What does Channeling do in Minecraft, and how to use it?

Minecraft is getting more popular as time passes, and this is not because of its fame. The true fact is that in every version of the game, you can find new features, tools, and, of course, weapons (such as Tridents). These weapons or tools can help you magnify your power in Minecraft or just create new chances to gain additional features.

In this brief post, we will explain what is channeling in Minecraft, what exactly it means, and what Channeling in Minecraft, and how to use Channeling in the game.

Read more about “disabled Discord account“.

What is channeling in Minecraft?

Channeling is a kind of trident enchantment that produces lightning to define the subject briefly. You can achieve this feature from dungeon chests, Minecraft chests, enchantment tables, raid drops, and librarian villagers. You can also fish up enchanted books that can contain the Minecraft Channeling enchantment in the Bedrock edition of the game.

Note that channeling only works in thunderstorms and can be helpful for farming mob heads.

What does Channeling do in Minecraft?

To answer the question “what does Channeling do in Minecraft?”, if you have a thunderstorm in the game, throwing a channeling trident at a mob will contribute to lightning striking where the mob is standing. When a mob gets hit by a trident, it can’t stay in the water, so it has to come out, and Minecraft players will quickly catch it. The hitting of the mob with Channeling can position channeling on lands. You can protect yourself from lightning and nullify the damage by standing and covering yourself under a cave. Never forget that the Trident in your hand must hit the mob, and also a thunderstorm is definitely required in order for lightning to strike.

You can also use your tridents during thunderstorms to create charged creepers. If the created creeper explodes and kills a hostile mob, they will drop their respective mob head.

What is channeling enchantment in Minecraft?

As you know, enchantments keep Minecraft exciting and varied by giving the player powers that they usually would not have in the game. According to this, Channeling is Trident-exclusive enchantment that you can use while playing. As soon as you have enchantment tablets or anvils, you can keep the Trident apply the enchantment, and choose the enchanting books. As a result, this can help enchant the Trident and charge the power of God.

In the past, Channeling was a tool used for turning pigs into Piglins, Villagers into Witches, and Creepers into Charged Creepers. But when Minecraft channeling enchantment gets accessible, players now have more chances to make changes on the mob in the gameplay. You can use the charged creepers to get zombies, creeper heads, and skeletons, and you can also scare the fellows with charged creepers.

How to get a Trident in Minecraft?

How to get a Trident in Minecraft? It is a little bit challenging. If you want to get a trident in Minecraft, you have to defeat a “drowned,” an aquatic monster that can provide a drop rate of 8.5% for a trident.

Before trying to fight these monsters, you should have an attack strategy ready with a retreat prepared as well. This is because these mobs have the ability to sneak up on Minecraft players with the element of surprising them under the veil of darkness and murky waters.

How to use Channeling in Minecraft?

You can use Minecraft Channeling enchantment in certain situations and not everywhere; for example, lightning will not be summoned if a mob is in water, lava, or cobwebs. Furthermore, this is true when the mob is on snow, soul sand, honey blocks, Minecraft, or a boat.

As mentioned earlier, you have to make sure that the Trident has hit the mob when a thunderstorm begins to occur. When the Trident does not hit the mob, the lightning cannot hit them, and you cannot get the desired result. Lightning cannot fall on the place where the Trident is supposed to hit. Another tip is that you must hold the Trident equipped with your right hand and release the click to throw the Trident as far as you can.

After, note that the Minecraft Channeling enchantment is not compatible with the enchant riptide. Many players think that the enchant riptide should be compatible with channeling enchantment, but for some reason, that never happens in the game.

Frequently asked questions

Should it be a thunderstorm for Minecraft Channeling enchantment to work?

To be honest, it “must” be a thunderstorm in order for Channeling to work as intended. In the previous versions of Minecraft, you had a chance to run channeling with regular rainstorms, but this feature is no longer available.

Why won’t my channeling Trident work?

You need a thunderstorm for channeling on Minecraft. If it is thundering and your Trident in your hand still won’t spawn a lightning strike, make sure you are hitting a mob with the ranged throw of a trident. If you still have a problem with Minecraft Channeling enchantment, this issue is somehow technical and you should tell the support team.

Also Read: “How to Install OptiFine in Minecraft


Thank you for reading. In this post, we have answered four questions “How to use channeling in Minecraft?”, “What does Channeling do in Minecraft?”, ” What does channeling do in Minecraft?” and ” How to get a Trident in Minecraft?”; these questions nowadays are necessary to be answered for those Minecraft players who want to experience the best. Learning new techniques in Minecraft (including enchantment) can take the experience of gameplay a step further. You can use these features to convert the game more interesting, more active, and more desirable.

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How to fix “discord javascript error”?

Discord is one of the unique environments where people can make groups and share their ideas and experiences. Like all human-made applications, Discord also can be associated with several bugs and errors, which can put its users into trouble.

In this complete post, we will talk about “javascript error Discord,” what causes this error to happen, and how we can fix it quickly.

Do you want to know how to make a discord poll? read here.

What is the “discord javascript error”?

Many people have encountered this Discord fatal javascript error while they were trying to install Discord on their desktop devices. However, we don’t actually know the root reason for this phenomenon until now.

There are some theories about a javascript error that occurred in the primary process discord; for example, Discord or its settings may have gone corrupt because of bad installation, or Discord runs with administrator permissions, and you should remove this option to let the application work properly.

What Causes the “discord javascript error”?

As mentioned earlier, there is no well-known reason for “fatal javascript error Discord.” But we can summarize all possible answers into these four reasons here;

  • Discord corruption because of lousy installation or damaged downloaded package.
  • Ceased Quality Windows Audio Video Experience service.
  • Discord stores temporary data on your PC or laptop to work efficiently. And damage to these files can break the function of the application on your device.
  • Discord is running with administrator settings.

How to fix the Discord JavaScript Error?


After we know what makes Discord a fatal javascript error, now let’s see how we can get rid of it with no mistakes. We have collected available solutions into seven categories down here:

Remove the Discord process from your Task Manager

The easiest way to solve the Discord javascript error is to remove the Discord process from Task Manager. This method is straightforward, so we have put it at the beginning.

