Since 2016, and after the US presidential election, Facebook decided to run a policy to reduce the distribution of false reports on the platform. Facebook’s fact-checking policy is performed in the form of labels indicating the validity and reliability of the reposts shared by users. Misleading stories are labeled as “Disputed by [third party fact checkers]”.
Since 2016, and after the US presidential election, Facebook decided to run a policy to reduce the distribution of false reports on the platform. Facebook’s fact-checking policy is performed in the form of labels indicating the validity and reliability of the re-posts shared by users. Misleading stories are labeled as “Disputed by [third party fact checkers]”.
The question that if the policy is working or not is answered by the fact that since the implementation of the social media strategy, more people are preventing themselves from re-sharing news and report labeled as unreliable.
A study conducted by California University also approved the same results among their 500 participants, showing that people are now more careful about what news they share on social media, after the move Facebook made in this regard.
In 2016, Facebook’s fact-checking policy introduced the labels by which the authenticity status of reports and news were announced. However, in 2017, the tags were displayed by a number of related articles and pages under the post, that implied whether the said report was true or false.
Facebook claims that this latter move helped even more users to recognize whether what they are reading is based on reality or not.
Facebook is checking the validity of stories published by users
Reportedly, almost 60% of Americans are now less likely to re-share stories and news without making sure of their validity. This has a positive relationship with the fact that Facebook users are so careful about the credibility of their own pages and profiles since they stop where they might be seen as invalid.
Although Facebook’s fact-checking policy is working, there remains the issue of “scale.” Despite the positive impact this move has had on reducing false stories’ distribution, the effect is so little that in the larger scale it is almost seen as “nothing is done”.
With covering 42 languages, Facebook has already paid a large amount of money to the third party fact-checkers to monitor contents from daily 2.4 billion users on the platform. The amount of the stories checked so far by these groups can reach as little as 5% of the daily published contents by Facebook users, and this is an insignificant amount.
Facebook is currently looking into possible technological and automated solutions to implement the idea even more broadly. This Facebook fact-checking policy is still an infant, showing a prosperous future, going hand in hand with computational linguistics technology.
Certainly you have seen many people around you who can’t live without their cell phones and most of the times their heads are down, and their fingers are swiping. They might do different actions while they are using their cell phones, but researches have shown that most of the times, they are spending their time on different social media platforms.
Certainly you have seen many people around you who can’t live without their cell phones and most of the times their heads are down, and their fingers are swiping. They might do different actions while they are using their cell phones, but researches have shown that most of the times, they are spending their time on different social media platforms.
People use social media right after the moment they get up until late at night sleeping with a cell phone next to their pillow or in hand. Like it or not, people are spending more and more time on social media every single day, which causes a completely different statistic every year and social media has become inseparable from everyone’s life these days. Everyone has at least once come with the question of How much time do people spend on social media?
Statistics show the duration of spent time on social media since 2012 has increased till now; as you can see the spent time on social media in 2012 was 1 hour and 30 minutes, which has increased to 2 hours and 23 minutes in 2019 and it is increasing every day. There are 3.48 billion social media users around the world, which are 45% percent of the population.
Which social media platforms are most used?
Obviously, some worldwide platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp and YouTube are the most used ones, but the average spent time on each platform is different that you can see below:
Facebook, as the most popular and used platform, allocates 58 minutes of using for sharing and watching photos and videos. 95.1% of Facebook users access it through their cell phones, and the rate is getting higher every year. Also, researches show that Facebook users check their account several times a day.
Moreover, Facebook lets the android and iOS users check how much time they have spent on the platform by “Your time on Facebook” app since November 2018. Also, you’d better know that 85% of Internet users have a Facebook account.
Facebook has 2.2 billion monthly active users and 1.4 billion daily active users who upload 8 billion videos and 300 million photos daily.
In June 2018, Instagram reached 1 billion users, and 63% percent of Internet users have signed up on Instagram, but 5% of them are not active. The average spent time on Instagram is 53 minutes for now which is just 5 minutes less than Facebook.
79% of Internet users have a YouTube account, and most people use it for having fun. The spent time on YouTube is increasing and it is 40 minutes on average a day for now, and the watch time has grown a lot too. Also, YouTube provides an app to find out how much time you have spent on it.
Furthermore, you might be interested in knowing that YouTube users prefer to watch videos on their cell phones and tablets.
As you know, WhatsApp belongs to Facebook, and it has the most active users among other platforms, and 60% of Internet users have a WhatsApp account. Surprisingly WhatsApp was known as the top platform by 128 countries in 2018.
In 2016, the number of WhatsApp users in the United States was 18.8 million that spent 28 minutes a day on the app. The studies estimate the number will grow to 25.6 million WhatsApp users in 2022.
Snapchat is one of the popular platforms, but everyone doesn’t use it and the average spent time on Snapchat is much less than other platforms, which is 35 minutes per day.
The last but not least one is Twitter, which social media users spend 3 minutes a day on it.
Unlike YouTube users, most Twitter users use the platform on their computer, and they rarely use Twitter on their cell phones. 82 million users use Twitter on their Computer, and 31 million users use it on their cell phones.
All the spent time mentioned are according to the researches in 2019, and it is predicting that the spent time would increase in the coming years.
Which regions spend more time on social media?
You can rarely find a region who doesn’t use social media, but there are some regions that use social media a lot more than other countries. As you can see Asia pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North America spend more time on social media.
And here is the list of top 5 countries that use social media:
Have you ever wondered why people spend a lot of time on social media platforms and what would be their reasons?
If you ask the social media addicts or people around you, you may hear interesting and different answers such as:
To stay up to date with the news and events around them
To stay in touch with friends
To have fun
To spend their free time
Communicating with new people and knowing them
To share their photos and videos
To buy online
Because it is a popular platform and it has a lot of users
To stalk on their ex
It is free to use
What is your reason for spending time on social media?
