In the past, players who were seeking an exciting Asian video game needed to remain sad and hungry because of no relevant search results. But nowadays, a brilliant platform has changed the trend in the world.
Without a doubt, Genshin Impact is one of the best south-Asian video games on the internet and has the biggest launch of any Chinese game. With a Switch version in development, you can play this game on any possible platform, such as mobile, PC, and PS4. The flashy and beautiful environment can make any player amused while playing it. In this post, we will talk about Geo statues Genshin Impact and how to search for fragments near the Geo statues.
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What is “Geo statues Genshin Impact”?
Although most quests of the game are gathered in the field of combat mixed with puzzles, some of them are somehow trying to find new segments for your character. As one of the world quests in Genshin Impact, you are tasked to search for fragments near the Geo statues. In general, Geo Statues Genshin Impact is part of a quest called The Chi of Guyun, and to find them; you need to climb the highest mountain in the Qingce Village. In the following section, you will find out how to search for fragments near the Geo statues in the world.

How to search for fragments near the Geo statues?
Now let’s start the Genshin Impact search for fragments near the Geo statues. As you know, Geo Statues are part of a quest called The Chi of Guyun, and to search for Geo statues Genshin Impact; you need to take the steps below:
- First, you need to talk to Yan’er at the ruins in Bishui Plain.
- After exploring the ruins, you can see three strange stones found next to chunks of amber, which will become a standard color throughout the Genshin Impact quest.
- After you find those three stones, just travel to Qingce Village. This can be possible by Genshin Impact’s improved fast travel.
Finding the fragments
Now we have a general picture of what we should search for in the game; it is time to learn about the format of fragments near Geo statues. Notice that these segments are not fragments of stone or an exotic material; they are fragments of a message. Take these steps to find these fragments next to Geo statues Genshin Impact:
- Take some help from Qingce to get yourself to Granny Ruoxin. By asking, she will point the player in the direction of two fragments they need. One of these fragments is next to the Geo Statues in a shrine, and the other one is at the highest point of Qingce Village on top of a mountain. If you have unlocked the Tri Seal before this level, the whole process will seem more familiar and easier to run.
- Note that both locations have several statues to interact with, and you need to activate them correctly to receive the incomplete fragments.
- Since each statue corresponds to an exclusive landmark, it is better to explore the world with your friends with the map in your hand. You should take this order to activate them: Wind-swept Ruin, Snow-capped Peak, Adepti’s Abode, and Liyue.
- At last, the shrine can be found by gliding from the mountain’s peak in Qingce village. For the Geo Statues in the shrine, take this order: North, South-East, North-West, North-East, and finally South-West.
Using the Fragments
Once you find the fragments near Geo statues, you should bring them back to Granny Ruoxin. Note that you have to get some top-tier characters to this area, as there are going to be several battles to fight and loot to be won. You can use the fragments on all available platforms.

Thank you for reading this post. Any quests in Genshin Impact have a beautiful story behind them, and it is recommended to get the point of each one as soon as players can. As a part of the Chi of Guyun quest, start to search for fragments near the Geo statues and take them to the destination to start the glorious battles in the game.