To remove Discord from Task Manager, right-click on the “Taskbar” tab, choose “Task Manager,” click on the “process” tab, select “Discord,” and finally, click on the “End task” button.

Run Discord without Administrator permissions

Many users have reported Discord never functions as an administrator, though it is the preferred option on the system. If you want to change settings to get rid of the administrator option, follow these steps;

  • Start with right-clicking on the Discord app and selecting “properties.”
  • In the properties window, go to the Shortcut tab and then click on the “Advanced” option.
  • As a result, a “Run as administrator” option appears on the screen. Make sure you uncheck it and click on the “Ok” button.
  • Repeat the above step in the Compatibility tab as well. Never forget to click on the “Ok” button to save the changes.
  • You have successfully changed the settings on your Discord.

Delete your Discord files from “%appdata%” and “%localappdata%” on the device

If you want to reset Discord settings, you need to delete the Discord files and folders in AppData and LocalAppData. To solve the “fatal Discord javascript error” issue on your device, follow these steps;

  • First, open the Run Dialog box by pressing “Windows key + R”
  • Now, type in “%appdata%” and click on the “OK” button. Your AppData folder will be opened for you.
  • Now, you need to delete the Discord folder in the AppData folder. As mentioned earlier, you need to end the task in Task Manager first to do this process. If you have already turned off the Discord process in Task Manager, it would be easy for you to delete the app.
  • Click on the search button next to the Start button and type “Run” or press “windows key + R.”
  • As the Run dialog box appears on the screen, you have to write “%localappdata%” and press “Enter.”
  • A folder will pop up on your screen. Here, you need to navigate to the Discord folder, right-click on it and move on to delete the folder.
  • As a result, no folder must remain for being deleted. Finally, restart your device and see whether you still know the Discord JavaScript error.

Change some of the settings options in the Windows Audio Video Experience service

The Quality Windows Audio Video Experience service is one of the essential services for Discord. If a simple bug appears in this program, the whole Discord system will be ceased functioning.

To change some settings on the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience service, follow these steps;

  • First, press the “Windows + R key” to open the run dialog box.
  • Next, type in “services.MSC.” and click on the “Enter” key. As a result, you will have the Services toolbox opened up the very next second.
  • Navigate to “Quality Windows Audio Video Experience” and open the program by right-clicking. A menu will appear, and you have to select “Properties.”
  • If the Service is already running, you need to click on the “Stop” button given in the middle of the window. If it is not, you have to click on the “Start” button to rerun the Service.
  • In the properties window, check for the option under the “Startup type” menu and set it to “Automatic” rather than “Manual.”
  • If you click on the “Start” button, you may encounter this error:

“Windows could not start the Service on the local computer.

Error 1079: The account specified for this service differs from the account settings for other services running in the same process.”

If you want to solve the problem, in the Service’s properties window, open the “Log on” tab and click on “Browse.”

  • Next, you can see an entry box with the writing “enter the object name to select” where you have to write your account’s name. Click on the “Check Names” button.
  • Click on the “Ok” button, and type in your password.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully made the changes to the Service.

Whitelist Discord installation files

Many people are using antiviruses to protect their PC from harmful software. However, sometimes these protectors prevent some Discord files from running correctly, and therefore, you need to put Discord in your whitelist.

Whitelisting is done differently in any antivirus software, and there are several antivirus software available. Most of the methods are almost the same, so we use Avast antivirus as an example. To do that, follow these steps;

  • First, right-click on the Avast icon to open up Avast. A list will appear, so you need to select “open Avast user interface.”
  • After the user interface appears on your screen, you have to click on the “Protection” tab.
  • You can see an option called “Virus chest” on the right side of the screen. Clicking on this option will show all the blocked and quarantined files by the antivirus.
  • Here, you need to select all Discord folders. After that, bring your cursor to the files to see the “three dots” option.
  • Next, click on those three dots and opt for “restore and add an exception” on the appearing list. You need to repeat this method for all Discord folders.
  • Finally, once you have whitelisted the files, try reinstalling Discord.

Uninstall and reinstall the Discord application on your device

If none of these methods make the problem “fatal Discord javascript error” cleared, maybe you need to unstill the whole program and reinstall it again. Follow these steps to uninstall and reinstall Discord;

  • Open “Start Menu” on your Windows, and click on the “Search” option to find “Control Panel.”
  • Click on the “uninstall the program” option in the control panel.
  • You can see different applications on the list. Find the Discord icon, click on it and choose “uninstall.”
  • After successful uninstallation, right-click on the Start menu and select” run.”
  • Now, type in “%appdata%” in the box and click on “run.”
  • Delete the Discord folder as it appears.
  • type in “%localappdata%” in “run” and delete all Discord folders.
  • Finally, you need to visit Discord’s official website and download Discord again.

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Thank you for reading. In most cases, “fatal Discord javascript error” is not an issue to be worried about, and you can solve it with the six solutions explained above. However, if you still are wrestling with this problem, you can visit Discord’s official website and get more information about the error.

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How to make a discord poll? (What are poll bots)

In modern society, polls and elections are two tools to gauge public opinion on various topics and matters. Polls, especially online polls, are also suitable for understanding the psychographics or demographics of your target audience.

If you are a streamer on Discord, you can use Discord polls to keep the community engaged and give your followers a way to make their views known. In this post, we will show how to make a Discord poll on Discord, what is a Poll Bot Discord, and how we can use them. You may also want to know how to build a Discord bot.

What is a Discord poll?

As mentioned earlier, polls are a powerful tool to find out the trending favorites of your audience at a specific time. With a Discord poll, you will get the majority of preferences of your users for many subjects, including a new video game or just a new technique to win.

In the following words, we will see how we can create a Discord poll with or without a Discord poll bot (both methods will be explained).

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How to make a poll on Discord?

You can create a Discord poll; you can start the process with empty hands or with the help of a Discord poll bot. For the first method, you can use emoji reactions. An emoji reaction poll lets people answer your question by clicking a particular emoji, which corresponds to a different answer.