Social media plays an important role in our daily life, and it can affect our daily routine, our likes, and dislikes, our interests, what we buy, places to travel and visit, etc. The number of social media users are increasing every day, which is good news for a group of people who earn money on social media.
You may have a lot of traffic to your website, but you might be looking for a way to make people buy more from your website. Do you know how to do it? The first and simple answer is optimizing the call to actions.
You may have a lot of traffic to your website, but you might be looking for a way to make people buy more from your website. Do you know how to do it? The first and simple answer is optimizing the call to actions.
Call to action buttons are words that you should use in your websites to make people stay on your website for a longer period and finally make them buy the service or product that you provide. Many people spend fewer than 15 seconds on websites, so you must make the website so attractive and use the best call to actions to keep people on your website.
For having a successful call to action buttons you should know:
Words you should mention and avoid
Ways to create the best call to actions
The psychology of colors to use on websites
Why is CTA important?
CTA plays an important role in motivating website visitors, and it helps you to turn visitors to customers. It is also a practical factor between lead and conversion, and if you ignore it, you’ll undoubtedly regret it.
Here are some reasons why CTA is important for your website:
CTA motivates visitors to buy
Customers like to hear those words
CTA boosts the chance of success
Don’t ignore CTA
Call to action is like a cherry on top of a tree which everyone wants to get it. Using the right CTA at the right place and time, would easily grow your clients and create loyal customers. Try it to see the results.
Strategies to optimize your call to actions:
Don’t use generic words
The call to action words must be related to the service and it is really important to remove some words such as Download, buy, order, submit, or any other words that show you are forcing people to do something.
Use positive words
For having the best CTA, you should ask gently and use positive words and make them feel that they are benefiting by clicking on the call to actions. Here is a list of positive CTA words:
Learn more
Get started
Register today
Refund guarantee
(x) Day Refund Guarantee
Recommended by _____
No-Risk Involve
Satisfaction guaranteed
No hassle returns policy
Full-year warranty
Feel free to cancel anytime
Choose the right image for your CTA
If you are using a picture for the cover or the one that is relataed to CTA, you should choose an image that is not looking to the audience and visitors; instead it is looking at your call to action; it would draw more attention. So people would look at your call to actions, and they won’t be distracted by images.
Put the call to actions at the right place on your website
The call to action buttons should place in a specific place to work. It is recommended to use it on top of the page; so visitors don’t need to scroll down a lot to see it. Also sometimes you should use the same call to actions at different places of websites. You’d better know that 80% of visitors stay on top of the fold, so you should use the CTA on top of the fold to get a better result.
Also, researches show that only 20% of users scroll down the fold.
Pay attention to the font
Certainly, call to action buttons should be big enough to attract people’s attention and stand out among all other stuff on the page. To make it better, leave a space around the CTA button to improve its readability.
Choose the right color
All popular websites with many clients don’t have the same CTA button colors, so there must be a point which is using a color which has contrast from the background of the website. Choosing the right colors increases clients, sales, and lead.
What are the best colors for the call to action buttons?
Green, orange, red, and yellow are the best colors for the call to action buttons. Each color is used for a specific CTA button; for example, red is used for urgency; green is mostly used for products or services which are about environment, peace, and psychology. Also, yellow and orange show happiness.
What are the worst colors to use for call to action buttons?
There are some colors that you should avoid using them such as black, white and brown because people won’t feel good by seeing these colors and most of the times they are unlikely to click on them.
CTA helps you have more traffic on your website, and it is all about the placement, color, font, text, image, and wording of the website.
Have you ever tried these strategies? Which strategies worked best for you? Share your experiences with us!
Vlogging is posting videos online, which is used for free speech, advertising, teaching, and learning, etc.
A few years ago, vlogging wasn’t popular, and people used to share blogs, and vlog was just a tool to engage people with the blog. But nowadays, vlogging is a worldwide used phenomenon that helps the vloggers to reach people easily.
Why is vlogging popular?
How many times a day do you take your phone, tablet, or laptop to check the social media and see what is happening around you? Most of us get several notifications during a day that encourage us to see some videos. Except for the fact that sometimes it is annoying, it actually works. Researches show that visual aids have the highest impact on people and It is predicted that more than 84% of communications will be visual in the coming years.
Woman recording content for her vlog . Camera screen showing the woman recording her vlog.
Four YouTube Facts:
YouTube is the world’s 3rd most visited website
Google is the first most popular search engine and the second one is YouTube
YouTube receives over 4 billion daily views
YouTube gets over 1 billion views on mobiles every day
How to be a vlogger on YouTube?
Choose a niche
You need to set your goal and decide what kind of content you want to produce, and you should choose a category for the content that you share with the audience.
Start creating
For being a successful and famous YouTube Vlogger you don’t necessarily need to have a special camera or the best equipment. Start with your cell phone and create content. Then you’ll improve your equipments gradually.
Be consistent
If you are a brand or you are advertising for a brand, you should be consistent to be successful.
Do research
It might be a good idea if you search about your niche in other’s YouTube channel to see the way they talk and what they share with people, also you can collect information about your niche, and you can find a way to say those words to the audience in another way.
Moreover, you’ll find the keywords and you can use them in your description.
Schedule for sharing the vlogs on YouTube
Force yourself to create content and post on time. You may not get what you are waiting for, by posting once a month or every other month.
You’ll reach a lot of subscribers by planning your content that I suggest posting at least once a week to get a good result.
Don’t do it just for money
If you are expecting to be rich in a short time by vlogging, you may not reach your desire in a short time. It may take about several months or even a year. So, it is better to focus on the vlogging and its techniques for being a successful vlogger rather than just thinking about money.
It takes time to know how to create the content, know your audience, to research, to find your niche,etc.
