iPhone locator by number application for this purpose.

Is It Possible to track iPhone location by phone number?

The answer is yes. As you know, all smartphone devices have an ID which they can connect to different networks with it while you are speaking on your phone, looking for online maps, or just searching on the internet. By default, the mother network can recognize the exact location of the connected device, and if you have an appropriate tool or app, you can get this information easily.

Read the following sections to learn how to track an iPhone location by phone number very easily.

How to track an iPhone by phone number?

There are several methods to locate iPhone by number, with or without an additional app, and as iPhone users you ned to know them. Most of the applications used to track iPhone with phone number are categorized as “Spy apps.” As you can get from their name, these tools try to track iPhone location by phone number without letting the user of the mentioned iPhone know what is exactly happening. The iPhone spy apps can be used as a thief locater (if your iPhone has been stolen) or as a part of the parental control system for school children.

How to Track an iPhone by Phone Number Free

Three different methods can be used to track iPhone location by phone number, as you see below:

  • Using iCloud

If all your family members use the iPhone series, you can easily add your kids’ iPhones to your Apple ID. With the help of iCloud, you are able to benefit from the “Find my iPhone” tool to track iPhone location by phone number free. To track iPhone with phone number with iCloud, follow these steps;

  1. First, visit and log in to your account, if necessary.
  2. Next, find the “Find my iCloud” option on the screen.
  3. Note that you can locate your child on the map. To turn on this feature, you have to make sure that your child’s iPhone is sharing its location. Your children will also need to be carrying the iPhone in a space that has access to the internet.
  • Using Family Orbit

If you want to get rid of installing any additional apps on your phone, you can use family Orbit. With this brilliant tool, you are able to track all calls as well as the date, the phone number, and even the duration of the call. This gives you complete peace of mind, as you need to feel confident knowing that your child is safe. You can also track your son or daughter’s sent messages with iMessage. No matter if they delete their SMS text from their phone, a back of texts will be sent to your device before starting to delete.

Locating an iPhone device with Family orbit is very easy. To enable it, follow these steps;

  1. First, visit, get your free trial key, and create a personal account.
  2. Next, enter your child’s Apple ID credentials in the secure online panel.
  3. You need to choose your child’s iPhone from the list of devices associated with the given Apple ID.
  4. Now, you can track your child’s iPhone remotely from your phone, using iCloud at a regular interval.
  • Using the iPhone locator by number

The third method is to use an iPhone locator by number. As mentioned earlier, these “spy” applications are used to track iPhone location by phone number without remaining any footprint. Continue reading to get familiar with this mysterious technology.

What is an iPhone locator by number?

New technologies now let the users locate their own or other people’s devices from a distance and make sure they are working true or in the right place (especially for children). The iPhone tracker app is one example of these novice technologies.

While some applications need to be installed on the target device to let the second device know its location, the iPhone tracker only requires a phone number or an Apple ID to work properly for you. This indicates that there is absolutely no way to know if any person is tracking your iPhone with these tools or even with the “Find my iPhone” option.

Track iPhone by number with a phone tracker

There are many phone trackers on the market, both for iPhone and Android phones. One of these applications is Tracker Pro. To use the iPhone locator by number, you need to download Tracker Pro from the App Store and enter the phone number on the app. As a result, it will search the entered phone number on the database and give the location and several details about the iPhone or iPad device very soon.

Do you want to know how to track an iPhone by phone number? Here is the list of iPhone trackers you can find on the internet;

  • Family Locator and GPS Tracker
  • LocalToWeb
  • Map My Run by Under Armour
  • GPS Tracker
  • Find My Friends
  • Glympse

Track iPhone by number from your web browser

You can track a specific iPhone or iPad device from a web browser as an alternative. Two examples of this method were introduced recently: Family orbit and “Find my iPhone” using iCloud. There are also more websites that can locate iPhone by number for you, such as webmatcher.

All you have to do here is make an account on these tracker websites, enter the details of the target device (Apple ID, e.g.), and let the server continue the process for you.