This method is preferred when you want an easier way to make polls and not invite bots to your pages. To do that, follow these steps;

  • First, open your Discord.
  • Now, click on your server’s icon on the panel on the left side of the Discord window. If you have created the server or have permission to manage it, you will be able to create an emoji reaction poll.
  • If you want to dedicate a specific channel for your polls, click on the “+” icon next to the “TEXT CHANNELS” heading, enter a name for the channel, and click on the “Create Channel” button.
  • Now, you need to set up permissions for your channels. To do that, click on the gear icon next to the channel’s name, and select the “Permissions” tab.
  • Select “@everyone” under the “ROLE/MEMBERS” heading on the right side of the screen. After that, click on the green “✓” icon to the right of the “Read Message History” heading and the red “X” icon for the remaining options. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save the process.
  • To create your poll, type the question into the channel’s text box and press the “Enter” or “Return” button.
  • To add reaction emojis to your poll, hover your mouse over the question and click on the smiley face. Next, click on one of the emojis you want to use as a reaction. Note that each emoji icon can correspond with a specific answer.
  • Here, you need to explain poll elements to the channel. This can be done by “Click [emoji 1] to vote yes, click [emoji 2] to vote no,” or something like that.
  • Now, you can tell your audience to vote in the poll you have created.
  • Finally, after a certain amount of time (which is mentioned by yourself), the emoji with the highest number of voters will be the winning answer.

What is a discord poll bot?

As you know, Discord is not just a simple voice application, you can use extensive customization features, and even they allow developers to create “bots” to perform a range of tasks within the app. A Discord poll bot is an automation tool that fascinates the process of making polls on Discord, with more features.

How to Use a Discord Poll Bot

In the second method of creating polls on Discord, you can use a Discord poll bot. Here, we use Easy Poll Bot as an example since it has a very easy setup. Remember that you need to be a server manager or administrator to add a bot. Follow these steps;

  • Select a server and click on the “Continue” button.
  • Now, you need to review the permissions and requirements of Easy Poll Bot and after that, click on “Authorize.”
  • By default, only server members who are server administrators or managers can create and close polls. However, if you create a role called “PollCreator,” Easy Bot will also allow those members the same full access to poll creation. Click on the “Join Easy Poll Discord Bot” button to open the welcome screen.
  • Next, open a channel in which you want to create the poll in it. Suppose you are going to get a quick list of Easy Poll’s main commands; type “/easypoll” in the channel.
  • You can use “/poll” so you can close the poll whenever you want, or “timepoll” if you are going to specify the poll’s length. After you press “Tab,” you will be asked to enter the poll’s question.
  • Enter your question in the box and press “tab” on the screen.
  • If you have a timed poll, enter the length of time. Easy Poll Bot follows the format 7d (7 days), 3h (3 hours), or 2m (2 minutes). You can use any numbers you want.
  • Enter the answers to your question. You can choose the “Multiple Choice” option. If you want to allow, people to select more than one answer, type “true” and press “Tab.”
  • Now press the “Enter” or “Return” button to make the poll live. Any member in your channel can answer the question and choose the preferred answer(s).
  • Finally, close the poll and view the results. If you created a timed poll, the poll would automatically close after the time period. If it is not, type “/closepoll” and press the “Enter”  or “Return” button to finish the poll.

What are the Best Discord Poll Bots?

Now, we have collected the five best Discord Poll Bots for our business. Note that the characteristics of these bots are almost the same, with some variations. Here we go;

  • Poll Bot Plus

Poll Bot Plus provides a quick and easy-to-use interface for creating attractive and beautiful polls that are entirely customizable. This bot has many additional features that users can use for Discord polls.

  • Raid Helper Bot

This is one of the best bots for creating outstanding Discord polls. Raid Helper Bot contains many other valuable features, including time zones, reminders, archiving, and multiple language support. Therefore, it can be considered the best Discord bot you can find in the Discord community.

  • Asena Bot

In the third position, there is a stable and fast Discord bot with new generation technologies involved that makes the bot perfect for creating polls. More after, Asena Bot supports multiple languages, so it is recommended for international corporations.

  • Easy Poll Bot

This brilliant Discord bot is primarily known for its easy and user-friendly interface to create fantastic custom and creative polls. Easy Poll Bot also has a “customer reaction” feature where the audience can send their comments on the poll. The good news about this bot is that Easy Poll Bot is totally free.

  • Mr. Poll Bot

Although it is not famous on Discord, Mr. Poll Bot is one of the recommended bots for creating exciting Discord polls. Mr. Poll Bot is mainly a suggestion bot, but many discord server admins have not yet recognized its polling feature.


Thank you for reading. No matter if you use emojis or Discord poll bots to create your polls, your question’s content will delineate the percentage of participation in your server. If you need your audience’s ideas quickly, why not stand up and just make some polls on your Discord?

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Everything about Minecraft horses?

Do you love horses? If your answer is yes, I think you also love Minecraft horses. As you need a tool to speed up your journey in the game or transport chests, these animals will come to help you. More after, you can put armor on these creatures and make them ready for battle.

In this guide, we will show you what your feet horses are in Minecraft, how to make them ready for riding, and what is the best Minecraft horse in the game.

And everything about Minecraft donkeys is here.

How to get a horse in Minecraft?

Finding Minecraft horses are too easy. You can find these lovely animals spawning in plains and savannas in herds of around two to six. All herds are the same color, but markings can be different for each horse. You can also find horses in villages, naturally generating stables or animal pens.

To know more about Minecraft horses, an adult horse is 1.4 blocks wide, 1.4 blocks long, and 1.6 blocks high. Foals start at half the size of adults, and in the Bedrock version, they will get progressively bigger as they age. Horse’s hearts ranges from 15 to 30, with an average of 22.5. A Minecraft horse with an odd number of health points (for example, 17) does not show the last half-heart.

What do horses eat in Minecraft?

You can feed the horses with the same food you feed donkeys, and again, you need golden apples and golden carrots to make them ready for breeding. You can feed your Minecraft horses with apples, sugar, carrots, hay bales, and wheat.

Some of these foods have unique characteristics. For example;

  • Sugar will heal half a heart and speed up a baby’s growth by 30 seconds. You can make an untamed horse easier to tame by a small amount.
  • Apples will heal 1.5 hearts and speed up a baby’s growth by one minute. You can make an untamed horse easier to tame by a small amount.
  • Hay Bales will heal ten hearts and speed up a baby’s growth by three minutes, but the bad news is that they cannot be fed to untamed adult horses. As a result, you cannot make the taming process of an untamed Minecraft horse with Hay Bales.