Be honest
Authenticity is important to keep and grow you as a successful vlogger. At first, you may get a lot of views, but if you exaggerate or don’t tell all it is needed to the audience, they would know the truth after a while, and you may end up with losing subscribers and having no video view.
Choose the best YouTube name
Choosing a relevant YouTube name for your channel gives a hint to your followers, and they can guess the channel’s topic. If you are going to run a channel about Makeup, it is better to set a name like: Look attractive with [your name], or Wear the best make up with [your name].
In addition, setting a catchy and unique username may stick in people’s mind.
Be genuine
While you are recording the video, be yourself because your authenticity makes the audience to trust you. Pretending to be someone else won’t work so long, and sooner or later you’ll get bored with it.
Look into the lens
It is important to look directly into lens while you are talking. So the audience perceives that you are looking at them.
Always write a description
Overlooking the description is most seen by the beginners which might be the reason that they don’t grow fast, so don’t underestimate it. You should explain your video’s content in the description and use keywords.
Tell stories
Stories seem fun and attracting, and people are more likely to follow a story and they get more connected to you by knowing more about you and your life.
Good lighting and audio quality
People may also get attracted by your voice or the way that you speak, so speak clearly and don’t leave long silence and try to record the video in indoor light or the daylight for better image quality.
Share your vlog on different social media
That is the easiest way for promoting your vlog. Share the vlog on several platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Have a usual background
No matter where you are recording a video, decorate the background normally.
Don’t listen to the haters
Obviously, you may face some dislikes, but you shouldn’t get disappointed and just ignore them.
How to start a YouTube channel?
First of all, you should choose the business YouTube channel or the personal one which the former is controlled by several moderators and the latter is all yours, and you’ll manage it yourself. So you need the personal one.
Let’s go through The way to create a YouTube channel:
First, you should sign in to YouTube
Open YouTube and click on the top right corner which is your profile icon
Choose “My Channel” from the menu
Now you should enter a YouTube name and then agree with YouTube’s Terms of Services
Finally, you should click on the “Create a channel” button
It is all done, and now it is time to add a logo to your channel.
Here are some YouTube vlog channel ideas:
Digital marketing
How to
Some mistakes that you are probably doing on YouTube
Having no visual brand, such as a profile picture.
Not engaging with the audience
Not replying to comments
Not reading YouTube advice and tips
Not being honest with the audience
Not sharing videos on a consistent schedule
Giving up soon
Begging and asking for subscription
Ignoring the importance of video and audio quality
Overlooking the importance of being active on other platforms
Not following YouTube’s Terms and Policy
Not choosing attractive titles for videos
Who are the famous vloggers?
There are some famous vloggers on YouTube that you can see a list of five famous YouTube vloggers below:
PewDiePie– Is one of the most successful YouTube stars, with over 54 million subscribers and $15 million profit in 2016.
TheDiamondMinecart– Daniel Middleton is a Minecraft commentator and a reviewer of gameplays videos with 14.4 million subscribers, with an income of $213,000-$2.5 million.
Roman Atwood– The prankster whose videos got him 10, 152, 692 subscribers and an income of $8 million.
Lilly Singh– A popular comedian with 10, 296, 350 followers and $7.5 million profit.
Yuya– The young beauty tutorials superstar with 17.8 million subscribers and $41, 000 per month from YouTube revenue alone.
To Wrap up
Vlogging is becoming more and more famous every day, if you find it interesting, record your first video as soon as possible to stand out in the crowd fast. Anyway, the final advice is “Never give up” because It takes time to make your channel and be popular on YouTube, so don’t get disappointed at all because it won’t happen over a night.
No one can overlook the importance of using social media these days, and all businesses are looking for a way to develop and grow their business on social media. People are more interested in spending time on social media than before, so it would be a good opportunity to take advantage of it and stand out among all other businesses.
Are you looking for a way to drive more traffic to your website and have more Twitter followers?
No one can overlook the importance of using social media these days, and all businesses are looking for a way to develop and grow their business on social media. Of course, one of the big parts of social media is getting as big a following as possible so that more people will see and share your content. With this in mind, some businesses may look to a service like to get a little bit of extra help to boost their following initially so they are able to establish themselves quicker on platforms like Twitter. Nowadays, people are more interested in spending time on social media than ever before, so it would be a good opportunity to take advantage of it and stand out among all other businesses.
Twitter is a worldwide social media with many users, which is a good place to interact with people from all around the world. By using Twitter, businesses and brands can share images, links, videos, create poll, and videos.
If you are ignoring being on social media, you are making a huge mistake, and you are losing many audiences, which would harm your business. You can easily get more clients and communicate you’re your current customers by using Twitter. You should keep in mind that using Twitter or any other social media without following a strategy won’t work. So let’s get straight to the tips that help you to be successful on Twitter:
Pin a Tweet that would grab people’s attention
Tweets have a short lifespan, and you need to pin the one that promotes your business, such as an explanation about the product or service, the link of your website, your email address, etc.
Write attention-grabbing bio
It is a nice trick to attract people’s attention and make them follow you unconsciously. Do the following to write the best Twitter bio:
Explain clearly about the product or service you provide.
Use relevant and popular hashtags in your Tweets; it helps your Twitter profile to show up when people search the hashtags.
Avoid going on details too much, because it might be boring for the followers and you may run out of the characters.
Share a high-quality picture on your tweets
Imagine you are a customer and you are looking for a product on Twitter, would you choose an account with high quality and attractive pictures or the one which doesn’t have pictures or low-quality pictures among the suggested pages? So share high-quality pictures and attract people at first glance. It seems like simple advice, but it is necessary if you want to stand out among all other businesses and competitors.
People scroll fast while they are checking posts, if you want to stop scrolling them at your post, you need to share an eye-catching picture.