Thank you for reading, and please share the content with your friends. We have collected all elements you need to track iPhone location by phone number, including web browsers and spy apps designed for this purpose. As a recommendation, it is better to prevent buying a specific smartphone for children under the school-age and use your phone with your child as a common device until 12. If you think a separate phone (iPhone or Android) is required to be bought for your kid, devices with less connection and smart features are preferred.

Best hand blender 2023: Blenders from all brands

Searching for a compatible and high-quality kitchen tool sometimes can be incredibly difficult, as you encounter thousands of local and international brands, each with several product models. Are you obsessed with searching too many websites? In this detailed article, we will consider the top best hand blender you can find in the market.

What is a hand blender?

A handheld blender also called an immersion blender or stick blender, is a kitchen tool that can free you from having an expensive and huge food processor. A brilliant hand blender is more affordable than countertop blenders and is less involved when it comes to cleaning. You can wash your hand blender in your sink or via your dishwasher.

What to consider before buying a hand blender?

The most important element for purchasing a new product is your budget; while a handheld blender is reasonably inexpensive, the other one can be luxurious and bank-breaking. The next parameter can be your family size; if you are alone or just a college student, it is better to save your cash and try a small-sized handheld blender. However, you have to look for products with more capacity if you are a member of a large family, especially with one or two babies.

Guaranteed products usually have better durability in the following years, as you can use your official guarantee card if you face any problem with your hand blender. If you have a dishwashing machine at your home, we recommend buying a hand blender with dishwasher-safe attachments.

You may be interested in Top card tables, read more.

10 best hand blenders to use

Here, we have listed the top best immersion blender purchasable on online markets:

  • KitchenAid Cordless Hand Blender 5KHBBV53

  • Mueller Ultra-Stick 500 Watt 9-Speed Immersion Multi-Purpose Hand BlenderBest overall

  • KOIOS 800W 4-in-1 Multifunctional Hand Immersion Blender, 12 Speed

  • Chefman Immersion Blender 300-Watt Turbo 12 Speed Stick Hand Blender

  • Bosch MSM2610BGB CleverMixx Hand BlenderBest expensive

  • Hamilton Beach 59765 Immersion Hand Blender with Blending Wand

  • Braun MultiQuick 5 Immersion Hand Blender Patented Technology

  • Breville BSB510XL Control Grip Immersion Blender, Stainless Steel

  • Vitamix Immersion Blender, Stainless Steel, 18 inches

  • BELLA 10-Speed Immersion Blender with Attachments, 350 WattBest price

1. KitchenAid Cordless Hand Blender 5KHBBV53

Considered the best hand blender, this product is the new cordless KitchenAid hand blender introduced by the company. It comes with a 700 ml blending cup and a pan guard, which can be placed perfectly over the blades to prevent them from damaging your cookware. With this product, you can make a silky, clump-free batter in less than a minute and pure a tin of chickpeas in just twenty seconds. The only disadvantage of this product is that its control is a little bit difficult for the user.


  • Weight: 1.1 Kg
  • Variable speed: Yes
  • Battery cell type: Lithium-Ion
  • Length of electrical supply cord (cm): 153
  • Stainless steel blades: Yes
  • Pulse action: No
  • Charger output voltage: 220-240
  • Bell Blades Speed RPM (min-max): 100-2300
  • Guarantee: 2 years
  • Rating on the market: 95/100
  • Price: 124 pounds

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2. Mueller Ultra-Stick 500 Watt 9-Speed Immersion Multi-Purpose Hand Blender

This hand blender is designed and engineered to outstand and outperform the competition. Comfortable and easy to use, makes all your mixing and blending tasks way easier than before. The Mueller Ultra-Stick 9-Speed hand blender is one countertop appliance with limitless options and versatility. The arm reaches perfectly into deeper pots while blending. This model allows you to blend, puree, and crush with ease. 9 speeds provide control for food, such as smoothies, soups, or baby food. Both the blending arm and whisk twist off for quick and easy cleanup. This product is a real game-changer. You can make anything from salsas, shakes, and smoothies, all the way to baby food, and so on.