How to tame a horse in Minecraft?

Before trying to ride a Minecraft horse and take a journey with it, you need to tame your horse and, after that, put a saddle on it (the latter will be discussed in the next section). Note that a horse’s color won’t change after you tame it. If you want to know how to tame a horse in Minecraft, take these steps;

  • First, find a horse for yourself. If you can’t find one, you can summon one of them using “/summon EntityHorse.” Note that don’t even try to train skeleton or zombie horses, as you won’t be able to ride them.
  • Next, you have to make sure your character’s hands are empty and not holding any tools or items.
  • Now, you have to mount the horse. This can be done by right-clicking or tapping on the horse (if you are playing with a desktop), pressing L2 (if playing on a PS3 or PS4), pressing LT (if you are an Xbox player), or pressing ZL (on the Wii U or Nintendo Switch).
  • Take the mounting process again and again until the horse is tamed. You can stay on the horse a little longer each time you try mounting it. You can give the horse some snacks (such as apples, carrots, wheat, and sugar) to speed up the taming process.
  • after taming, you can sit on your Minecraft horse, but you are not able to control its movements; since you need a saddle for it.

How to put a saddle on a horse in Minecraft?

As mentioned earlier, you are not able to make a saddle by yourself in Minecraft, and you have to search for it in the game (or you can trade goods for a saddle with villagers). Once you have found one, it is time to see how we should put on a Minecraft horse. This is very easy, and you need to follow these steps;

  • Since you have gotten a saddle, open your inventory and select the saddle you have achieved.
  • Now, you have to mount the horse. This can be done by right-clicking or tapping on the horse (if you are playing with a desktop), pressing L2 (if playing on a PS3 or PS4), pressing LT (if you are an Xbox player), or pressing ZL (on the Wii U or Nintendo Switch).
  • As you know, the horse also has a separate inventory for itself. In order to open it;
  1. Press “E” on your computer
  2. Click on the 3-dot button if you are on a mobile device.
  3. Press the “X” button if you use a Wii U or Nintendo Switch.
  4. Press the triangle button if you are using a PS3 or PS4 console.
  5. Press the “Y” button if you are an Xbox player.
  • Finally, drag the saddle from your inventory to the horse’s inventory.

As you can see, you have a saddled Minecraft horse now.

How to ride a horse in Minecraft?

After getting a Minecraft horse, you may like to ride it. In this section, I will teach you what we need to have and do to ride Minecraft horses. Follow these steps;

  • First, find a horse and tame it. The taming process has been explained in the previous section.
  • Next, put your saddle from the inventory on your Minecraft horse. You can also optionally put horse Armor on Minecraft horses (not donkeys or mules). This item also needs to be found, and you cannot craft it.
  • You can now ride your horse by mounting on it. Note that you cannot ride your horse in water deeper than one block. If you do this, just use a lead to get your horse out of the water so you can ride it again. Your horse can walk over flat land and over blocks that are one block high.

You can also jump with your Minecraft horses. To do that, you need to hold down the space bar until the action bar reaches the top of the blue line. Now let it go, and at the same time, you have to move forward.

What is the fastest horse in Minecraft?

As you know, there are many different types of horses in Minecraft (besides skeleton and zombie horses), such as black pegasus and normal horses. According to statistics, the maximum speed of horses varies between 4.74 blocks per second and 14.23 blocks per second, and you compare this with Minecraft’s speed (which is about 4.3 blocks per second).

In general, white horses seem to be faster than other Minecraft horses; however, a horse’s speed can also be affected by potions, and there is no rigid relationship between a horse’s speed and appearance.


Thank you for reading this guide. Working with horses is always great, no matter if it is a real horse or just a Minecraft horse on your device. Most of the time, horses are more valuable than donkeys in Minecraft. However, they need more care and attention.

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Everything about Minecraft Donkeys

As a Minecraft user, you cannot neglect donkeys in the game. These unique animals, with powerful features, can boost your abilities while playing Minecraft. But, how can we use them?

To answer your question, this guide will ultimately show you what donkeys eat in Minecraft, how to breed donkeys in Minecraft, and where donkeys spawn in Minecraft.

Or if you just want to breed horses, read this article.

What is the use of a Minecraft donkey?

As mentioned in the beginning, donkeys are really unique. The fact is that players can attach a chest to them, allowing 15 extra slots. This amazing is very useful for long journeys across the harsh biomes of the Overworld. Another unique feature about donkeys is that they regenerate health over time, which means the player will not have to feed them.

One of the disappointing tips about a Minecraft donkey is that they cannot use Armor, unlike Horses, which can use Leather, Iron, Golden, and Diamond Horse Armor.

If you want to tame a donkey, you need to mount it. To mount a Minecraft donkey, don’t hold any item in your hand, then right-click. If you are playing Minecraft on a mobile device, go near the donkey (your hands must be empty), the “Mount” button will show up on the screen, and you should click on it.

To know if you have successfully tamed the donkey, check these two conditions;

  • The donkey will not buck you off his back anymore.
  • You can open its equipment menu.

A Minecraft donkey has between 7.5 and 15 hearts for health, depending on the type of donkey. Therefore, a donkey has 15 and 30 health points (because one heart = 2 health points). To kill a donkey, you need to inflict between 15 and 30 points of damage, depending on the donkey. By killing a donkey, you will receive one item of leather.

How to breed donkeys in Minecraft?

Note this statement; each Minecraft donkey has unique stats: its health, movement speed, and jump strength. As a result, the bred foal will receive an average of its parent’s randomly attributed stat, along with some stats of both of their parents.

Generally, two Donkeys can be bred with either Golden Apples or Golden Carrots. As they are eating, the Donkeys will walk toward each other and ram their heads against the opposite Minecraft donkey. After a few seconds, a new foal will appear on the screen.

What do donkeys eat in Minecraft?

A Minecraft Donkey can be fed a variety of food, including Sugar, Wheat, Apples, and Hay Bales, to restore its health. All of these mentioned items can be useful when taming or healing your donkey, but remember that only the coveted golden apples and golden carrots are required in breeding donkeys.

Where do donkeys spawn in Minecraft?