Take part in Twitter chats
Happily, it is the easiest way to meet and connect with new people and gain new Twitter followers, customers, and readers. Choose the chat that fits your niche, then participate on chat to make people check your account.
Use hashtags
Tweets with hashtags have higher engagement rate, and you have a higher chance to be seen.
Connect with influencers
If you have made up your mind to glow among all other businesses, you should connect with Twitter influencers. You should find influencers in your niche and start a conversation with them and make a good relationship with them.
Use Twitter ads
Advertising on Twitter is another way to help you increase the number of your customers. Twitter is more cost-efficient than Facebook advertising, and by comparing Twitter’s ad price with other social media networks, we have come up with the result that Twitter asks for the one-third of the cost of other social media networks.
Run a competition
Running a monthly or season competition would be a good attraction for both your current customers and new customers.
Tweet at the best time
Statistics show that 46% of American Twitter users check their Twitter at least once a day. Also, you’d better know that 80% of Twitter users aren’t American and the platform works in 33 languages.
Choose a good profile picture and header image
They are the first things that a visitor notices, you should choose pictures that represent your brand the best.
Add your location
If your brand has several business locations, you should add your location to the bio. Don’t go in detail and just add your city and country in your bio.
Update your pinned Tweet
Renew your pinned tweet regularly and make it attractive for your customers.
13. Use Twitter for your customer service
It is important for businesses to provide customer services for their customers that Twitter’s conversational platform makes customer’s feel free to contact you and ask about your product or service which is so much easier than sending emails. Stats show that customers expect a response in 24 hours or less.
Tweet frequently
Keep your followers and customers engaged and don’t let them be attracted by your competitors.
Post videos
Twitter is a video-friendly platform, and videos get six more retweets than photos.
16. Don’t make your profile private
It is clear that having a private account won’t work. To be a popular brand, you should have a public account to let everyone visit your profile.
Everyone can use Twitter for promoting their business and brand, but everyone doesn’t have a strategy to develop their business. All the tips we mentioned help you to have a profitable business.
Have you experienced success by using twitter? If yes, share it with us, we are all ears.
B2B and B2C are two different business models with several similarities and differences, but both of them have the same goal, which is a sale.
B2B and B2C are two different business models with several similarities and differences, but both of them have the same goal, which is a sale.
First of all, let’s clarify their meaning and then go through their differences. B2B indicates “business to business,” and it sells its products to other businesses. B2C indicates “business to customer,” and it sells products directly to consumers.
B2B orders have some features typically in common such as:
Fewer customers
Larger orders
Higher value orders
Longer decision time
Longer relationships
Longer transaction time
On the other hand, B2C customers typically have:
More customers
Smaller orders
Lowers value orders
Shorter decision times
Shorter relationship
Shorter transaction time
Here are some general differences between B2B and B2C in a glance:
Beside many differences, B2B and B2C business systems are similar in some ways such as building trust to people. They also do their best to provide excellent customer service, and they value the customer relationship, and their main goal is a sail.
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Way of selling
B2C platforms are different, and they can be online or offline, somewhere which is crowded. Online includes websites, social media, etc. and offline includes supermarkets, TV advertisements, shopping mall, etc.
But big companies don’t appear in these places, and definitely they don’t choose their products there. So where would they find the products?
Businesses participate in trade fairs, investment conferences, special online B2B platforms, and then several people such as manager, accountant, consultant, etc. decide whether to buy a product or not.
Sale process
It is clear that B2C doesn’t have a procedure, and it would start and finish fast.
But in B2B, you need to have a contract, and the payment process may take longer.
B2B buying process:
B2C buying process:
Decision-making process
B2C is totally a personal decision, and it doesn’t take long to make up your mind about buying a product. You may just be interested in the salesperson’s behavior and decide to buy, so emotional communication plays an important role in the purchasing process. Also in B2C, costumers decide to purchase themselves or sometimes it might happen that they consult with their family and friends, but it won’t be more complicated than that.
In B2C marketing, a group of people decides whether to buy a product or not, and no emotional communication or an individual decision can work. Also, businesses need more time to make a decision, and it requires group approval, so it may take a long time to hear from them. Moreover, they would ask for a discount.
Sales Speed
Obviously B2C transactions are faster than B2B because it is direct to customers while B2B transactions may take months and companies may receive their products in different ways such as shipping, air freight, sea freight, etc.
Client Relationships
Generally, the B2C market is larger than B2B. For being successful in B2B, businesses should develop good relationships with different companies for having long-term contracts and growing relationships.
Prices of Products
B2C products have lowered prices, and all consumers pay the same price, while B2B products might be 2 or 3 times more than B2C products and the payment is based on the agreement, and their contract and the price may differ based on several factors such as the future cooperation and the past buying history.
Emotions and logics
In B2C, the emotion causes the purchase, and most of the time, there is no logic during the purchase, and customers look for the benefits that you recommend them. They decide fast, and it could take a few minutes or at most a few days.
While in B2B, companies make conscious decisions that are based on logic rather than emotions. It means that they make a purchase based on their company’s needs, and not their own desire and personal emotions.
Length of the Business Relationship
Usually, B2C business relationships are considered as a short time business relationship, and it depends on the customer’s loyalty. For example, a mom who buys milk for her child may decide to buy another brand after a month, or she may choose juice over milk.
It seems that B2B business relationships last longer, and they need a long time to make their final decision in buying a product or service. Also, they hardly change their decision, and they keep using a product.
B2B and B2C are two different systems, and both need different strategies.
Knowing all we mentioned above, you might have come up with the result that B2B sales are more complicated than B2C sales. Also, you should know that each of them needs specific strategies to be successful.
As social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. have become part of our daily routine, many people wonder how much would these popular platforms worth.
As social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. have become part of our daily routine, many people wonder how much would these popular platforms worth.