  • non-slip and comfortable grip with the ergonomic design 
  • the full copper motor that can withstand everyday use
  • Removable blending arm with fixed blade locks into the motor body for easy operation


  • dull blades after a long-term use

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3. KOIOS 800W 4-in-1 Multifunctional Hand Immersion Blender, 12 Speed

If you have never heard of this brand you should know that it is a well-built product. Powerful, smooth, and much quieter than Braun immersion blenders. The pieces attach and detach easily, The blender cup is a good size, and the chopper attachment has a proper size for easy use. It is equipped with a high-torque power hand blender shaft and a powerful 800W motor. It also comes with a 600ml mixing beaker, a whisk attachment, a 500ml chopper attachment, and 5 feet power cord. Quick and easy clean as it simply rinses under warm tap water or top-rack dishwasher.


  • Quiet motor
  • Dishwasher safe parts make it simple to clean
  • Excellent quality


  • Gets warm during use
  • Thin iron layer

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4. Chefman Immersion Blender 300-Watt Turbo 12 Speed Stick Hand Blender

You can do all your mixing needs effortlessly by utilizing the Chefman 12-Speed Turbo Immersion Blender. Outfitted with a strong 300-Watt super calm engine, this blender rapidly purees soups, mixes players, smoothies, and sauces, condenses leafy foods and greens, blends child equations, and that’s just the beginning. So you can make delightful manifestations like a flash. Make your dishes as smooth as our silk-contact feel; the blender’s interesting sharp edge gives incredibly smooth and in any event, mixing, while its defensive sharp edge monitor forestalls splattering.

With a smooth stick plan, it effectively ventures into blending bowls, huge cooking pots, and pitchers so you can mix a variety of things helpfully and bother-free. The lightweight plan, simple to-hold handle, and 12-speed control make this a definitive device for an assortment of mixing needs. Heat-safe plastic cutting-edge watch is delicate on pots so you can stress less over scratching it and spotlight on making scrumptiously mixed dishes. Sharp edge confines with only a curve, and separable parts are dishwasher safe, making this stick blender as simple to spotless for what it’s worth utilizing. 


  • Build quality
  • Easy utilizing


  • short lifespan

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5. Bosch MSM2610BGB CleverMixx Hand Blender

For Bosch fans, this is a fantastic powerful product that beats even the most challenging ingredients, acing every test we put it through. You can find plenty of space around the blades, making them a breeze to clean. The ergonomic handle can fit perfectly and comfortably in your hand. Note that all plastics that are in contact with food are BPA-free.


  • Weight: 1 Kg
  • Material: Plastic
  • Power: 600 Watts
  • Voltage: 240 volts
  • Variable speeds: none
  • Included accessories: 700ml blending jar
  • Dishwasher-safe attachments: Yes
  • Guarantee: 2 years
  • Rating on the market: 96/100
  • Price: 34 pounds

6. Hamilton Beach 59765 Immersion Hand Blender with Blending Wand

This product comes with 3 attachments including a blending wand, whisk attachment, and 3-cup chopping bowl attachment with stainless steel blades. The Dishwashing is safe for easy cleanup. It can blend, mix, whip, puree, and chop with one 2-speed kitchen multi-tool. Chop right in the bowl and there is no need for another bowl conveniently chop right into the included 3-cup bowl. 225-watt motor is powerful enough for all your deeds: mixing, and cutting.


  • One tool for multiple duties
  • Chops with the least splashes
  • Dishwasher safe parts


  • Low blade quality

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7. Braun MultiQuick 5 Immersion Hand Blender Patented Technology

This model Braun provides maximum blending control. Its VarioSpeed technology provides a fast, one-handed operation so you can select among 21 distinct speeds to achieve consistently perfect blending.

This outstanding product brings about maximum blending control and multiple food prep possibilities.