This is another unique feature of donkeys; they only spawn in select biomes. To discuss more precisely, one to three donkeys will spawn in the Plains biome, and you can see only one donkey will spawn alone in the Savanna biome (Java Edition only).

Two to six donkeys will spawn in the Plains biome based on the Bedrock Edition. You can also crossbreed a donkey and a horse using the same items. You will get a Mule if you breed them. A mule is similar to a donkey, but the mule has a different texture, cannot be reproduced with another donkey or horse, and does not naturally spawn.

It is recommended to keep these foals within a fenced or closed area to avoid wandering off and getting themselves into dangerous situations. 


Thank you for reading this article. Although donkeys are somehow stubborn animals, they become very useful when you are playing Minecraft. A donkey under your purview is technically a donkey that could quickly assist you in your travels; so, just get engaged and tame some donkeys for yourself!!!

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How to make paper in Minecraft? (Step by Step)

How to craft paper in Minecraft; this is one of the most important questions that a Minecraft player can ask, as this vital element is used to create a massive list of products in the game.

In this brief guide, we will explain why crafting Minecraft paper is essential and how to craft paper in Minecraft by using easy steps.

Also, read about Minecraft free servers.

What is the use of Minecraft Paper?

Paper is an element that you need for daily use, from packaging to books to even crafts. For example, let’s see what we have as “paper recipe Minecraft” in the game;

  1. Map recipe: you need 9 pieces of paper to make one.
  2. Locator map recipe: you need 9 pieces of paper and one compass to make one of them.
  3. To make banner patterns, you will need one sheet of paper and an item to act as the pattern’s emblem.
  4. Furthermore, if you want to craft logos on Minecraft, you need paper.
  5. If you want to create a book, you need three pieces of paper and one leather
  6. If you want to make a book and quill, one book, one ink sac, and a feather are required.

Required Materials to make Paper

To answer the question “how to make a paper in Minecraft?” you need to collect three sugarcane. These items can be found beside bodies of water and resemble a cluster of tall bamboo or reeds. Each individual unit of sugarcane can be placed on a block directly beside the water to grow more.

You can get these items by the same method you use to get wood, which is punching at them.

How to make paper in Minecraft?

Now let’s see how to make a paper in Minecraft. Before anything, you should prepare a crafting table for yourself (if you already have a crafting table, just bypass this section). Follow these steps;

  • Crafting the table is the most critical element you need in Minecraft. Without a doubt, without it, you can’t create any tools or items needed for elaborate builds or survival. To create a crafting table, you have found a tree to gather some wood.
  • You can make four wood planks with one wood, which is enough. To punch a tree, you can simply press and hold the left mouse button (if you are using a PC), press the Left Bumper button (if you are using an Xbox), or tap on the trunk with your finger (if you are a PE user).
  • Now, you need to open your inventory. You can do this by pressing the E key (on your PC), the X button (on your Xbox), or the […] icon (on PE). As you can see, there is a set of four empty boxes, which are arranged into a single box formation with an arrow pointing toward a single open box. In fact, this is your initial Crafting Grid, where you can make various things.

Now you have made a part of crafting Minecraft paper. To go to the next part, read the following steps;

  • First, find some sugarcane on the game. You can find these plants almost anywhere, even near your starting area.
  • Now gather three sugarcanes by punching at them.
  • Once you have gathered enough sugarcane, open your craft table by facing the table and right-clicking or pressing the “X” button.
  • Finally, just place 3 Sugarcanes in a row. As a result, you will get three pieces of paper from the slot next to the grid.


Thank you for reading this post. Paper is an essential item when playing Minecraft since you need to have some of them if you decide to make new things. If you have any problem with crafting paper in Minecraft, you can ask your questions from the support team.

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How to get free Minecraft servers 2023?

Minecraft is a brilliant sandbox game for all age ranges of people, and of course, it can convert into a more brilliant option when you have an excellent Minecraft server. There are thousands of free and paid servers with different features, which can give the users a very nice headache deciding.

This guide will explain how to get free servers on Minecraft, whether is there any way to create a new free server and what are the best free Minecraft server 24/7 hosting platforms.

You may like to know how to make a server for Minecraft, so check it out now.

Are servers free in Minecraft?

The most available Minecraft servers on the internet are totally free. However, if you decide to unlock special events, unique skins, chat flair or unlock some surprise content with mystery boxes, you need to spend some money.

In the next section, we will see how to provide a free Minecraft server for ourselves.

Can you make a free Minecraft server?

The answer is yes. There are some Minecraft server services on which you can host your free Minecraft server on it. Before starting to create a free Minecraft server, kids must get a parent’s permission for that. Follow these steps to use a free Minecraft server maker and own your free Minecraft server;

  • First, you need to choose one of the free Minecraft server services on the internet. Here, we choose Minehut. Minehut allows you to host 2 Minecraft servers with up to 10 players for free. You can also purchase credits if you want to get permission to add more than ten players or make more than two servers.
  • Go to Minehut’s official website on your web browser and click on the “Sign up” button in the center of the page. If you already have an account, you just need to log in.
  • Enter your email address on the line that says “Enter your email” text box, which is the first line at the top of the page. Make sure this email is working because you are going to verify it in the next steps.
  • Now, you need to enter your birthdate. To do that, click on the second line on the page, and select the year, month, and day you were born in the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the checkbox at the bottom of the appeared window. By clicking on this checkbox, it ensures that you accept Minehut’s terms of service and privacy policy. You can read the policies by tapping on the blue text in the sentence at the bottom of the form.
  • Next, click on the “Continue” button on the appearing window.
  • Now, you have to verify your email address. To verify it, open the email address inbox. Then click on the Minehut Account Verification email from “info” and review the 8-character code in the email’s body. Finally, enter the 8-digit code into the “Verify” text box on the Minehut page. Click on the “Continue” button; if the code is correct, you will be taken to the password creation page.
  • On the next window, type your preferred password in the “Choose a password” text box, and retype it to confirm. Click on the “Continue” button to complete your account creation.
  • Now, you have to enter your preferred server name in the middle of the page. Note that your server name must not exceed ten characters, and it cannot contain special characters or spaces. Click on the “Create” button, and as a result, you will be taken to the dashboard.
  • As you enter the dashboard, click on the “Activate” button on the right of your server status. It may take a little time for your server to convert to a high-performance DDoS-protected server.
  • As your server is done, click on the “Continue” button next to the “Online” button.
  • Now, you have to determine your server’s Address in the upper-left corner of the first box at the top of your screen. If you need to stop or restart the server, just click on the red buttons with “Stop” or “Restart” captions at the top of the page. If you want to change your server’s name, click on the blue “Change Name” button below the server address. After entering the new name, click on “Apply.”
  • You can also change the server’s appearance and settings by clicking on the “Appearance” and “Settings” buttons on the page, respectively.
  • If you want to add a plugin to your server, click on the “Plugins” tab in the top-right corner of your screen. Now scroll down and browser plugins to find your desired one, and finally, click on the plugin to install it.
  • If you want to manage your server files, click on the “File Manager” tab in the top-right corner of the screen, and select a file to modify it. You can save a file by clicking on the “Save” button. You can also click on the icon that resembles a cloud to upload a file from your computer.
  • Leave your server dashboard open to adjust your server quickly by minimizing the Minecraft window and maximizing your browser window.
  • Now open Minecraft, which has an icon that resembles a grass block.
  • Click on the green “Play” button on the Minecraft Launcher to launch Minecraft.
  • After that, click on the “Multiplayer” button in the middle of the Minecraft title page. Now, click “Direct Connect” at the bottom of the multiplayer menu in the middle.
  • Finally, enter your server address on the page, and click on the “Join Server” button to connect your server.