There are some elements which help us to get the answer and finally compare the platforms and get to the result that which one is most used and most worth.
Facebook is on top of the most worth platform list, and the only reason is their constant update. They provide both web and mobile platforms, and it is known as the best platform to share videos on it. 88% of Facebook activities are on mobile.
Since the number of Facebook users is increasing, it has grown in engagement and number of users, which are the two most important elements for investors. Moreover, the period that users spend on Facebook matters for inventors, which is 50 minutes per day. As the top platform, Facebook’s latest market cap price worth $559 billion.
Snapchat’s first-quarter earnings were reported to be dreadful, and it was much less than what Snap’s founder and SEO Evan Spiegel predicted. It is not strange if social media networks don’t reach what they were predicting at their first quarter, as Snapchat couldn’t get what it wanted. But you’d better know that it wasn’t just Snapchat who couldn’t make it, also Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn experienced the decrease in their value.
Twitter: 24% decrease
Facebook: 12% decrease
Linked in: 10% decrease
Snapchat: 25% decrease
With the fall happening to Snapchat, it decided to focus less on user growth and more on engagement. All in all, it is claimed that Snapchat’s worth is $24 billion in market cap.
Twitter is one of the social media messaging platforms which became public in November 2013, and became famous and got many users. You can boost hashtags on Twitter and make anything viral. Celebrities and President Donald Trump welcomed the platform. Also, journalists and reporters use Twitter screenshots of celebrities and influencers for their posts and stories.
Twitter didn’t start well at the beginning because it had low user growth, and it was losing money for a while. Then it reported that in April of 2018 it had the second profitable quarter and it mentioned that it has got more users.
Twitter’s market cap was estimated $11.8 billion to $36 billion from June 2017 to June 2018.
As you may know, Google bought YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion. At first, people thought that Google has overpaid and made a mistake! Now after sometimes, everyone agrees that it was the smart move of Google.
By developing smartphones and with the rise of online videos, more and more people prefer to stop watching TV, and they would rather watch whatever they are interested in on their cellphone.
YouTube’s revenue in 2015 was $3.5 billion, which increased to $5.9 billion in 2016, that was a notable growth. Now YouTube is estimated to be worth up to $160 billion.
People from all around the world have a LinkedIn account, and 154 million American workers have LinkedIn profiles, which tell us that America has the most LinkedIn users. The platform provides 24 different languages which let people from all territories have a LinkedIn profile, and 70% of LinkedIn activities are on mobile.
LinkedIn has been expanding its advertising platform recently, and it has been successful in it. Now LinkedIn is worth up to $26 billion.
Pinterest was found on 2009, two years before Snapchat and three years after Twitter, but it might be clear that Pinterest is not as popular as Instagram and Snapchat, and it might be the reason that it is less valuable than Instagram and Snapchat. In the revenue of 2018, Pinterest earned $755 million, and happily, it is increasing its revenue and has experienced good development.
It had 100 million users in 2015, which got doubled in 2018 and increased to 200 million monthly active users. Also, it has a high engagement level, and the spent time per visit is 34 minutes. Also, it is a good platform to discover new brands and products. In addition, the number of searches on Pinterest is high, which is more than 2 billion every day, and 55% of users purchase what they need on the site.
Pinterest’s company valuation is between $10 and $11.3 billion at the moment, but we are predicting a rise in the near future.
Final Thoughts
By increasing the number of social media users, we are expecting to have an increase in the valuation of social media networks. Also, some new platforms may come up and grow higher than the current platforms, and clearly, some platforms might be forgotten, and no one would use them anymore.
Which of the platforms is your favorite? How much time do you spend on them? Which one is the best and which one should be avoided?
Every Facebook user like to have more friends on the platform and communicate with more people every single day. All we know about Facebook is our experience, and there is no official statement about the number of requests that one can send per day.
Every Facebook user like to have more friends on the platform and communicate with more people every single day. All we know about Facebook is our experience, and there is no official statement about the number of requests that one can send per day. Knowing Facebook’s algorithm has become a mystery, and every Facebook user is looking for a way to get the answer without getting blocked and being concerned while doing actions.
An important point about sending a request to someone is that you shouldn’t repeatedly request in a short period of time and you should look natural, if not, Facebook would recognize you as spam, and it may temporarily block you from sending a friend request. To be safe, add some friends in the morning, some in the afternoon and some at night. That’s the method I am using for a long time without facing any problem.
Before sending friend requests to others, you should follow these tips to increase the chance of being accepted by others as their Facebook friend and also ways to get requests from others:
Choose an eye-catching and impressive profile photo to attract people so people can’t ignore to accept you as a friend.
Add some details about yourself in your bio and describe your interests
Tell people that you are interested in having Facebook friends in the bio section
By changing your account’s “post-privacy” to “Public,” you can get friend requests from Facebook users
Change “who can send you the friend request” to “Everyone”
Change “public post comments” to “public”
After doing all of them, it is time to start requesting Facebook users, and it may come to your mind that how many Facebook users can I send requests per day?
How many friend requests can I send on Facebook in a day?
There is no official statement about the number of people you can send friend requests per day, and it is not the same for all Facebook users, BUT you can only have up to 1000 pending requests on Facebook. Whenever you reach it, you can’t send friend requests any more until the people who you have sent a friend request, accept, decline or delete your friend request.
But sometimes it would happen that you haven’t reached the 1000 friend requests, but you can’t send a friend request! Here are the possible reasons:
If you send a friend request to someone and he deletes your request, you are no longer able to send the request, and it lasts for a year, then you can try your luck after a year for the second time.
You can’t send a friend request to someone who has blocked you, or you have blocked them.
There is a privacy setting that can be set by the user to avoid having a lot of friend requests. If you are not a friend of any of their friends, you won’t be able to send a friend request to them.
How many Facebook friends can I have on Facebook?