The VarioSpeed technology is a fast, one-handed operative so you can select among 21 distinct speeds to achieve consistently perfect blending. TurboBoost speed setting provides an extra burst of power exactly when you need it. Unique bell-shaped blending shaft and ultra-hard stainless steel blades, draw food inward and reduces suction to produce finer, smoother purées and soups every time.


  • Soft grip handle offers comfort
  • Supreme added power with the turbo boost mode
  • Durable stainless steel blades


  • The handle gets hot

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[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B01EA5ZI2U” locale=”US” tag=”inos03-20″]

8. Breville BSB510XL Control Grip Immersion Blender, Stainless Steel

The Breville Control Grip is an immersion blender with a long shaft that’s ideal for blending ingredients in large pots and dutch ovens. It can hot blend, and it comes with lots of accessories, including a whisk attachment and a food processor attachment. It doesn’t have a very versatile performance, as it fails to crush ice and struggles to make almond butter. However, if you’re looking for an immersion blender for making soups, it can be a solid choice.


  • Dishwashing is safe 
  • easy to clean


  • Fails to crush ice and rice

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B004RF7QJW” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”inos03-20″ width=”369″]

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B004RF7QJW” locale=”US” tag=”inos03-20″]

9. Vitamix Immersion Blender, Stainless Steel, 18 inches

Vitamix is most known for making high-powered, pro-level blenders. It is equipped with a 5-variable speed motor, LED light display, and Ergonomic Handle Design. The scratch-resistance blade guard prevents scratching and marring favorite pots and pans. The Vitamix Immersion Blender has an easy twist lock assembly. The powerful motor makes every blending task faster.


  • Stainless Steel Body
  • High quality 
  • Powerful 


  • pricey

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B08DDJMBZM” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”inos03-20″ width=”375″]

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B08DDJMBZM” locale=”US” tag=”inos03-20″]

10. BELLA 10-Speed Immersion Blender with Attachments, 350 Watt

This product is featured a powerful 350-watt motor, variable speed control an 8-inch blending shaft. BELLA 10-Speed Immersion Blende is Ideal for smaller kitchens. This handheld mixer is great for making soups, smoothies, and meringues and Includes a cup chopper bowl, cup beaker, whisk attachment, extra-long cord, and dishwasher safe stainless steel blade system and attachments. The stainless steel blade effortlessly blends soups and sauces to the perfect consistency. 


  • Easy to clean
  • Works smoothly
  • High power


  • Blade durability

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B07PGB7BX9″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”inos03-20″ width=”500″]

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B07PGB7BX9″ locale=”US” tag=”inos03-20″]


Thank you for reading. To decide what you want to buy, prefer to consider a high-quality product rather than a low-priced product that can waste your time fixing it frequently. Furthermore, check for the included accessories when trying to buy an immersion blender; they will be useful in one day!!!

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How to watch the TikTok vs. YouTube fight 2023? (youtube vs. TikTok boxing)

Boxing events always seem energetic and enchanting; as the camera takes the face of both boxers getting ready for a big war. But wait a second? How about taking this rivalry into a virtual environment, between two represents of two social media?

If you haven’t heard about youtube vs. TikTok boxing, we will take about this event. In this brief article, you will see how to watch the TikTok vs. youtube fight, when does youtube vs. TikTok starts, and what channel is the TikTok vs. youtube fight.

Why TikTok Followers are Important? 

Just like on other social media platforms, the more followers you have, the higher your profile’s  visibility with other users will be. The more followers you have, the better your content will be  seen by them. So you have to Buy TikTok Followers from BoostHill to rank higher visibility on your profile.

What was youtube vs. TikTok boxing?

If you haven’t heard about the YouTube vs. TikTok boxing event, it was a 2021 white-collar amateur boxing event, which was booked by Social Gloves. To be honest, the main battle was between the American 183-cm tall YouTuber Austin McBroom and the American TikToker, Bryce Hall.