You can run the almost same method with other online Minecraft services.

How to get free servers on Minecraft?

If you decide to save your money, there are three main routes to achieve a free Minecraft server; First, you can search the internet ocean, and I am sure there are some dedicated cracked free Minecraft servers for your demand.

Second, you can visit Minecraft service websites that offer a free Minecraft server for you (such as Alternos and FreeMcServer.net). Although these free servers are too limited in technical specifications, they can certainly meet your basic demands.

As we explained in the previous part, the third pathway is to create a new free Minecraft server. You need to take some time and be patient while working with a free Minecraft server maker.

Where to find free Minecraft server 24/7 hosting?

If you decide to get a free Minecraft server 24/7 hosting, there are many online services on the internet to give you the best plan for you. Here we have collected some of the best free Minecraft servers for 24/7 hosting;

  • Shockbyte

Shockbyte is one of the best and most inexpensive services which offers various plans with an array of RAM sizes per server to fit anyone’s budget. This company offers 12 and a custom plan to customers ranging from 1 (20+ slots) to 16GB RAM (180+ slots).


  1. It creates a subdomain for your server to attract more people to join your game.
  2. It guarantees DDoS protection according to its SLA.
  • Sparked Host

Sparked Host has just made everything easy for users; since their servers use industry-leading hardware, everything has automatically been set up for you, and you can always ask your questions from the support team. Their plans start as low as just $1.00 a month.


  1. they are rated 4.7 / 5 stars on Trustpilot
  2. It guarantees “99.99% network” uptime for you.
  • ScalaCube

No matter here if you are a professional or just a newbie to Minecraft, never forget to try ScalaCube. This platform is aware of users’ demands across its servers, so you get the best network services from them. ScalaCube’s lowest plan starts with 768 MB RAM, 3.4 GHz CPU, and slots for ten players at $2.5/month.


  1. It monitors the players on your server using the configured website and forum.
  2. It offers a 50% discount on the succeeding server you purchase for the first time.
  • Hostinger

If you want to make sure your server is the best one, try Hostinger. This service offers the best Minecraft hosting plan without advanced server and network setup knowledge. Prices range from $8.95 to $29.95 a month, with the highest plan (Enderman) offering 8GB RAM and eight vCPU. 


  1. It has servers across the globe to provide low latency to players wherever they may be.
  2. It protects servers from DDoS through its advanced automated hardware protection.
  • HostHavoc

With an average score of 4.7 stars out of 5.0 on Trustpilot, you can trust HostHavoc definitely. The company’s premium services are available in any region in Europe and the US. You can choose the most inexpensive plan with 1-4 recommended players with 1GB RAM or the most luxurious option with 16GB RAM, allowing expanding your multiplayer game up to 250 players.


  1. It guarantees real person support 24/7 with 15min average response time.
  2. It provides full FTP access alongside a web-based file manager for those who prefer to self-manage.


Thank you for reading this post. Free Minecraft servers always seem exciting, but using premium servers can boost your experience of playing Minecraft. If you need more information, you just need to check the mentioned Minecraft hosting services and know more about their perfect subscription plans.

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How do you breed horses in Minecraft? (2023)

As a player of the sandbox game “Minecraft,” you may need to increase your career speed; the main route is to use a horse, and of course, breed them. In Minecraft, breeding horses is not too complicated unless you have no idea how to do it properly. This brief guide will show you how to breed horses in Minecraft and what you need as material.

Everything about horses is here.

What are the Required Materials to Breed Horses in Minecraft?

Before you start breeding horses, you need two Golden Apples or Golden Carrots. Note that either of them will work, but you have to craft them or buy some from Villagers.

If you want to craft Golden Apples, just follow these steps;

  • First, break some oak or dark oak leaves until you have at least two apples.
  • Now mine some gold, no matter which method you are using.
  • Next, smelt the Gold Nuggets into Gold Ingots.
  • Step four: Go to your crafting table, and place the apple in the middle slot.
  • Now surround the apple with your Gold Ingots.
  • Finally, you can obtain a Golden Apple. You can repeat the process for more Golden Apples as you will need at least two.

To achieve Golden Carrots, you need to use a different method. Follow these steps;

  • First, harvest some carrots from a Village or your home.
  • Now mine some gold, no matter which method you are using.
  • Next, smelt the Gold Nuggets into Gold Ingots.
  • Go to your crafting table, and place the carrot in the middle slot.
  • After that, surround the carrot with Gold Ingots to get a Golden Carrot.
  • You can repeat the process for more Golden Carrots as you will need at least two.

As you prepare the ingredients, it is time to answer the question “How do I breed horses in Minecraft?” in the next section.

How do you breed horses in Minecraft?

You need to find a horse in the game at the next level, and you have to be patient and lucky. Horses can usually be found in plains and savannas, and they typically don’t escape from you.