The total limit of the number of friends you can have on Facebook is 5000; whenever you reach 5000 friends on Facebook, it won’t allow you to add more friends. By the way As a Facebook user, you should know how Facebook suggest friends and how the friend suggestion algorithm works. Reading the “How does Facebook suggest friends?” article is a must for a Facebook user.
Be careful who you are sending a request to because if many people ignore your request, Facebook may know you as spam and it may block your account, and you will lose it temporarily or permanently. So try to send a friend request to people who you know or people that have the same interests as you. For example, if you are an adult, the type of post you share is completely different from posts that a teenager shares, and you won’t have a lot in common. Before sending the friend request, check the person’s profile and bio to prevent your account from being declined.
Tip: Limits aren’t just about numbers; Facebook considers your general actions such as the time of action, if the actions are identical, the type of action, number of actions per day, checking whether others report your actions or if it contains spam, etc.
What is the best time to post on Facebook?
Are you looking for a way to be seen by others? If yes, post at the best time to reach your goal.
Clearly, Wednesday is the best day to be active and post on Facebook, try it, and check the results. On the other hand, the weekend is known as the worst day to post on Facebook because people are not likely to spend a lot of time on social media on Saturday and Sunday.
Generally, you should try posting at different times and days to find out the best time to post on Facebook based on your friends and followers; don’t get surprised if the best time of posting on your Facebook account differs from the image above, it is all about the time that your followers are most active!
How many groups can I join on Facebook per day?
Also, there is a limit for the number of groups that you can join per day, which is about 25 to 30, but it depends on your account’s age. If you are new to Facebook, don’t take too many actions. Also, according to Facebook’s Help Center, you can join up to 6000 Facebook groups in total.
Why Facebook banned my account?
Facebook has strict rules, and if you break them, it would quickly ban your account. There are several factors that Facebook may know you as spam:
Number of the actions
Obviously, a real person can’t perform hundreds of actions in a short time, so make it slow and prevent your account from being looked like spam. Consider a short pause between any action you take on Facebook, if not, Facebook would recognize you as a bot, and it would ban your account.
Avoid doing actions that would get you reported
Some actions may seem like a threat to others, such as commenting on a competitor’s page, so reporting is the best solution for them. Also posting some contents like racism, threat, posts that promote the hatred of a particular group of people or an individual.
Moreover, if you speak offensive in your posts and use the abusive language, you are still in danger of being reported.
Don’t forget to verify your phone number or email address
You have definitely noticed the strict rules of Facebook and the way it would react if you break its rules and look like spam, so you need to obey its rules if you want your account to stand out. Then verify your Facebook account to prove it is really you who are using Facebook.
Facebook Bot
If you are using a Facebook bot, you should be careful about using it and set its speed on slow mode to avoid looking like spam. The more delay your account has to perform an action, the lower the chance of getting banned your account has. Also, don’t run multiple bots for the same Facebook account.
What should I do if I get banned on Facebook?
Unfortunately, if you take a lot of actions on Facebook and look like spam, Facebook will punish you, and it bans your account between 1 hour to 21 days! If you faced the Facebook ban, be patient, and wait to get back your account.
Keep all the tips mentioned above, in your mind to save your account and enjoy being a Facebook user.
Today, with the social media emergence and large market it opened up, the majority of business owners may not think of Email marketing benefits and its effects on building up their online sales. Maybe you as a smart online marketer have no vivid look at this kind of marketing, but I want to admit that this way of marketing can have maximum efficiency in the digital marketing age.
Today, with the social media emergence and large market it opened up, the majority of business owners may not think of Email marketing benefits and its effects on building up their online sales and online shopping. Maybe you as a smart online marketer have no vivid look at this kind of marketing, but I want to admit that this way of marketing can have maximum efficiency in the digital marketing age. The key point is that email accounts are several times more than other social media accounts. Well, let’s going through this neglected powerful marketing approach.
Here, an important question pops up in your mind that which Prerequisites do you need to begin with an email marketing strategy to convert leads to customers?
What is email marketing?
Email marketing is a collection of actions you do to turn a potential customer into an actual loyal one by some specific email marketing tools which form your marketing strategy. Plus, as Simplelists reports, and many others will tell you, email marketing is a highly effective method that uses different types of tools to push you to open an email advertising and go through with a particular subject line of purchasing.
Why is email marketing important?
Email is a typical method of exchanging messages, which has been used as a fundamental tool for every kind of notices so far. Even it is known for folk, with all these factors we conclude that this way of marketing has died out gradual, but now you can learn how to make the most of email marketing tips by training your online marketing knowledge about.
Professional Businessmen do email marketing for luck because they believe that not only it is a unique marketing strategy that does not bother leads, prospects, and even past clients but also tempts them to read the email content by motivational title at a convenient time.
Everyone is checking his/her mailbox every day, for a particular reason, in this case, you can reach the global audience by a low-cost marketing tool; therefore, increase your brand awareness.
What is email marketing strategy?
It addresses the appropriate ways and acts to gain maximum benefits from; I mean business plan includes making money, measurable RoI(return on investment), increasing website traffic, and at the end leading to shopping and purchases. But you know the thing is that how you want to take your first step in and how it moves forward to pull off a surprise victory. The first step is possible when you follow the simple email marketing best practices I illustrate below, but to keep on moving forward, you should use some analytical tools and basis to have a clear mind to look ahead.
Generating genuine creative content: content marketing plays a prominent role in publishing and distributing sensational irresistible content for presence to prove brand credibility and loyalty. How to start an email itself is an attempt to collaborate for sending commercial emails to persuade customers and create needs for them to buy the products we offer. Your content needs decoration while it should keep its quality and simplicity. The subject line has the most remarkable effect on readers to be known as
Sign up button should be placed in the center of attention Putting your sign up form is recommended to place in directions with easier access enough. You are taking up the user’s time by placing this button in exotic places.