For the winners, they can be commended with custom medals. Actually, these custom medals can be plated with different coating, such as gold, silver, etc., to distinguish the different achievements in the game. Their names and groups can also be engraved to make the medals more special.

YouTube vs. TikTok boxing date and time

Whwn does YouTube vs RikTok start? On June 12, 2021, the boxing event was held at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. As you know, the event was promoted as the Battle of the Platforms by “Social Gloves.” Furthermore, the sports journalist Emily Austin was the correspondent for the battle.

16 people (8 YouTubers and 8 TikTokers) was scheduled to run the battles, and you can see the matches and the winners in this list below;

Match #1

  • YouTuber: Ryan Johnston
  • TikToker: Cale Saurage
  • Winner: Ryan Johnson won by stopping Cale Saurage

In this match, a slow and tedious Round 1 between Johnston and Saurage narrowly went to Saurage at the score of 10-9. After finishing round 1, the battle began to heat up in Round 2, which Ryan Johnston won the round against Cale Saurage just before the bell rang. After bringing the match score 10-10 in Round 2, Johnston continues to stand higher on Round 3 and 4, when the referee called a standing eight-count in each round after Johnston got enough fatal punches against Cale Saurage.

Match #2

  • YouTuber: Landon McBroom
  • TikToker: Ben Azelart
  • Winner: Landon McBroom won Ben Azelart by TKO

Ben Azelart admitted that he hadn’t thrown even a single punch until a month before the fight, and therefore, people were asking if he had any chance against YouTuber Landon McBroom. After an eight-count twenty seconds occurred early into Round 1 of the game, the referee called the battle in McBroom’s favor thirty seconds into Round 2 after just a second standing eight count for Ben Azelart.

Match #3 (this event was canceled)

  • YouTuber: Tanner Fox
  • TikToker: Ryland Storms
  • Winner: Cancelled

The match was canceled because Tanner Fox decided to pull himself out of this match. The reason why he took this decision is not fully known.

Match #4

  • YouTuber: FaZe Jarvis
  • TikToker: Michael Le
  • Winner: FaZe Jarvis won Michael Le by KO

The British YouTuber FaZe Jarvis emerged victorious in the first PPV undercard of the night against the TikToker Michael Le. With two standing eight counts for Michael Le in Round 1, the TikToker man is later floored with a fatal right hook in Round 2, as FaZe Jarvis wins with a KO in the fourth match.

Match #5

  • YouTuber: DDG
  • TikToker: Nate Wyatt
  • Winner: DDG won Nate Wyatt by Unanimous Decision

Although DDG won by a mile with nearly forty punches to Nate Wyatt’s eight, this is the first fight of this collection to go the real five-round battle; there were two standing eights in Round 1 and Round 3.

Match #6

  • YouTuber: AnEsonGib
  • TikToker: Tayler Holder
  • Winner: AnEsonGib and Tayler Holder: Majority Draw

AnEsonGib appeared to be one of the only “professional” boxers on the card, with an undefeated 2-0 amateur boxing record. However, Tayler Holder has trained with the likes of Canelo Alvarez. In this event, Gib as a real aggressor, had a strong start in the first couple of rounds, as Taylor Holder appeared to go for a more tactical approach, perhaps hoping that AnEsonGib will tire himself out in the future. The result was not something Taylor Holder wanted to hear, though.

Match #7

  • YouTuber: Deji
  • TikToker: Vinnie Hacker
  • Winner: Vinnie Hacker won Deji by TKO

Vinnie Hacker was greatly underestimated in the run-up to this fight, and maybe this is the main reason why he beat Deji on this night. Still, he definitely silenced critics and scored a much-needed win for Team TikTok by KO-ing YouTuber Deji Olatunji in Round 3. There was a lot of excitement during this fight after a slightly slower bout between DDG and Nate Wyatt, with both content creators going all in. Although the war seemed tipped in Deji’s favor at first, Hacker’s Round 2 right hook changed the trajectory of the match. The referee stopped the fight as he continued to punch a cornered Deji in Round 3.