To start taming horses, you need to follow these steps:

  • First, search for a horse in Minecraft.
  • Next, press the right-click or left trigger button on the horse. Note that the horse, in most cases, will buck you off, but you don’t need to be scared.
  • Repeat the process until the heart starts pumping.
  • Now, you can saddle the horse or breed it. You can feed the horse with wheat, Golden Apples, Golden Carrots, or apples.

Note that horses in Minecraft have a “temper” stat, which ranges from zero to 99. The first time you catch a wild horse, a random temper number is assigned to it, and if you are lucky, you can use the horse if you have a number above 95.

If you don’t tame the horse just after you mount it, you will be bucked off, but the tempered value will rise by five. You can also replace your horse with a donkey, which can be found in herds of two to seven numbers like horses. In fact, both horses and donkeys also have a 20% chance of spawning as a foal.

To breed horses in Minecraft, you just need three seconds, and you will get a foal as a gift after breeding (never forget that you have to mount at least two horses if you are planning for a colt). To start breeding, follow these steps;

  • First, prepare your breeding food.
  • Feed your both horses and wait until they meet each other.
  • Once they meet, they will start mating.
  • As a result, a foal will appear just after two and half seconds.
  • Repeat the process if it is necessary.

If you want to breed some horses again, you will need to wait five minutes. During this duration, horses still belong to you, but if you hold the breeding food, they won’t eat it.

More after, any Animal in Minecraft has a “Love Mode”; they will be turned off after 30 seconds of breeding and not find another horse to breed with. You have to feed your horses again to enter love mode, but there is no need for the five-minute wait.


Thank you for reading. Breeding horses is not a problematic issue to worry about, but you need to learn some tips to do it properly. To breed horses in Minecraft, you just need to mount some wild horses from the plain, give them enough food, and keep them continuously in the “Love Mode” status. So, let’s go and breed some horses for yourself!!!

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How to recover a deleted Roblox account?

Without a doubt, Roblox is one of the most popular sandbox games you can find on this planet, with millions of teenagers and adults playing every day. It has a community where users can participate in games and activities other users have designed and created their own games.

On the other hand, parents are always online predators concerned about them. They can limit Roblox for their children and delete their Roblox account a step further to resolve the problem.

This post will show you how deleting a Roblox account is possible and how to recover a Roblox account quickly.

Also, check out Minecraft versus Roblox.

How to delete a Roblox account?

Converting an active Roblox account to a deleted Roblox account is very easy. However, there is no simple delete button to do that. In general, there are three ways in which you can make a Roblox account into a deleted one:

  • Email support

This is the easiest way you can try to delete an account. Here, you just need to email Roblox’s support staff at info@roblox.com and request it be deleted. Furthermore, to show that the target account belongs to you, you need to write your name, email, and address for ID verification.

  • Customer service

The email process maybe requires being patient to receive a response so that you can take the quicker method. As a result, you can call 888-858-2569 to speak to a representative and ask them to delete your Roblox account.

  • Being absent for a year

Consider that Roblox deletes inactive accounts in order to free up space on its servers to absorb new players. Thus, if you don’t log in to your account for a whole year, the account will be deleted for you.

Can you recover a deleted Roblox account?

Before thinking about deleting a Roblox account, you have to know that recovering a deleted Roblox account is almost impossible. In some cases where misunderstandings have occurred, users have been able to recover their information. But this is not true all time.

Also Read: “How to Trade in Roblox?”

How to recover a deleted Roblox account?

Recovering a deleted Roblox account is something similar to converting a house to its bricks. To start the journey, you can email info@roblox.com; it is improbable that they will deal with the case, but it is worth a shot.

More after that, you can contact customer service to get some information about recovering and ask and see if Roblox still has your saved data on their servers through the customer service link on their site.

This method is also helpful for those people who don’t know which email address was precisely used to create the Roblox account. However, recovering a deleted Roblox account is very difficult, and in general, we have to accept that “Once it is deleted, then it is gone.”


Thank you for reading this post. We have explained three main methods to delete a Roblox account, and to answer the question “how to recover a Roblox account,” we have considered some suggestions. If you still have a problem with one of these two processes, you can contact Roblox’s customer support and ask for help.

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How to make a server for Minecraft? (2023 Guide)

Without a doubt, Minecraft is the most popular online game worldwide, and many kids and adults are playing it every day. In some cases, users want to have their own Minecraft server and invite their friends to their host. This complete guide will teach how to make a server for Minecraft, what is Minecraft cracked servers, and how to make a Minecraft server with friends.

Read more about getting free Minecraft servers, here.

How to make a server for Minecraft on Windows?

How to make a server in Minecraft when you are using your Windows PC? Never mind, you just need to follow these steps to make it easy:

  • First, you need to get the latest version of Java. To access them, open the Windows Control Panel, and under the “Programs” tab, look for Java. Finally, click on the “Update Now” button.
  • Open a command prompt and type “java -version.” You should see a version number. If your version is outdated, you need to install a newer one.
  • Next, choose a location for your Minecraft server files before starting to download the Minecraft servers software. Note that it will create a few configuration files when you first run the server. I recommend having all these files stored in a dedicated folder.
  • Now download and run Minecraft servers software. It will appear as a Java .jar file, so save it to the location you have chosen in the previous step.
  • If you double-click the .jar file to start the server, the server configuration files will be created, which need to be modified before the server functions appropriately.
  • If you look at your files, a text file called eula.txt has been created on your computer. Open this file in a text editor and change eula=false to eula=true. If you don’t accept it, the EULA will prevent you from starting the Minecraft server.
  • Sometimes, users encounter a “Can’t save server properties” on their device when working. If you are one of them, just run the Minecraft server as an administrator by right-clicking the .jar file and selecting the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Now, you need to launch port forwarding on your router; however, it is a considerable security risk for you. If you are hosting a server for players on your local network, you don’t need to worry about port forwarding. On the other hand, if you want to convert your server to a globally-accessible type, you have no other choice.
  • Go to your router’s documentation, and find the instructions on how to configure port forwarding for your device. For Minecraft, you need to forward TCP port 25565. You also have to enter your server’s local IP address as the Output IP or Server IP for the forwarded port. To find your server’s local IP, you can open a command prompt and enter “ipconfig” on it.
  • Now, you need to start the Minecraft server. Open your command prompt and start your server with the following command:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar {server file name} nogui

If you prefer to use the server’s UI, exclude the “nogui” parameter:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar {server file name}

  • Once the server is running, you can invite other people to connect to your server via your local IP address if they are on your home network or by your Public IP if they are not.
  • Finally, players can connect to your Minecraft server. They can connect to your server by this checklist:
  1. Select the “multiplayer” tab in Minecraft.
  2. Click on the “add server” button.
  3. Enter your server name and server address. Your server address is your IP address, followed by port number 25565.
  4. Click on the “Done” button
  5. Finally, Minecraft will connect to the server, and players will click on the “join server” tab on their device.