Buyer Persona has an outstanding achievement One trap that most of the marketing campaigns often fall into is struggling to attract too many users without determining what kind of customer they really want. Now the importance of having a customer category is defined here. Specify your targeted customers before starting with the lead magnets. So, as an essential rule, your lead magnets should, of course, be interactive but pay attention that for every type of persona, you ‘d better design specific lead magnets to matches their needs and wants. Maybe you get my words hardly, as a fresh one on the marketing scene but now I explain the details. Discover how to organize your audience wisely, in email marketing, you are allowed to classify your customers and divided your messages for a variety of them based on their interests, locations, and purchase history. This strategy invites people in business to navigate their clients to a win-win game. We define several semi-fictional characteristics for the buyers. Every characteristic has a set of personality traits, by following this email marketing strategy, you will take the chance of detecting your audience better to recognize which type of content includes lead magnets, products, and the way of exposing them, now it is the time to find one of the best email marketing tips which suit your industry and company.
Elements of persona:
Persona Group (i.e., web manager)
The fictional name should be determined like Teenager Jack
Job titles and significant responsibilities need to be considered for knowing the concerns and interests.
Demographics such as age, education, ethnicity, and family status are important to realize their essential products.
The goals and tasks they are trying to complete using the site
Their physical, social, and technological environment to find out in which condition they are and which social media marketing they demand.
Casual pictures are representing that user group to get the whole picture of your persona.
Pros of defining a buyer persona:
A practical method for knowing your target audience’s tendencies and tastes.
Helpful beneficial information about users for offering selected items based on user behaviors
Analyzing gathered information of customers to guess what kinds of products they will need to.
Facilitate to know which types of customers attract with your marketing strategy and products.
What is B2C: this is a kind of marketing which gives you best practices to introduce your products professionally to increase your product sales. In this way, you deal with costumes directly. It is really thoughtful of you to obtain what products your personas need to supply them, according to their lifestyle, challenges, mainly budget.
The picture shows, routine life of a student with different pleasures and obsessions all in one page in an easy and clean format, For selecting the personas, it would be better to have an eye for detail because these details will make the whole picture of the persona to identify their requirements. It is so beneficial to have a clear vision of each character by inspiring from interviews or researches or even observations based on experiences you gathered.
B2B email marketing Stands for Business to business, which is in contrast with B2C. It means selling products or services to other companies using email marketing services to boost in this level. Although, both B2B and B2C chase different marketing strategies but are crucial for email marketing.
With B2B marketing, you enter into negotiations with decision makers of other companies or their consultants who have a sufficient power to influence decision makers of companies. Provided that your email marketing strategy has gone right to get your ideal reaction. I have an excellent email marketing example for this type; there is a bank that intends to provide its internal network via a trusted Internet service provider for having access to its other different branches in a country without using the wan connection(Internet). No doubt the Isp attempts to edify itself to get the bank opinion and win the completion, but there is a predefined map to get to know with personas who are in authorities of companies to carry out the best email marketing and generate products sales, let’s have a quick glance on.
How to do email marketing?
To grow your business faster and gain a profitable experience, you’d better commence with a list of engaged subscribers to learn email marketing tips step by step.
If I want to explain it simply, I say considering an appealing way to obtain a list of email addresses. But how? Surly, for the first step you acquire the email addresses list; if you have already collected them you are one step ahead. If you don’t, come with me through the context.
Email service provider
For the first step, If you need much more time for trial and error, it is suggested to use an email service provider matches your company size and shape with different capabilities. For instance, it provides you with a subscriber list as well as allowing you to send your emails by creating your desired email template or using pre-made ones.
The lead magnets strategies turning recipients into customers
As I mentioned before, fortunately, everyone has an email address that checks at least once a day; for handling some usual basic tasks. It’s not enough to use just an Email service provider, indeed for promoting your Email marketing jobs; you need to be aware of some necessity marketing requirements. Imagine that a person is taking a glance at your online shop, the best email marketing strategy for gaining email addresses is not asking a direct appeal from prospects. In fact, using lead magnets is the solution. It can be anything free for potential buyers in exchange for their contact information. Such as acoupon, a white paper, a useful pdf file, even a big discount. All told stuff is a suitable leap point for having an efficient email marketing list but remembers designing an eye-catching lead magnet is very important for grabbing attention.
Now the effective point about this way of marketing is that what should be done in-depth to retain an absolute majority of customers? Approximately all of the email marketers know this easy rule I have referred above, but the truth is that how should you make it well enough,
Some accommodating tips about lead magnets are essential to know
Using advanced graphic for your emails
Visual content helps more to get the gist
Following friendly literature in your content
Responsive design (Mobile/Desktop)
Brief useful without wasting time
Follow a simple design and avoid complicated design
Give them multiple choices to stimulate by one of them
Call to Action (CTA): It is a kind of button used in your website to direct prospects into one of your website pages to fill out some contact information. At this critical moment, you should have designed catchy lead magnets to drive more users into your web pages. Something to make it noticeable is to use some known verbs such as
Because these verbs inform customers what they are going to do next, but in some situations, you should mention the phrase to make it clear for the audience.
Landing page: One thing to note is that CTA should refer to a landing page to hit the customers’ target, a landing page is where a form materializes to capture a viewers’ information in exchange for the desired offer.
Metric: It expresses the number of views as well as the number of clicks you have gained through your CTA button. It is named CTR (Click through rate) and used for monitoring the performance of your CTA.
Various ideas for having a successful lead magnets
Cheatsheet or Handouts
Cheatsheet is one of the most compelling ways of turning users’ attention. Because it is short and includes the essential main point. It can be considered both in checklists or mind maps format. It highly motivates visitors to go through via.