Match #8

  • YouTuber: Austin McBroom
  • TikToker: Bryce Hall
  • Winner: Austin McBroom won Bryce Hall by TKO

While the two social media stars start the battle with a surprising glove touch, Austin gives a consistently strong performance through the first rounds in the match. As the referee encourages the two boxers to fight clean, with two points deducted from Bryce Hall for underhand tactics, the bloody-nosed Bryce clearly lost his control in Round 2. After a second standing eight count in Round 3, with a dazed Hall taking a few blows to the head, the fight is called in Austin’s favor. Surprisingly, despite the tension between the two over the last three months, their beef has clearly been settled as the two embraced and chatted post-fight.

As a result, the YouTubers group beat the TikTokers group by 6-1 (the only TikToker winner was Vinnie Hacker).

How much did YouTube vs. TikTok PPV cost?

When the “payments” method shows up, many people will be disappointed to watch YouTube vs. TikTok boxing. As the fee of this event was set to 100,000 PPVs, Austin McBroom said that “Only the haters want to believe that thing. These people who are scamming here… are basically saying all of us fighters [and our] fanbases ain’t sh*t.” Good classic, no?

The introductory PPV price for the YouTube vs. TikTok boxing event was 49.99 USD, and there is a service fee that increases the price up to essentially 60 USD. Note that you aren’t just buying this event with your purchase: a PPV purchase also brings a six-month membership of LiveXLive and an exclusive NFT.

What channel is the TikTok vs. YouTube fight

The YouTube vs. TikTok boxing event took place through pay-per-view on LiveXLive, a streaming platform typically known for its live concerts. Just you had to pay the cost and watch the seven exciting YouTube vs. TikTok boxing matches.

How to watch the TikTok vs. YouTube fight

If you think watching a boxing match on a streaming platform such as LiveXLive is not necessary, you are true. You were also able to attend this event in person at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida.

Check one of the best videos downloaders here: “online video downloader” if you are looking for one.


Thank you for reading. We tried to cover the questions ” when does the TikTok vs. youtube fight,” ” how to watch the TikTok vs. youtube fight, “what channel is the TikTok vs. youtube fight,” and all additional information about the YouTube vs. TikTok boxing event in this post. Some people may ask, ” Is YouTube vs. TikTok boxing coming back?” well, everything could happen. Generally, that seems impossible in the near future, but Deji himself has even called out Bryce Hall for a fight, which could be a clue to know that there is another Battle of the Platforms event.

How to recover Facebook password without confirmation reset code? (Working Methods)

Today all people know how to use Facebook to send posts, share photos and videos with others, and even for daily conversations. Also, some people use this platform to find new friends, expand their audience and earn money. But what will happen if one day, you want to log into your account and see that you can not remember your password? Of course, the first way that comes to mind is to ask for a confirmation reset code. But here, I want to show you how to recover facebook password without confirmation reset code?, and How to recover facebook password without email and phone number?

Can we recover facebook password without confirmation reset code?

There are different reasons you might find your Facebook account disabled, such as using a fake account, following or posting fraud or scam content, sending too many messages or friend requests, and sometimes being hacked. Now you might ask yourself, can I recover my Facebook password without a confirmation reset code? Fortunately, the answer is Yes, and the process is not hard. To know more about the details of how to recover facebook password without confirmation reset code? And how to recover facebook password without email and phone number?, read the below paragraphs.

How to recover facebook password without confirmation reset code?

Generally speaking, when you forget your Facebook password, you can click on the “Forgot Password” key, so the app will automatically send you a confirmation reset code through email or SMS. But if you can not access the confirmation reset code, everything will change, and you need to use more complicated ways. But do not worry because here I will explain how to recover facebook password without email and phone number.