How to make a server for Minecraft on Linux?

You can also use your Linux device to create your server. If you don’t have any idea how to make a server for Minecraft free in Linux, follow these steps (you will need to connect to your hosting with SSH here);

  • As you use SSH in your host as a router user, enter the following:

apt-cache search OpenJDK

You will see available OpenJDK packages that can install Java. For this example, we will select OpenJDK-8-JDK, which is the OpenJDK 8 Development Kit.

  • Now, update the list of available packages from the remote repositories. Enter the following;

apt-get update

Next, install the selected software package:

apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Click on “Y” when prompted to authorize the required storage space for installation.

  • Create a directory on your host where the Minecraft server files will be saved.
  • You need to download the Minecraft files on your device. Here, run the “wget” command in order to download the Minecraft server files:

wget -O minecraft_server.jar https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.12.2/minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar

  • Now, we need to install and run “screen” so that your server continues to run even when you are not connected:

yum install screen

  • Next, start the Minecraft server. You can alter the “-Xmx” and “-Xms” settings to adjust allocated memory for the Minecraft server. Enter:

java -Xmx512M -Xms512M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

  • To make sure everything is running correctly, you can stop your server, edit the “server. properties” file, and set:


And restart your server. Here, enter your server IP address into the “Minecraft Server Status Checker” to see if it is publicly accessible.

  • Finally, you need to point a domain on your server. Note that you have enough time for up to 24 hours for DNS changes to take effect globally.

How to make a server for Minecraft on Mac?

You maybe ask me, “How do you make a server for Minecraft on Mac?” Well, that is so easy to do; you just need to be patient and follow this guide:

  • You need to have the latest version of Java on your device. If you don’t have it by default, then download it from the internet.
  • Select a location for your Minecraft server files, and create a folder to contain your Minecraft server files.
  • Now download Minecraft server software on your device. It will come as a Java .jar file. Please save it to the location you chose in the previous step.
  • Next, open TextEdit set the format to plain text, and enter the following text:


cd “$(dirname “$0″)”

exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar {server file name} nogui

Save the file as a start. command in the same folder where the server’s .jar file is located.

  • Open the Terminal and grant permissions for the new start. command file. Enter “chmod a+x” with a space after the command. After that, drag and drop the start. command file into the terminal window. Finally, click on the “Enter” button.
  • Now, you need to launch port forwarding on your router; however, it is a considerable security risk for you. If you are hosting a server for players on your local network, you don’t need to worry about port forwarding. On the other hand, if you want to convert your server to a globally-accessible type, you have no other choice.
  • Finally, double-click the “start. command” file you created. As a result, a Terminal window will open, and you will probably see error messages the first time you run the server, which is normal.
  • Once the server is running, you can invite other people to connect to your server via your local IP address if they are on your home network or by your Public IP if they are not.

How to make a Minecraft server with friends?

Now let’s see how to make a Minecraft server with friends. Is there any solution?

To start a server on Minecraft with your friends, you just need to follow these steps:

  • First, find the server files on the internet. You can download the Minecraft server program from the Minecraft official website. Click on the “Minecraft_Server.exe” link, which is under the “Multiplayer server” tab if you are using Windows. If you have a Mac or Linux device, download “minecraft_server.jar.”
  • Now, create a folder with a name like Minecraft Server, and download the server file into it.
  • You should install the latest version of Java. In Windows, enter the “cmd” statement into the box to open the command prompt. Now, type in “java –version” and press the “enter” button. Your Java version must be 1.7 or higher.
  • Next, you need to run the server on your device. In this case, you can access your Minecraft server on the local network and online if you are not a router user. If you are using a router on your network and want to make it accessible online, you have to enable the Port Forwarding option.
  • Now save the file as “start. command”. Open the Terminal, type “chmod A+x” into it, and then drag and drop the start. command file into the Terminal window. Double-click the command file to start the server.
  • Once the server has run for the first time, exit and open the ops.txt file in the Minecraft Server directory. Here, add your username to this file to give yourself administrator privileges.
  • After that, add your friends’ Minecraft usernames to the white-list.txt file in the Minecraft Server directory. As a result, only the usernames listed in this text file will be able to connect to your server.
  • Type “my IP address” into Google, and your external IP address will be shown as the first result. Tell your users to type in their external IP address on the Minecraft multiplayer menu. Please give them your server’s hostname or IP address.
  • You can enable the Port Forwarding option for your server. You can refer to PortFoward.org and follow the written steps on the website to enable it.
  • Some internet providers assign dynamic IPs, which makes connecting to your server more difficult. Here, you have to let people know your new address every time it changes. You can type “my IP address” into Google and note your IP address over a few weeks to see if it is static or dynamic.

Minecraft cracked servers

If you think creating a Minecraft server is something expensive and time-sparing, there are some so-called “cracked” servers that you can use for your job. Here, we have listed some of them for you:

  • Herobrine.org

IP: mc.herobrine.org

  • MineMalia Network 1.8-1.18

IP: play.minemalia.com

  • AloneField

IP: play.alonefield.xyz

  • HylexMC

IP: hylexmc.net

  • DikifiCraft

IP: play.dikifi.com

You can find more Minecraft cracked servers on this website:



Thank you for reading this guide. We have explained how to make a server on Minecraft, either on Linux, Windows, or Mac. After, we can use Minecraft cracked servers to save money and time. If you have any problem with Minecraft servers, you can send a request to Minecraft’s official website and ask for help.

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