It is the most common way of email marketing to ask for people’s email addresses also other information; It is like an ebook you know we have so many people, eager for the knowledge efficient resources so with this way of marketing approach you can win the game.
Video training
This kind of lead magnets is popular among all types of leads, the ones who design video training are professional individuals at their works, to introduce their online sales to people indirectly. Rich video content can enable you to gain numerous customers as a result of solving their trending concerns.
Free trial
It is mostly done by some startups as well as software companies to develop their brand identities for finding loyal customers to provide them a specific time use of a kind of software for free. It very works, especially for startups which want to get started with a great lead magnet.
All methods are helping each other to keep us happy as a newcomer to the websites. Researches show that majority of people test out this way of selling product for discount is quite a practical lead magnets type which a marketer can gain maximum benefit from.
Now it is quiz turn to talk about the only specific thing that drives more traffic to your webpage. Although this advancing mode should be created in an intelligent, fluent way, it should be fun interactive to captivate the reader going through.
This magnet lead strategy is well known too, due to its online analysis, and in this appalling way, it can reach you to your targeted customers as they find great pleasure in catching valuable information for giving an email address.
I remember lead magnets contains some predictions about online marketing sales fluctuations on social media platforms; it was a marketer who did an analysis based on the facts, he had carried research for. This lead magnet comes to my mind as a noticeable prediction and comparison.
All in all, you should consider which of the mentioned methods best fit your product sales and then move to the implementation stage. We’re in a whole new era, and it was pretty a good guide for everyone eager to get valuable experience the impact of email marketing on an online product sale.
As a business on social media, you may have experienced that it is becoming harder to reach your customers every single day. Now, are you looking for a way to connect with more customers on Facebook? Have you tried the Facebook messenger?
As a business on social media, you may have experienced that it is becoming harder to reach your customers every single day. Now, are you looking for a way to connect with more customers on Facebook? Have you tried the Facebook messenger?
Businesses used to try different methods for advertising such as sending an email which didn’t satisfy them, because the average email open rate is 20% and everyone may not check their emails every day, or they may see it, but just ignore it. They also used to advertise on several websites which its click rate was low too. So email marketing and guest blogging don’t work as well as they used to.
Nowadays people prefer to spend their time on different social media rather than a specific website, so you should be updated to reach many customers and have a successful advertisement.
If you are looking for the best way to grow your business and get many clients, then Facebook’s messenger bot is the solution. Facebook designed a messenger to help businesses to manage their communications efficiently.
What are the messenger Chatbots?
The Facebook messenger Chatbot is a computer program that automates specific tasks. It automates chatting with users like a conversation. They are programmed to receive questions and then response a relevant answer to someone who has asked a question, and also they are able to do various tasks according to their program.
According to Facebook’s survey, most of the customers prefer to shop with a business which is connected to a chat box. Now Facebook messenger handles over 300,000 active Chatbots.
Why should businesses use Facebook messenger chatbot?
#1: People’s Interest
People are more interested in using the messaging app rather than email. To be sure about it, you need to just look at your phone and compare the number of messages that you send and receive by on your email and messaging apps. Certainly you are using messenger apps more often, and that’s because it is faster and easier.
#2: Reach more customers
Companies should reach people through messaging apps instead of email because Facebook has more than 2.38 billion active users monthly who are spending more and more time in the app every day. To get the best result for your marketing and business, you must know where your target audience is and then start to communicate with them.
As you can see the number of Facebook users in growing every day; as the research shows, there were 2.32 billion active users in 2018, which the number has increased to 2.38 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2019. (Source: Facebook 4/24/19). It shows that there is an 8 percent increase year over year.
#3: Help you grow your business
Messaging bots are helpful and would grow your business fast. In April of 2016, the Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg announced the open access to make a Chatbot in the messenger app. So with more than two billion users active on Facebook, you should try it.
#4: Interact with your customers
For example, you manage a car company, and you want to know people’s ideas about the recently introduces car or cars with new upgrades. You can easily run a messaging bot and ask questions about new features.
#5: Easier Transaction
The messenger allows people to search your services or products, and they can buy them through the conversation so the transaction would be easier for your audience, and they may recommend your product or service to others.
#6: Customer support
It would be strong customer support; if customers face a problem with their purchase, the Facebook messenger bot will guide them fast. Also, by using the messenger, you can send the order confirmation or shipping info to your customers.
Moreover, you can send them any new related product to them.
#7: Helps you to boost your product or service
An important and top reason that Facebook introduced the messenger bot is for handling customer complaints. You will receive customer’s ideas and complains about your service or product; then you can upgrade it to keep your customer’s satisfied.
#8: Number of Facebook users is increasing
Facebook Messenger product manager Kemal El Moujahid:
“According to Flurry Analytics, time spent on social media and messaging increased a staggering 400% last year. Businesses are starting to realize that they need to communicate with users where they already are, and that chat provides a superior experience: email is spammy, text is very limited, and phone calls require someone’s undivided attention.”
Therefore, with growing number of Facebook users, you should take advantage of being there and grow your business.
#9: People may be interested in using bots
People may get interested in using bots if they find it useful and easy to use. As Kemal El Moujahid said:
“Not only are they interacting with bots in the apps where they message their friends, they are interacting with bots while they message their friends. If you want to create a viral user acquisition loop, or enable social use cases, that’s something messaging can do by design, unlike your single player app.”
#10: Reduces marketing cost
Using the messenger is a big help in reducing your marketing costs. It would be less than the amount of money that you pay for Facebook ads.
As a result, Facebook messenger bot is a great tool to keep in touch with your customers, and no one should ever ignore its importance. Take advantage of this great opportunity, and do your best before your competitors do what you were going to do. If you are using the Facebook messenger bot, share your ideas with us. Are you satisfied with it? Does it need any improvement? Please share your thoughts in the comments.