  • Go to the “Report Compromised Account” page. 
  • Click on “My Account Is Compromised”.
  • Now you should enter your email address or mobile number, but do not worry because you should not access them.
  • Once you fill in the “Mobile number” field, click on the “Search” icon.
  • Now Facebook will find your account and ask you to enter your current or old password.
  • Then you should choose a relevant option from the Facebook recovery tool to tell Facebook what’s happening and click continue.
  • Choose “Get Started” from the next page.
  • On the “Keep your account secure” page choose “Continue”.
  • Now you can simply change your password.

How to recover facebook password without email and phone number?

Sometimes, you do not know your email or phone number to use as I have explained above. So, you should look for a new way and find out how to recover facebook password without email and phone number. Below I will explain two ways that are helpful in cases like this.

How to recover your Facebook password without email and phone number using a saved password on your iOS-based devices:

To recover your Facebook password this way, you can use software, like Tenorshare 4uKey – Password Manager. These apps simply help find, reveal, and transfer different types of passwords you have previously saved on your iPhone or iPad.

  • Download the software.
  • Connect your iOS device to your computer to launch the software.
  • Tap on the “Start” icon.
  • Then choose “Start Scan” to find all saved passwords. 
  • After the app finishes scanning, you should enter your iTunes backup password. And if you do not know that, type a simple word like “a”.
  • Now, click on the “Website&App Password” in the left sidebar, and find all your saved accounts and passwords, such as Facebook.

How to recover facebook password without email and phone number using a trusted account:

In case you have previously attached your phone number or email address to your Facebook account, the app can help you recover your password by contacting you with a trusted contact.

  •  In this way, when you reach the “Reset your password page”, you should choose the “No longer have access to these” option.
  • Then you will see some suggestions, and you should click on the “Start” icon below the page.
  • Now, you should enter a new email to get the code and follow the instructions.


Why Facebook disables an account?

Facebook might disable your account due to impersonating a profile, violating Facebook terms, using a fake name, posting abusive comments, and so on.


One of the worst things is that you can not log into your Facebook account, and worse than that is that you can not remember your email or phone number used for signing up. But do not worry, as you read above in the “how to recover facebook password without confirmation reset code” paragraph, you can use other ways to recover your FB account in these situations, like using third-party apps and saved passwords on iOS devices, using a trusted email, or the Facebook “Report Compromised Account” page.

Everything about Amazon Internship and its salary

As everybody knows, Amazon is one of the leading organizations in global trading and creating new ideas. People here have great opportunities in selling or buying goods, and as we are going to discuss here, get a temporary or permanent job.

Have you ever heard about the Amazon internship? In this post, we will see what actually Amazon internship is and what we know about different types of internships, including Amazon robotics internship, Amazon MBA internship, and Amazon summer internship.

What is an amazon internship?

Amazon internship is one of Amazon’s top innovations for those who want to work as a member of high-tech and global companies based on their talents. Whether you are graduating with a Masters’s degree, MBA or Ph.D., Amazon teams have positions available globally. Amazon internship is an open window for volunteers to get more familiar with Amazon culture and see if it is fit for their career goals.

As you should know, there are many student internship programs on Amazon, and all of them have a recruiting timeline and a deadline. Therefore, you have to keep an eye on what exactly is happening on Amazon Jobs not to lose any opportunity. You need to:

  1. Check amazon. Jobs posting for the internship you are interested in.
  2. Browse websites like TeamBlind, Quora, or any professional development-oriented blog for learning potential tips for your career.
  3. Ask your university career office for any insight

An essential key for getting an Amazon job or Amazon internship is writing your resume. Unlike Google and Microsoft, Amazon does not allow applicants to submit cover letters. As a result, a resume plays a key role in success on Amazon. Keep your resume updated, and try to write your resume with a problematic approach in order to attract attention.

The next step is the interview; prepare yourself for behavioral questions and, of course, practice, practice, and practice. In order to impress your interviewer, you need to upgrade your communication skills and make the details clear while you are explaining.

What are different amazon internships?

There are plenty of categories for those people who want to participate in an Amazon internship hiring process. For example, they have a broad spectrum of choices such as;

  • Software Development Engineer (SDE) Internship
  • Amazon Operations Finance Rotational Program
  • AWS Sales Summer Internship
  • Data Engineer Internship

And even more. You can find any of your interesting subjects in the Amazon internship program. You just need some searching to find them.

What is amazon internship salary?

Amazon internship salary is one of the subjects which most adolescents have questioned on the internet. Generally, the Amazon internship salary depends on the level of your career or talent, having a full-time or part-time job, and the company you are working for.

You can find much more information about Amazon internship salary on websites such as, with more details about additional payments and the location of your interested job. For example, we have gathered ten types of Amazon internship jobs below;

1. Software development engineer (SDE)

  • Base pay: $8552 per month
  • Additional pay: $2170 per month
  • Average total pay: $8570 per month

2. Area manager

  • Base pay: $21 per hour
  • Additional pay: $2 per hour
  • Average total pay: $21 per hour

3. Financial analyst

  • Base pay: $4202 per month
  • Additional pay: $2589 per month
  • Average total pay: $4202 per month

4. Applied scientist

  • Base pay: $10848 per month
  • Additional pay: $2124 per month
  • Average total pay: $10848 per month

5. Business analyst

  • Base pay: $4925 per month
  • Additional pay: $897 per month
  • Average total pay: $4990 per month

6. Operations leadership

  • Base pay: $3816 per month
  • Additional pay: $2595 per month
  • Average total pay: $3828 per month

7. Research scientist

  • Base pay: $9269 per month
  • Additional pay: $2992 per month
  • Average total pay: $9269 per month

8. Data scientist

  • Base pay: $8189 per month
  • Additional pay: $2570 per month
  • Average total pay: $8419 per month

9. Systems engineer associate

  • Base pay: $7070 per month
  • Additional pay: $299 per month
  • Average total pay: $7070 per month

10 . Senior product manager

  • Base pay: $9403 per month
  • Additional pay: $605 per month
  • Average total pay: $9403 per month

As you notice, the amount of salary can be defined by the type of job you have in Amazon, and it can be received hourly or monthly.

Amazon robotics internship

If you think you are inspired by the invention or creating new ideas is in your DNA, why just not choose the Amazon robotics internship. Most Amazon internship programs in this field are full-time (40 hours per week), and you need to keep yourself skill-updated to maintain your position in the company.

What about the Amazon internship? We have brought five examples as an Amazon robotics internship here;

1. Mechanical engineer

  • Base pay: $43 per hour
  • Additional pay: N/A
  • Average total pay: $43 per hour

2. Robotics

  • Base pay: $8838 per month
  • Additional pay: $2177 per month
  • Average total pay: $8838 per month

3. Data engineer co-up

  • Base pay: $6660 per month
  • Additional pay: N/A
  • Average total pay: $6660 per month

4. Electrical engineer

  • Base pay: $25 per hour
  • Additional pay: $6 per hour
  • Average total pay: $31 per hour

5. Quality engineer

  • Base pay: $47000 per year
  • Additional pay: $22000 per year
  • Average total pay: $53000 per year

Amazon MBA internship

For graduate students, there is also a place for Amazon, as they can participate in the Amazon MBA internship program. Note that no cover letter is required at this level, and those who meet the basic qualifications will receive the online assessment. During the online assessment, you have the opportunity to specify role preferences.

Amazon summer internship

If you are a student and getting bored in the summers, or just want to get a job to support your educational charges. The majority of Amazon’s technical internships take place in the summer and last between 12 to 16 weeks. According to Amazon’s official website,Amazoninternship programs are a great way to immerse yourself in Amazon’s culture to see if they are a good fit for you and your career goals.


Thank you for reading, and I hope this brief guide can help you draw a clear plan for your career. In general, we recommend choosing a field that fits your talents, capacity, and abilities and setting the salary and money as the second or third priority. If you need more information, you can visit Amazon’s official website or contact successful and experienced people who can help you compact your thoughts about the Amazon internship.

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